This thread is The Coli at its best. Entertaining & relatable topic, OP isn't judgmental while setting the tone, fun and informative information shared, bro-science and old wives tales (without the trolling) to keep the levity, and jokes and replies but no disrespect. Just dudes shootin' the shıt.
We may only get it right 3 or 4 times a year, but this is why I Coli
Regardless of y'all diet, lemme leave y'all some fly knowledge.

'Cause you are what you eat,
You eat what you can
You pray to bless the food
But first you wash your hands
To wash away them bad spirits
Don't bring it in your home
Once you let them in they stayin'
Evil be gone, say it
I'm proud of Mase for givin' himself to the Lord
Wonderin' does Faith
Think about Big anymore
Of course my nikkaa Horse got married
See shyt is changin'
We ain't these little nikkas no more
Runnin' dangerous
I like to bone
I'm a peaceful brother
Eat 'em so much the girls
Call me seafood lover
Be havin' they legs shakin'
Stab 'em, break 'em
I'm Hercules Hercules when havin' relations
The flyest
Y'all eat good now. One.