Seems that a lot of men have lost their virginities at a young age to significantly older women


Sep 10, 2015
There's a reason why boys and girls especially in the black community are so overly sexualized starting from young ages. A lot of them were taken advantage of sexually at young ages. That's why it's not rare for a dude to have ran trains on chicks with his homeboys when he was just 14-15. Or for some boy that's like 12 experiment with a girl and her cousin. Same goes for little girls, letting random dudes run trains on them, bust in their face one after the other etc.

People who were molested at a young age either become over-sexualized or they become very sexually repressed. A lot of this shyt goes down when kids are unsupervised ie sleep overs or left alone where they shouldn't be ie that aunt or uncle's house. Can't trust baby sitters or teachers either. It's like these people purposely choose these occupations to prey on children.


Sep 10, 2015
Omg, and you're black? black american?

Is she still friends with the lady?

What did your mom say about it?

Does the lady have kids?

Yeah I'm black. Mother and the lady long since moved away from one another so they dont talk much since its been decades; but they were still mild associates when I told her. Mom didn't say much of anything. There was an initial "What did you say" like she was pissed, but then just "thank you for being honest" and then nothing. Back at the time I told my mother about this I was just happy she didn't go crazy and take it out on me. Her lack of response to it didn't actually begin to upset me until I was much older. And this woman had kids, me and her 3 sons were friends. Her and my mom would hang out and she would watch us while my mom went to school.


Sep 10, 2015
My mom was so overprotective of me as a child and still is today even tho I'm 23. She stay telling me she'll cut some old bytch for trying to corrupt me. :heh:

But yeah this does happen a lot. Most dudes I know lost their virginities to older women who took advantage of them sexually. :manny: Even for me personally I've had experiences with it. Had female teachers tell me as a teen that if I were a few years older or if she were my age it would be :shaq: Had one who said she wanted to take me home :whew: She looked good but that's besides the point. The females in my family were mad af when I told them that :lolbron:
BRUH this exact same shyt happened to me but I had teachers that actually tried to sex me since my sophomore year in high school. My spanish teacher and my english teacher. Junior year my english, math teacher, AND spanish teacher. Senior year didn't really happen but my math teacher would stare at me in class. I remember the first day of class I felt someone staring at me, and it's her. Staring at me hard af, then I see her husband giving me dirty looks (he taught at the school too and his class was in the room next door).

This shyt still happens to me this day in college. Got damn married women out here don't give a damn about their families breh :dead: Was taking a final the other day in a huge ass auditorium room and my sexy ass professor kept coming to where I was and glancing at me. People sitting around me were like "wtf?!" If she wasn't married, I would def smash though, that body is SOMETHING ELSE! :noah:

Shoot I remember in community college one of my professors asked me in class in front of everyone (not loud but enough for the people sitting in the front could hear) if I found her attractive. I remember one day she randomly grabbed on my arm and started feeling up on me :martin:. I'm sitting down, she's standing up and she's massaging my biceps as she's talking to me. :mindblown:. I've also had grown men try shyt with me, which I'm not gonna share because that shyt pisses me off and I'm not comfortable sharing that shyt.

I was a pretty boy growing up so I'm glad I never had no older women try shyt with me until I came into my teens where I was wise enough not to do anything.

Oh here's a funny one. I remember my pre calc professor back in community college. It was a middle aged black lady. She would stare at me in class, but when we had a final I ended up being the last one in the class (i like to take my time and go over my answers). So when I was the last person in the class she immediately got up, opened and left the door open and starting acting cold as if I was tryna get at her :rudy:
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Nov 19, 2013
Yeah I'm black. Mother and the lady long since moved away from one another so they dont talk much since its been decades; but they were still mild associates when I told her. Mom didn't say much of anything. There was an initial "What did you say" like she was pissed, but then just "thank you for being honest" and then nothing. Back at the time I told my mother about this I was just happy she didn't go crazy and take it out on me. Her lack of response to it didn't actually begin to upset me until I was much older. And this woman had kids, me and her 3 sons were friends. Her and my mom would hang out and she would watch us while my mom went to school.
She had sons? :gag:
Did she do it to the other boys as well?


Sep 10, 2015
It's true. The only Men against it or have something negative to say didn't get any or much growing up.

And if he did then he's on a Platform of some sort lookin for a Meal Ticket.

When it comes to the Women. They're usually just "Concerned" Mothers attesting to their Emotions. Like Mothers do when it comes to their Child/ren.

I'm serious. Saying something like this is wrong is just pandering to something or tryna make yourself seem "high and mighty" like a " goody two shoes ".

There's nothing wrong with Female " predators ", if you wanna call them that. They help Young Boys with issues of Self get alot out their system.

Books are designed to help you put things in perspective in a certain light, or help create a picture for you within it's box.

If one were to take NO side and gather all of the info from both arguments then it's clear how being against it is not only detrimental to that Man's development but also a pretty ridiculous Cause to take up :patrice:

The only people who really get hurt are the Jealous Boys that didn't get invited to the party or didn't get the full ride that they expected or wanted
nikka WTF?! BRUH! :mindblown:. Bruh I'm scratching my head right now wondering how you can come up with this bullshyt. What business does a grown ass woman have with a young boy? What if infections, diseases, pregnancy comes into the picture? The woman and the boy aren't even at the same level mentally, emotionally, physically, psychologically etc. There's a reason why these predator women buy these boys gifts and supply them with weed or alcohol. FOH with that bullshyt bro.

The psychological affects molestation and rape has on people especially children is forever daunting. Those female sexual predators were probably victims of sexual predators themselves. There's nothing cool about it. They are robbing the boy of his innocence. Fukk it.. I'm done here.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
BRUH this exact same shyt happened to me but I had teachers that actually tried to sex me since my sophomore year in high school. My spanish teacher and my english teacher. Junior year my english, math teacher, AND spanish teacher. Senior year didn't really happen but my math teacher would stare at me in class. I remember the first day of class I felt someone staring at me, and it's her. Staring at me hard af, then I see her husband giving me dirty looks (he taught at the school too and his class was in the room next door).

This shyt still happens to me this day in college. Got damn married women out here don't give a damn about their families breh :dead: Was taking a final the other day in a huge ass auditorium room and my sexy ass professor kept coming to where I was and glancing at me. People sitting around me were like "wtf?!" If she wasn't married, I would def smash though, that body is SOMETHING ELSE! :noah:

Shoot I remember in community college one of my professors asked me in class in front of everyone (not loud but enough for the people sitting in the front could hear) if I found her attractive. I remember one day she randomly grabbed on my arm and started feeling up on me :martin:. I'm sitting down, she's standing up and she's massaging my biceps as she's talking to me. :mindblown:. I've also had grown men try shyt with me, which I'm not gonna share because that shyt pisses me off and I'm not comfortable sharing that shyt.

I was a pretty boy growing up so I'm glad I never had no older women try shyt with me until I came into my teens where I was wise enough not to do anything.

Oh here's a funny one. I remember my pre calc professor back in community college. It was a middle aged black lady. She would stare at me in class, but when we had a final I ended up being the last one in the class (i like to take my time and go over my answers). So when I was the last person in the class she immediately got up, opened and left the door open and starting acting cold as if I was tryna get at her :rudy:
Teachers be that shyt bruh :whew:


Sep 10, 2015
I was molested by a female baby sitter. I was around 3 or 4 years old. She made me lay on her naked body. She was very bossy. She had really huge breasts and looked like a Young Pam Brier. But we didn't have sex etc. All I did was lay on her. shyt was weird and uncomfortable cause I didn't understand what was going on. As a result it made me shy around women to the point where I didn't lose my virginity until I was 22 and even then that experience was like...I had been passing up p*ssy left and right and even told women I was waiting for marriage. But this sister was a Leo and fresh out of prison.

After that I didn't have sex for 11 years. I think that experience when I was a child really fukked with me psychologically and made me miss lots of opportunities in life. I am the definition of a late bloomer. It wasn't until after the third person I had sex with I completely lost my shyness. But even though it happened I am not bitter and glad that I didn't become like my father and grandfather who have 10+ kids. The pimpin is in my genes but I've learned to control it through nofap and just being smart about who I associate with.
god damn son. Get the help you need breh.

I'm serious.


- 8ball Investments™ CEO -
May 18, 2015
nikka WTF?! BRUH! :mindblown:. Bruh I'm scratching my head right now wondering how you can come up with this bullshyt. What business does a grown ass woman have with a young boy? What if infections, diseases, pregnancy comes into the picture? The woman and the boy aren't even at the same level mentally, emotionally, physically, psychologically etc. There's a reason why these predator women buy these boys gifts and supply them with weed or alcohol. FOH with that bullshyt bro.

The psychological affects molestation and rape has on people especially children is forever daunting. Those female sexual predators were probably victims of sexual predators themselves. There's nothing cool about it. They are robbing the boy of his innocence. Fukk it.. I'm done here.

Argument sounds good in writing but weak in real life. It means nothing and you know it :mjlol:


Sep 10, 2015
Something is wrong with you nikkas.

Thinking sex is hard for a 5 year old boy to turn down?

A 5 year old ain't thinking about that shyt WTF?!

If I wasn't wise at a young age, I would have been taken advantage of by so many older women growing up it's crazy.

Teachers, women at church, family friends, etc.

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
A lot of nikkas lowkey got raped by female pedophiles but since it's a double standard majority of people don't care.

this was me, pretty much.

Older girl beat the shyt out of me then held me down and rode me while I was laid out, bleeding and confused.

Nobody gave a shyt. :yeshrug:

Consequence was it was prolly what made me a pain slut and what made my brain equate physical fighting with pleasure.

:jbhmm: this is prolly my third time talking about this on here, but this is the FIRST time I realized it prolly was also the reason I would fold up and cave around angry women for most of my life.

I know a lot of gorilla pimps and human traffickers let girls get repeatedly raped to instill a sense of powerlessness in them.

:patrice: If that's the case, being that my family mostly consists of bitter ass man hating women, it's a small wonder no one gave a shyt.

That's.... interesting. :jbhmm:

Very interesting, indeed. :mjcry:

Prince Mongo

Aug 11, 2015
Ashlar Hall, Memphis
I think I said on the first page sis, that it's a battle not worth fighting. A lot are fukked up in the head. Sexual abuse does pretty irrefutable damage to children growing up, girls accept it, boys neglect it because they are taught to.

Little story:

I had a guy tell me he was raped by his moms best friend and her daughter (he was.. I knew the girl..her older sister dated one of my older brothers and we used to hang out all the time despite her being like 7 years older than chick) and I tried to tell him maybe that's the reason he was 4 baby mommas in at 19 (yeah I told you these nikkas are severely damaged). He cursed me out and told me he's just a straight male that loves p*ssy. I told him that being hypersexual is a mans way of coping, along with unneeded aggression, he told me I didn't know men and got upset and really peaced out on me. Literally last I checked he's in jail for trying to run over one of his women. I knew the real him tho. A sweet boy who didn't know how to cope with what happened to him. His mom and his auntie beat the breaks off her friend who was in her damn 40's and the daughter lives out here in LA so they told me if I ever see her to pop the trunk on her..but why should I if the nikka didn't even think he was a victim? He has all girls but no doubt if he had boys he'd try to get them raped too.

Moral of the story: It did something to me when he told me that in confidence, you can tell he was holding back tears. I went home and cried. But guess what? The next day at school he told everybody I sucked his dikk. Lol no lie. He was literally sitting on my floor telling me this while I was sitting on my bed then went back to school and sexualized me. My twin bros put something on him tho

:flabbynsick: I know you didn't ask for this but I wanted to share cuz I never told anybody the full story

Complete with the dikk sucking rumors :sadbron:
Playing with the wrong nikka's insecurities will get you smacked, if not your ass blown off, eventually. shyt ain't cool what you're saying, real talk. You sound like a real untrustworthy piece of shyt irl, I'm just being real with you. Any nikka that knows you shouldn't tell you shyt about their personal lives. shyt ain't remotely cool smh. Weird ass bytch
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- 8ball Investments™ CEO -
May 18, 2015
Something is wrong with you nikkas.

Thinking sex is hard for a 5 year old boy to turn down?

A 5 year old ain't thinking about that shyt WTF?!

If I wasn't wise at a young age, I would have been taken advantage of by so many older women growing up it's crazy.

Teachers, women at church, family friends, etc.

I don't remember much from when I was 5 but everybody knew about "private parts". And if you saw the school I went to then it would blow your mind.

Sexuality reaches children at a very young age, whether Adults wanna fathom that or not.

That Sexual Therapist had a good idea on how to teach kids about it.

But saying that Young Men are somehow Raped or Coerced into Sexual Activities that are with Older females is a lie. Even if the chick is Thirsty there's still a choice, if not just an " unwilling" curiosity acted out on the guy's part.

Boys love it, and some Women are curious about it. Let em live. McDonald's needing to sell more Cheaper & Healthier food is more serious than this. Seriously


May 1, 2012
BRUH this exact same shyt happened to me but I had teachers that actually tried to sex me since my sophomore year in high school. My spanish teacher and my english teacher. Junior year my english, math teacher, AND spanish teacher. Senior year didn't really happen but my math teacher would stare at me in class. I remember the first day of class I felt someone staring at me, and it's her. Staring at me hard af, then I see her husband giving me dirty looks (he taught at the school too and his class was in the room next door).

This shyt still happens to me this day in college. Got damn married women out here don't give a damn about their families breh :dead: Was taking a final the other day in a huge ass auditorium room and my sexy ass professor kept coming to where I was and glancing at me. People sitting around me were like "wtf?!" If she wasn't married, I would def smash though, that body is SOMETHING ELSE! :noah:

Shoot I remember in community college one of my professors asked me in class in front of everyone (not loud but enough for the people sitting in the front could hear) if I found her attractive. I remember one day she randomly grabbed on my arm and started feeling up on me :martin:. I'm sitting down, she's standing up and she's massaging my biceps as she's talking to me. :mindblown:. I've also had grown men try shyt with me, which I'm not gonna share because that shyt pisses me off and I'm not comfortable sharing that shyt.

I was a pretty boy growing up so I'm glad I never had no older women try shyt with me until I came into my teens where I was wise enough not to do anything.

Oh here's a funny one. I remember my pre calc professor back in community college. It was a middle aged black lady. She would stare at me in class, but when we had a final I ended up being the last one in the class (i like to take my time and go over my answers). So when I was the last person in the class she immediately got up, opened and left the door open and starting acting cold as if I was tryna get at her :rudy:
:troll: every bytch u ever met and came in contact wit wanted u huh bro? :troll::troll::troll::troll::troll:

:mjcry:I wish I was pretty