Sit Fido sit. I can teach an old cokehead bytch to stay trained in his lane:Guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks
I changed my mind I’m bored and I got time today. I haven’t done any coke in a few weeks maybe a couple but I’ll wait until the end of the month to go on another binge w/ the dope fiend homies

This cac can’t even have social skills without being on drugs and alcohol. The male version of @NotaPAWG. Aka @biscuitsnbangedout (word to @RehReh

Outside of the internet, weed. I smoke religiously and start to feel crazy after like 12+ hours of not smoking like I can’t function normally, I don’t like talking or anything if I’m too sober. I won’t call my sexual desires an addiction but it is really peculiar and can be considered intense. I’m not addicted to other drugs I only do the other drugs socially. Case in point I got an8 ball of coke I haven’t even tested to see if it’s good. If I have a bottle of liquor it’ll last me a month or so if I drink it myself. Porn is ok not the best thing in the world and I hate online dating so I’m the opposite of op in that regard.