Sexual Abstinence


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
its a impatient society, especially when sex is what a french kiss was like 20 years ago. Everyone left right and centre is giving it up for free, having sexual soul ties with everyone. Back in the day commitment from a man was needed at least before sex was exchanged, now a quick date and she feels some sparks she's opening up her legs, and these are the same women who will cry how they can't get a decent man, or "guys just use them for sex".

People are used to instant gratification. We want instant information, via the internet, tv...if we hear about something that happened two days ago and talk/post about it, people say "you're late" lol same for physical satisfaction...they want something, they want it now, without thinking of the consequences.

I'm pro doing you. If a female wants sex from a guy - then go for it, but then don't say "guys just want one thing" - if that's what you're giving, then that's what you're getting and vice versa. If you want a relationship, then work with someone on building a relationship. The physical can wait. If you want the physical off bat, then do what makes you happy, but don't have expectations or assumptions that the other person will be on the same page.

A lot of guys still lie about their intentions, but a lot of dudes are pretty up front. If a guy tells you he's not looking for a relationship right now blah blah but proceeds to flirt or insinuate he wants sex, I take it for what it is: he wants the booty lol I know some girls who think that by having sex, the guy will in turn be more interested and it could lead to a relationship. Relationships aren't about sex for me. Of course, physical attraction and sex are very important, but I don't believe that's the foundation of what keeps someone happy. You have to build an understanding, a tolerance for one another - and a relationship is work...a LOT of don't decide if you're willing to put in work for someone just cause they have good "p*ssy" or "dikk" (excuse my language lol)


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
People are used to instant gratification. We want instant information, via the internet, tv...if we hear about something that happened two days ago and talk/post about it, people say "you're late" lol same for physical satisfaction...they want something, they want it now, without thinking of the consequences.

I'm pro doing you. If a female wants sex from a guy - then go for it, but then don't say "guys just want one thing" - if that's what you're giving, then that's what you're getting and vice versa. If you want a relationship, then work with someone on building a relationship. The physical can wait. If you want the physical off bat, then do what makes you happy, but don't have expectations or assumptions that the other person will be on the same page.

A lot of guys still lie about their intentions, but a lot of dudes are pretty up front. If a guy tells you he's not looking for a relationship right now blah blah but proceeds to flirt or insinuate he wants sex, I take it for what it is: he wants the booty lol I know some girls who think that by having sex, the guy will in turn be more interested and it could lead to a relationship. Relationships aren't about sex for me. Of course, physical attraction and sex are very important, but I don't believe that's the foundation of what keeps someone happy. You have to build an understanding, a tolerance for one another - and a relationship is work...a LOT of don't decide if you're willing to put in work for someone just cause they have good "p*ssy" or "dikk" (excuse my language lol)

Majority of women want commitment, the majority of women can get sex from any guy if they want. However they do not want to feel used like a cheap prostitute or escort when he jets or doesn't call back. As the saying goes though women want hot ice.

Guys lie about their intentions, because you tell women what they want to hear. Back in my :demonic: days, if a broad told me i only sleep with my boyfriend, well i sucked it up put on a happy face and became her boyfriend then once i got what i wanted I detached. Guys who are upfront if the women does not find them attractive right off the bat will be called a "perv", just like if tyson beckford slapped a chicks ass in teh club she'll be like what the and then look behind and be like oh :obama:, but if sees like what the and looks back and sees a tyrone hill type dude without the bread all hell will break loose.

Women can';t tell the difference sadly from guys who actually would be committed to them and may truly care about them and guys that just want sex, in this day and age you can get the milk for free so why rent or buy the cow?

Just because you may be getting a 100 messages on a dating site, have 1000 followers on instagram, dudes honking their horns when you walk by etc. doesn't mean you deserve or will get a faithful guy with his ish in order.

Most people don';t have the strength to be in a relationship, guys letting their girls dress scandalous and going for a girls night at the club, girls letting thier guys hit up strip clubs, no one can be faithful and get bored easily, relationships are dying :obama:


Jun 23, 2013
Well you do have all the signs of a dumb bytch though :ld:

I do to a uneducated fatherless black male who can't properly hold a decent conversation with any type of logic so he results to insults. I put anything on it your mother is or was a hoodrat or bird. Those are usually the ones with sons like yourself.


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
Majority of women want commitment, the majority of women can get sex from any guy if they want. However they do not want to feel used like a cheap prostitute or escort when he jets or doesn't call back. As the saying goes though women want hot ice.

Guys lie about their intentions, because you tell women what they want to hear. Back in my :demonic: days, if a broad told me i only sleep with my boyfriend, well i sucked it up put on a happy face and became her boyfriend then once i got what i wanted I detached. Guys who are upfront if the women does not find them attractive right off the bat will be called a "perv", just like if tyson beckford slapped a chicks ass in teh club she'll be like what the and then look behind and be like oh :obama:, but if sees like what the and looks back and sees a tyrone hill type dude without the bread all hell will break loose.

Women can';t tell the difference sadly from guys who actually would be committed to them and may truly care about them and guys that just want sex, in this day and age you can get the milk for free so why rent or buy the cow?

Just because you may be getting a 100 messages on a dating site, have 1000 followers on instagram, dudes honking their horns when you walk by etc. doesn't mean you deserve or will get a faithful guy with his ish in order.

Most people don';t have the strength to be in a relationship, guys letting their girls dress scandalous and going for a girls night at the club, girls letting thier guys hit up strip clubs, no one can be faithful and get bored easily, relationships are dying :obama:

True...I have a girlfriend who wants to have casual sex, but deep down she really doesn't cause she can't handle it...she wants a boyfriend and she knows that. So I've told her several times to stop pretending. She's not only lying to the guy (acting as if she's cool just being fukk buddies, when she's not), but she's lying to herself. Some people aren't cut out for be true to yourself and don't conform to current trends or watch what other people around you are doing.

I think women can tell the difference between someone who just wants to hit it and someone who's more serious, but some don't want to admit it because they so desire to be loved/wanted that they're ignoring the signs.

Messages on dating sites or followers on Instagram are just that. So many dudes can't even write an original message to you, but copy/paste the same crap from one chick to the next...that doesn't give me a false sense of importance, but some girls just love the attention.

Once you're past a certain age, the scandalous clothes need to go. I can't imagine going to a lounge or dinner somewhere and running into a client or someone I know from work, with my ass hanging out of short shorts or breasts falling into my dinner plate lol I'd actually be cool with my man going to a strip club if it's for a bachelor party or something - I don't get too hung up on that stuff - but spending cash to see other chicks strip for you on the regular? Nah. Go date a stripper then. :comeon:

By the way, these are the best smileys ever haha


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I do to a uneducated fatherless black male who can't properly hold a decent conversation with any type of logic so he results to insults. I put anything on it your mother is or was a hoodrat or bird. Those are usually the ones with sons like yourself.

why bash all black males though?

Rusty Kuntz

It be ya own peoples, huh?
Nov 13, 2012
Myself. fukk 12(1)!
sexless marriages is a concern. Many women will be freaks doing every little thing prior then once they get that ring, im tired hunny etc.
Sexless marriages make no sense to me; people start drifting apart, and then wonder why. Sex isn't everything, but it helps with the intimacy between two people (usually).

I understand being tired but hell, I still want sex, even if I am tired. A headache ain't never stopped me from sexing; I just make sure I take an Advil beforehand.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Abstinence would be going too far, in my case, but I realized recently, that casual sex doesn't do anything for me, in terms of release or enjoyment, it just makes me feel worse, to be truthful, laying there naked with someone you aren't even really interested in, or in worse scenarios, someone who you have little respect for, or who annoys you, or you consider immature, or whatever. At least be with someone who I am interested in spending time with after, and talking too, and vice versa. I am kind of envious of my friends who pursue it with a relentless and crazed intensity, and it seems to work for them, for now, at least. Sex without intimacy/feelings, on both sides just hasn't really interested me in sometimes, combine that with a definite LACK of a women fits that, who I am sleeping with, and I guess you get a form of abstinence, without the gratification and self righteousness, that may accompany it.


Jun 23, 2013
You have no reason to be bitter, but black men aren't your preference because of your past experience with 1 or 2 black men?
Textbook bitterness, with a dash of self hate ma'am.

But I know I know :troll:

Okay! I guess you have to make sense of it. Truth hurts, doesn't it? The worse experience I've ever had was with a Hispanic man and I would still date a Hispanic in a heart beat. I stand by what I said a 100% because it's true.


All Star
Jun 2, 2012
It's been about 2 months and by choice I'm just chillin..I was in a relationship for 5 years and 2 years after I was still seeing my ex :damn: ...It's hard, but it's weird how I let sex control me :lupe: