Secret Invasion on Disney Plus starring Samuel L Jackson (out June 21st)

En Sabah Nur

The First
May 10, 2012
Survival of the fittest
Y'all just going to have to accept that all these multi-episode shows and films that are being made almost concurrent aren't going to have CGI as good as when Marvel Studios was only putting out 1 or 2 projects per year :francis:

The show overall was alright to me, but no need to rewatch. Doing a Secret Invasion story devoid of 90% of the actual characters involved had me not expecting much from jump

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
Y'all just going to have to accept that all these multi-episode shows and films that are being made almost concurrent aren't going to have CGI as good as when Marvel Studios was only putting out 1 or 2 projects per year :francis:

The show overall was alright to me, but no need to rewatch. Doing a Secret Invasion story devoid of 90% of the actual characters involved had me not expecting much from jump
Yeah man my problem with this is this Skrull storyline cannot be done in 6 episodes this needs to be an Infinity War Saga

We had no Norman Osbourne :mindblown:

No Fantastic Four

No Black Bolt

No Illuminati

Only 3 minutes of the Super Skrull

You can’t do this story in 6 episodes they needed to build this up like the Thanos Infinity Stones shyt with more characters

I don’t care about CGI like ya‘ll nikkas do though :russ:

Spidey Man

Jun 1, 2012
The President and the US military shooting Skrulls was more interesting than anything else on the show. The governments of the world fighting a secret war against the Skrulls should have been the main plot.

I also love how this show had the best batch of actors in a marvel show and they did nothing with it


May 25, 2022
I'm not even sure it's necessarily the CGI. Which is mediocre but wouldn't change things if it was great. I think it's yet again just terrible writing.

Because Fury not being given much to do, Rhodey being a skrull since at least Civil War? Which makes everything that's happened after that irrelevant, Maria getting bushed for no reason, etc...adds up to a poorly done show.

Also I was watching that dude Campea and he put it pretty well by saying that it was idiotic that they would give that skrull all the powers of the avengers plus Thanos. To make an overpowered godlike being.

Because now they're the most powerful person in the MCU who can defeat anyone and they did it probably because of lazy writing and it's now yet another problem they have to fix by ensuring that she loses her powers somehow.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
I’ll reiterate that the biggest problem with this stuff is that it’s releasing with too big of a gap in between everything

When we got Iron Man we never went more than 2-3 years without seeing him up until he died and the story was tight without too many characters.

Shang Chi was a big hit and who the fukk knows when we’ll see him again.

It will have been almost 5 years since we’ve seen Carol on the big screen and same for Sam when his movie releases
The problem isn’t one particular event or reason. It started in 2017 with the Disney/Fox acquisition. Months before infinity war was going to come out. Which sucked because anybody with sense knew the x-men were never going to interact with the current avengers team. The deal was finalized shortly before end game dropped.

Then there’s End Game itself. The movie literally ended the saga but it also ended with no setup to anything else. Nothing. Spider Man Far From Home drops and then the pandemic comes and a full year goes by and everything is pushed back.

Because of the pandemic with Disney + launched, fans were demanding more original content, more frequently. Which is a problem because Marvel is a singular institution so it’s kinda hard to budget and put out quantity without sacrificing quality. Which is why the quality from the shows in 2021 doesn’t match most of what was put out in 2022.

Then Chadwick Boseman dies. Which basically changed Wakanda’s trajectory in the entire MCU. BP and Wakanda was poised to have a prominent role but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore which is sad.

The man you have the deadlines. With multiple projects going on and all of them having tight deadlines, quality suffered.

And to your point, the gaps in shows that connect to movies is also a problem. multiverse of madness would’ve hit harder if it dropped closer to the end of Wandavision. The same with Ant-Man and Loki.

Then there were a lot of changes that were made on the fly. To the point now you have actors that don’t even know if they’re still in the MCU.

Iger coming back and changing things. People leaving, people getting fired.

I can honestly understand why Feige hasn’t pushed for the Fantastic 4 or X-Men yet. At this point the current iteration of the MCU isn’t stable. And it’s not like you can reboot it.

This is uncharted territory. Fury has been in the MCU since 2008. It’s 2023 and he’s still in it. Same with Rhodey. We’ve never gone thru shyt like this before. Some people have outgrown the MCU and comic book movies/shows in general. The market isn’t the same. Going to the movies in general has changed.
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Y'all just going to have to accept that all these multi-episode shows and films that are being made almost concurrent aren't going to have CGI as good as when Marvel Studios was only putting out 1 or 2 projects per year :francis:
No...I don't. I will reject a movie or show it looks ugly, IDGAF could poor camera work, poor lighting, bad cinematronics, bad cgi, don't care why, if it's ugly, I will reject it. Take more time, do better.

Secondly, I am DONE DONE with CGI monster boxing matches as climaxes of movies and shows. I said it before, the last straw was shang chi, or justice league, and I have hated it since. How the fukk could THIS and SHE HULK have the same ending? It lacks all creativity.

fukk this show man...I've been reasonable but good lord that episode was abhorrent.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Didn't realize the show was getting bashed so much. I didn't think it was that bad, didn't think highly of it either. It was something to watch but I didn't react strongly either way. I'm kinda checked out and super hero fatigue has set.

I thought they should have done End Game, that first string of D+ shows, and took a break. Disney isn't going to turn the money machine off but you can't keep pumping out movies and shows at this speed and not suffer a loss in quality. The audience can't maintain excitement. It's too much.

With Spiderverse being so great as well as What If I wish we'd get more animated shows so they can focus on the fantastical elements and not have these big budget live action shows/movies with poor CGI.
Disney + is a subscription based streaming service. No original content means fewer subscribers.


May 6, 2012
The show's highlights are the 2-hander dialogue scenes & acting, and they made the series worth checking out. Loved that shyt.

I think this would have been stronger without shoehorning super skrulls into it at all, and also if they didn't fumble the scale with tell instead of show the same way the told but didn't show Fury's trauma post-blip.

With Fury's blip PTSD, Hill, Talos, Pricilla, Gravik, fake Rodey, etc... all kept telling us how Fury changed after the blip and wasn't the same person anymore, and Fury isn't the type of person who'd give that shyt up, so we're just taking everyone at their word. A flashback scene or two could show that trauma from Nick's POV and give it some legs instead of being told it over and over again, but the closest we get to Nick explaining what he was going through wasn't even Nick.

And it's literally a 'secret invasion'- it's people being replaced behind the scenes but to then flip it to overt events and have international crises, assassination attempts, nuclear launches and Fury being the most wanted man in the world that you only see from your 'behind the scenes' principal characters, you lose the scale of this being a world crisis at all. You prevent the assassination attempt behind the scenes and you don't end up with the lapse of logic of scenes- like Fury bringing the president to the hospital and guarding him alone, then ducking out when the skrull he's protecting the president from shows up, to only show back up after a day & a costume change and shoot that skrull anyway- when you bring large scale events back into the shadows with your principal characters alone. You keep it on the QT/subterfuge level and you can write those same scenes and conflicts but within a context that makes sense. Like if Fury's still trying to protect the skrulls he's allied with so he can't even expose the ones doing dirt so he can't pop fake Rodey and have him green out in a public hospital- but you can't run with that if dying Talos is already being scapegoated for the assassination attempt on international news.

The concept would be much better served if the machinations of their attempts are subtle and the conflicts are in stopping this hidden hand's manipulations instead of the conflicts being big fights and large scale events. Plus that plays into the show's strengths with the acting/dialogue.

and the super skrull shyt is treating powers the way they did w/ Deadpool in X-Men Origins Wolverine. Just dumb. Everyone's powers right in their DNA? Drax's tattoos in his DNA? Carol's tesseract imbued powers can be replicated from replicating her DNA? Knows how to straight up say 'Sleep." like Mantis even though no one on Earth witnessed her catch-phrase? Plus she'd be grabbing Gravik and just start feeling his feelings without knowing how these 8 second old powers worked. But, no, both of them have every Marvel power ever fully realized and weaponized on deck at will from a lil DNA dollop. That is some Silver Age comic/pre-MCU writing there.

I've enjoyed the majority of phase 4-5 stuff that many criticized but when they make glaring logic mistakes is where they lose me.

Also, Ghost’s powers aren’t genetic or biological, she’s out of phase with reality due to an experiment. It’s not something a Skrull could copy. :snoop: