they got to stop charging 70 for games though
yeah it will work because everything is new it's next gen
that's why they have generic ass Godfall at 70
but that won't be sustainable IMO
most likely the hardcore people will pay the 70 (plus tax making it about 75) for a game no matter how generic it is while everyone else waits for sales so they can buy the game at the value they think it's worth
That’s what they’re banking on though. The digital is priced so aggressively because when they have you in the ecosystem they take the whole piece. Look at sales on psn and Xbox versus Nintendo. I don’t think they’ll get rid of the crazy constant sales and deals and instead front load on the hardcore while scooping from the frugal over time. The tails on sales worked real well for them this gen unless they go too greedy.
Roll plus and now together to keep is spicy. Keep the relationship with your indies and mid range like Devolver to bless the casual and hardcore with some day one launchers on the service and plot the next move.