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@ the bolded.
Lemme ask this, what would you be willing yo compromise on?
That is the compromise friend.
@ the bolded.
Lemme ask this, what would you be willing yo compromise on?
That is the compromise friend.
but when you say it that way it does not sound complicated, so ...you must hateYou provide free healthcare from the womb to the tomb, free education from ABCs to PhDs (With stipend for students), robust social safety nets, common stipend to all from all resources of the land (controlled by the state), labor rights, collective bargaining as a fundamental right for business to exist, mandatory paid vacation and sick days, mandatory paternal/maternal paid time off, close corporate tax loop holes, raise taxes on corporations who relocate any major portion of their business overseas, environmental protection laws, campaign finance laws, and a well-kept and well-funded public transportation system...
and we can get rid of minimum wage.
Dismissing an argument isnt the same as proving it wrong or flawed. Though you seem to think it is.
this is so sad to watch
you are not in Napoleon's league
just accept it, go home and be a family man
inherently:yasure:Rail against those that are "inherently evil" while
championing the CEO's who make 100 of millions of dollars on
the backs of their low wage workers who barely scrape by brehs.
Complain about the "Ghetto" and/or "Poor" people while
actively supporting their exploitation brehs.
Completely miss the incredible irony of your stance brehs.
Who is championing CEO's? and how exactly is their pay relevant to the min wage?Rail against those that are "inherently evil" while
championing the CEO's who make 100 of millions of dollars on
the backs of their low wage workers who barely scrape by brehs.
Complain about the "Ghetto" and/or "Poor" people while
actively supporting their exploitation brehs.
Completely miss the incredible irony of your stance brehs.
nothing to do with it at all:youthink:Who is championing CEO's? and how exactly is their pay relevant to the min wage?![]()
Who is championing CEO's? and how exactly is their pay relevant to the min wage?![]()
Some one is actually championing CEO pay?![]()
Have you been reading the two threads that pertain to this topic ?![]()
You idiots still using that tired ass "bu bu bu bu but they're going to cut jobs and hours if they increase the minimum wage!" argument?
Have any of you clowns been to a Wal-Mart lately? Look at that place. Wal-Mart is already operating at the bare minimum. There's NOTHING left to cut. That's why big business fears this so much. They won't be able to offset the cost of the increase with cuts in labor. As for automation, that's coming anyway. There's no stopping it. Business is going to implement these minimum wage DOOMSDAY scenarios no matter what. The cost of labor could drop to 4 cents per hour but if a machine was able to do it for 3 cents per hour the human labor would be eliminated. The price of all goods and services will rise, as they have been, whether there is a minimum wage increase or not.
And the small business argument is so disingenuous because no one gives a damn about small business until the usual tired "_________ doesn't deserve _______ for doing _______" arguments have been slaughtered. Then it's "bu bu bu bu but small business, what about them?" The only person who seems to operate a small business is Brady's Artechoke and it shown to be cut rate and poorly run on the back of cheap labor. Still waiting for that answer on why you don't think $10 an hour can draw decent labor by the way.
Middle class wages have been on the decline for some time. Shouldn't you all be celebrating this? Shouldn't there be MORE JOBS and MORE HOURS and the cost of everything should be cheap, if not free? Since everything is tied to the cost of labor, right? But no, people bemoan the decline of middle class wages, and rightfully so but want the lower class wages to remain stagnant if not decrease. Why? Do you see yourselves getting closer to that lower class level? Scary huh? If minimum wage goes up then you're that much closer to Pablo and Tyron, not Sumner and Weatherford. Now you hate Pablo and Tyrone. But it's really Sumner and Weatherford you should be mad at. But damn it, you want a seat at their table SO BAD
Think and grow rich, right?![]()
SiggedThe thing is, you shouldn't be mad about why lower class workers are lobbying for higher pay, you should be asking yourselves, "Why isn't MY pay higher than what it is?" Unless you realize you really aren't doing enough to be earning your salary as is.![]()
Marx will ultimately be vindicated. Say what you want about governments that have risen in his name (a lot of criticism is valid) but the Marxist argument against Capitalism is 100% on the money.
One thing I don't get is people, usually economists and politicians in the West, ashamed to associate with any Marxism. The propaganda made it dirty philosophy. I don't agree with all of his assertions and tenants but brushing aside his arguments is foolish.
based on the review it seems, Piketty comes close to saying the things I say out loud and sometimes in my head that make me feel tinfoilish. This does not make me feel better. what is amazing is dead7 thinks this is what I want to hear
The parts of the review I found noteworthy
one day we will discover that, since the age of big data, all markets have been manipulated by one central algorithm that slowly leaks money to the owners of said algo.![]()
The road to serfdom![]()
toward? we there breh![]()
This is so interesting to me
you can tell these rich brehs
"hey, I have an idea that will let you continue to live a fabulous life for generations and also help the rest of the world live a little better, all you have to do is give up some cash" and after running out of excuses, they will ultimately tell you "hell no"
to me this is madness![]()