Because I have a son and brothers, that’s why I stand for mine you dumb cacasian stanning bytch. Damn fukkin right I’m going to gatekeep- bc I don’t appreciate you trying to infiltrate with your reject bird babble . and if I ever catch a ‘female’ of your type trying to cause problems bringing that energy to my son or brothers in real life, my level of “crazy”
would be the least of your concerns.
Unlike your brand of daddy issues having bust down unpicked and plucked leftover bytches who can’t control your need to project and blame black men as a whole, for what you fail to hold yourself accountable for as an individual. I was brought up to respect black men. I know that you don’t have the intellectual capacity of discernment which is why you make blanket assumptions as your condone white supremacist superiority false narratives to push. Notice this c00nette cac aligned wench referring to black men as “wicked”^^ .
The more you talk, the more that your real intentions are shown on display.

Better tag in your Asian boy
@Stir Fry so y’all can link up in chat rooms to figure out how to have me banned like y’all usually do.