Trips to Dubai with her man's man and them... okHappy wife, Happy life .. I guess.
BlackedPages’ Pearl’s Bestie ^^^^
Trips to Dubai with her man's man and them... okHappy wife, Happy life .. I guess.
The thread where she Inadvertently outed her friend in a yacht sailing in Dubai with nothing but men, driving the boat
She really thought that she was proving something too
TKO that thot!!
She never recovered from that. And mind you, this was long before Kevin Samuels came to the scene.
She went from BBL expert to the sexpert, trying to agitate the forum telling y’all what you need to doYou was the one who told me
We had misunderstanding and you popped off on me wouldn’t even take my apology
“Don’t ever compare me to that stripper bed wench” I was likeplease tell me more
my relative's wife went to Santo Domingo too smh, you lucky you alive cause it's risky. you can either come back with a banging body or body that is purple like if it was burned or bruised or just simply be dead.
It's not anymore risky than getting surgery in the US. You have to research your doctors. I was part of a Facebook group (still am) for my doctor. It was full of past and present patients. I am sorry about what happend to your relative but not every doctor is bad. Research is key and even then it's surgery.
Self hating lazy bum bytch for butt enhancement advocate. This is who thinks of herself as in position to distribute advice ,^^^ BlackPearl = the coli’s Synthentic OGThe DR is mad cheap. My whole trip (surgery, flight, meds, food, room and board etc was only 3K.
As far as the gym having the same results...no hell no. The BBL changed my body shape. I went from being a ruler to an hour glass. It also changed the way my body gains weight. I use to gain in my stomach and then thighs. Now b/c of the lipo I don't gain in my stomach at all NONE. I don't even get bloated anymore. My stomach is flat as a board. Something I would have never been able to achieve without being super skinny.
I’m hurtShe’s literally married to a cac in real life but still comes in here to pop off.
Guess that snow wasn’t whiter on the other side since she seems to still seek validation via complaints about her situation from a forum of black men that she could choose not to post up on, when we really know that she settled as the last resort because none of y’all chose her to wife. #Blamenism
Oh wait - her husband is “olive complexion” with curly hair so he’s not ‘that’ white
I have a small frame and the women in my family gain weight in their stomachs. I wanted to gain weight but knew if I did it would go to my tummy. I decided to get it so I wouldn't have to worry about it being fat honestly.
When I got the surgery I had a lot of muscle and very little fat. I just told her to make my butt as big as possible but I didn't think I'd get much. It was more about maintaining a permanent flat stomach.
So glad I got it. The surgery went well and all the transfer fat held up crazy well. Probably because I was so healthy when I got the surgery. I look good. It feel great. I gained the weight I wanted. My butt is probably a little too big but honestly it's hard for me to tell because I still see the small person in the mirror.
If I work out or eat right now it's for health. It's actually very liberating knowing that you don't have to constantly worry about being attractive.
Since the surgery one of my friends got it just because she loved my results and another is going to get it within the next year.
Also I did 6 months worth of research and went to a great doctor so I was very confident going in. It's been like 6 years now.
Another thing . I never claimed that black men are perfect , I’ve always been fair and honest and I’ve criticized a lot of shyt brehs do and got ZERO pushback
But the minute you talk about black queens you suddenly hate your mother and a sell out
But they have no problems talking about y’all
When I noticed that pattern i started to question are you nikkas brainwashed or just hate yourself? Maybe both![]()
This chick has a whole GaYsian-looking man in her avi asking this question … who recruited you?Why can’t people have their opinion on a discussion board without people calling them different names and discrediting them.
fukk them hoes...As a 2022 coli member something that’s come to my attention is how disrespectful the female posters are allowed to talk about black men
Sometimes it’s like am I on Lipstick alley right now ?
And you simp ass nikkas be upvoting it too . Are you that pressed to have women you’ll never met on this site
This morning @™BlackPearl The Empress™
Spent 13 pages shytting on black men in response to article that had NOTHING to do with black men , race wasn’t even mentioned. And I was sitting confused like why is this allowed .
You got posters like @Peachstate saying black women are stupid for being race loyal
Another example as a long time lurker that’s happy to be here previously I could only see trending threads which was pretty much always celebrities and etc. seeing y’all cackling with @Ashley Banks for YEARS and getting on this site and learning that she’s a black men hating wench really fukking blew my mindand that’s just a few off the top of my head
Why is this allowed ?![]()
Im guessing you barely pushed then.
The women have kept tight lipped as yall bashed black women for long enough. We asked yall nicely to stop the oppression and degredation of the black womans image to no avail. You failed to oblige,even for the sensabilities of women of thecoli who have had yalls backs for a decade strong
The righteous black men of this forum are happy to see the women finally stop coddling yall grown ass men and tell yall the truth where it applies. But please be clear,we are indifferent and righteously unnaffected
Any black man worth his salt is too busy building. We hear our women and their complaints,bur currently all we can do is put a pin in it.
We are currently not in a place where we can tell black women who dont want to hear shyt,anything. Living in a zoo created by the European. We are working for free for the European banks that fund our oppression. Live in a country where white race soldiers can be called to throw us in jail for breathing. Crying and complaining about black womens post using the Europeans internet and phones. Sorry black women,I cant tell yall nothing right now. Go ask your other husband,the European and see what he says. I only have say among the women who respect me and follow my example#RenderUntoCeasar
Oh I see they let that banned poster @Benefited back in the building. @Still Benefited whats good, you rapey lame - you haven’t been pressuring any chicks into sex with your gun on the dresser in your absence huh??
——I’m not a former poster and I’m not even a swirler so you are wrong twice.Park Solomon isn’t gay from what I know but it’s easy to think that when a man is more beautiful than you.
Their body is real and even if they did get a bbls some white guys like big butts too.
Unless you are a white man, why would this post concern you? It's no different than seeing those creepy YouTube videos on how to get a white or Asian woman.