Cats will continue to ignore this.
This board is comprised almost entirely of males; females are a distant minority on here.
Yet we're supposed to believe a few select female posters of an already small demographic are the ones responsible for pushing the
anti-BM rhetoric on this board, when every other thread you have brothas [racially] shaming one another for their political affiliations, what music they like, what women they like, what sports they like, what food they like and everything else under the sun. Yet supposedly a handful of female posters are the ones raising hell on here, responsible for all the racial unrest. These cats don't even realize they're only telling on themselves by projecting their hate for women that they believe females are the cause of all this.
Or are we supposed to believe if all females were suddenly banned from this board, nobody would be going around calling each other c00n and testing each other's [Black] manhood to gain some meaningless currency [daps and recognition from strangers]?
The most hilarious part of it all is: these supposed few women have got all these
hyper-masculine, alpha, keyboard militant ass nxggas crying on an anonymous msgboard. I saw one post in here that said this thread should be used as an governing tool that folks can copy and paste suspect posts and everyone can come to an agreement to have them reported (i.e. Karen behavior).
The comedy writes self.
You speak of comedy writing itself, your entire post is a strawman.
1. a few select female posters of an already small demographic are the ones responsible for pushing the anti-BM rhetoric on this board
Quote me suggesting a few select female posters are responsible for pushing
ALL (cause that's what you are suggesting) the anti-BM rhetoric on this board in a manner that suggests only women do it.
2. when every other thread you have brothas [racially] shaming one another for their political affiliations, what music they like, what women they like, what sports they like, what food they like and everything else under the sun
Quote me doing this or supporting it. It's funny because you are speaking to someone that has on multiple occasions called for the banning of any members supporting any right wing rhetoric, that's one of these most aggressive pushes for censorship that you will find on this site. A majority of left leaning people here would take issue with my take on deplatofmring, it's incredibly aggressive, maybe the tankies would love it.
3. These cats don't even realize they're only telling on themselves by projecting their hate for women that they believe females are the cause of all this.
Quote me having hate towards women. I have engaged with female philosophical literature, I have constantly highlighted the issues women go through in modern society, have highlighted the reasons for why women should be favored in the court system regarding marriage, I have supported women being properly represented in all forms of media. I can go on and on, my thoughts on women are significantly more nuanced and flushed out than you could ever dream of having beyond outright majoring in philosophy with a concentration on feminist philosophy.
As bad as it sounds, I can argue in defense of women better than most women could, in fact, search me on philosophy and you will see me championing rhetoric that supports the inclusion of women into philosophy for this very reason, which is simply because we don't have enough female philosophers.
4. Or are we supposed to believe if all females were suddenly banned from this board, nobody would be going around calling each other c00n and testing each other's [Black] manhood to gain some meaningless currency [daps and recognition from strangers]?
Quote me saying this.
5. The most hilarious part of it all is: these supposed few women have got all these hyper-masculine, alpha, keyboard militant ass nxggas crying on an anonymous msgboard.
Quote me supporting hyper-masculinity, "alpha", and being a keyboard militant.
6. I saw one post in here that said this thread should be used as an governing tool that folks can copy and paste suspect posts and everyone can come to an agreement to have them reported (i.e. Karen behavior).
That was me... Now I want you to provide the argument that supports allowing comments that are anti-bm to continue being posted on this site. It's like you imagine a world where I don't do the same for men on this site, in fact, if you quote on me on this topic, I am more often calling out men to be banned than women. But you either hold to one of two positions on this matter:
1. There are
no BW bashing BM on this site
2. There are
(>0) BW bashing BM on this site.
Which is it? If "1", I can easily find proof if you define "bashing" first because I would expect you to move goalposts. If "2", then explain to me why that rhetoric shouldn't be banned and it's "karen behavior" to report this but not "karen behavior" to support men being banned for sexism, racism, etc?
Make that contradiction make sense.
Now on to the strawman, you take all of that nonsense above and attach it to anyone with a grievance towards offenses that should be bannable on a predominantly black site. You don't see the issue with that? I constantly clarified that it was only a select few posters, I constantly clarified that I was not interested in this becoming a haven for black men to trash black women.
I HAVE BEEN CONSISTENT ON THIS ISSUE FOR LONGER THAN YOU STARTED COSPLAYING LIBERAL ETHICS. So I don't know what the fukk you are talking about, if you take issue with a specific poster, quote that poster next time, like I'm doing to you right now, instead of creating all of these well-poisoning traits, and assigning them to everyone in a scattershot, that isn't a way to engage in good faith, at all.
People like yourself do the left a disfavor with your dishonesty. And if you weren't talking about me, be specific with your wording next time, although the last portion of you post definitely pertains to me, I do want your argument against that beyond calling it "karen behavior", I can't wait for the argument that supports hateful rhetoric existing on a platform, I honestly can't wait for that take.