Scientist on Reddit claims to have dissected Aliens - Even Reddit Nerds think he's either telling the truth or the GOAT bullshytter

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Reason it’s always a unified earth government in every si-fi background

Our saddest truth is that we allow millions of our best to be mediocre or suffer.
Our advancements would go much faster if some genius kid, who would solve world hunger, is not hungry, at war, in a racist/caste system, or intentionally uneducated.

We missing out, and have been so.

You are very right though. Even in Star Trek, they seek to bring other civilizations into the Federation.


Captain L
Dec 7, 2014
Far too many people have fallen down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. I never seen so many people this delusional ever since Covid started. People don't even question things anymore, they just believe anything they read on the internet.

I bet I can make up some shyt and about 100 Nikkas would believe me.


Apr 30, 2012
that can’t even get along bc of something biological as skin color.
Off-topic : but This is always my argument for WHY we can't be the only intelligent life in the universe.

So arrogant to think we are the absolute best thing ever and we've murdered billions of each other bc of skin tone.


Apr 30, 2012
maybe I need to reread but because it sounded like these little grays are like a carbon based A.I…essentially a “Sonny type” from I, Robot.

just drones who are grown in a lab outfitted to do a specific job lacking sentience.

The fact that they exist to explore and die with no genitals or anus and an exodermal layer that protects them from the environment while only absorbing and excreting liquid for nutrients sounds kinda believable.

They're disposable but also makes me think, they're not aliens but....pets used to sniff out the galaxy by a higher being.

So if they were created in a lab, were they "born" as an adult, already possessing all knowledge needed and never having to grow?

And whatever "created" them seems kinda heartless in that regard. I mean, at least humans use rats and monkeys to experiment on.


Apr 30, 2012
I’m just listing off the questions I have. So we have aliens that can travel from far far away. Have the most advanced tech and kept themselves from interacting for millennia but when they get to earth that’s when they get sloppy? They can’t fly their sh*t right anymore. They can’t cloak themselves anymore like they’ve been doing? They allow themselves and their ships to get captured and just leave it on earth for us to find?

2 things possibly

1. Maybe there are multiple multiple races of aliens and maybe not all of them have mastered flying in our atmosphere.

2. Given the vastness of distance in space, many ppl think they travel here thru portal/dimensional holes. So like finding a trapped door so to speak, rather than them traveling impossible distances


Apr 30, 2012
gone down really deep into the alien rabbit hole, and it's very interesting stuff. You just can't prove anything, and it is a big problem. There's no way to evaluate claims and it's all speculation. To stop that, the first step is for the government to admit that aliens exist. Then it's going to get real crazy. This is likely why the government has tried to keep it under wraps for so long. After that initial step, it gets real complicated real quick, and some of the conversations that will arise will be very uncomfortable and disturbing.
Aliens like the frustrated side chick who for years wants the dude to, "tell ppl about me, tell them about us...." theb eventually its, "fine, if you won't I'm just going to reveal myself!" lol


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Hey, if you look on google itself right now. It’s pretty damn hard to find any reputable website with details about UFO sightings. Go type in ‘UFO sightings globally’ on google right now. There’s barely any real source.

Let me do you a favor too. List of reported UFO sightings - Wikipedia

I just looked at this Wikipedia link. There is a timeline. You noticed that once the 20th century hits most of the sightings are in the United States. I think it’s interesting that this is the case as you as you go through the chronology of the sightings. In the past, it makes sense. We as humans did not know what the heck we were seeing and had no way of describing it. As technology developed based on the timeline, it seems like the more we as humans find out, the less plausible scenarios get ruled out. It’s might be no different than thinking you see something in your room in the dark then you turn the lights on and it’s a pile of clothes.

Again, to me, this aliens thing is mostly an American obsession. On top of that again, it makes no sense to me and it’s an extremely narrow minded American view that we are the only country on the planet that is heavily looking into, studying and preparing for aliens. Why would one country be the only loud and vocal one against a threat that could wipe out humanity? Why would every other country in the world trust one country to hide and store alien technology while keeping everyone else in the dark? It tied into the philosophy of American exceptionalism. The problem is in 2023 we live in a more connected world than ever and I just don’t see how you can watch other countries make leaps and bounds in advancement for the last couple decades and act like they wouldn’t even be remotely interested in taking this seriously if true.

You don’t think NASA is the only government space agency? They’re a government space agencies around the globe. How come none of them are adamantly speaking about this?

I’m just here to ask questions.


Apr 30, 2012
Far too many people have fallen down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. I never seen so many people this delusional ever since Covid started. People don't even question things anymore, they just believe anything they read on the internet.

I bet I can make up some shyt and about 100 Nikkas would believe me.

This isn’t really a conspiracy rabbit hole. This is all known stuff. Also I don’t know where Breh keeps getting it from that this is only an American issue it’s clearly global. But of course people don’t know that because it isn’t told to them. Look and both first and second order effects. Notice how they freeze select stories out of the news cycle.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Bro I don’t know why you talking to me like you know more than me. Everyone is speculating at this point. I already gave you a wiki link and explained to you why I had the thoughts I did. You keep coming in here on some he said she said ish. Post the links.

Not to mention the easiest route to go to is the government is hiding things and covering things up. So by your own logic revealing the truth to the people would collapse everything they know and ruin profits and this is why they hide it from us. So then if we go by that same logic, why would they tell us now? Is this world ending collapse no longer a concern? Is the government a group that hides or one that tells the truth? One thing I noticed with people often is when the government is seemingly championing what they believe then the government and all these agencies are telling the truth. Then it goes back to nah they lying and covering everything else up. Convenient yet contradictory.

Since you seem to know more than me, please share with the class. I’m sure we’d all love OTIS’s course with the irrefutable proof about alien life and UFOs.

I’ll wait with anticipation.
Because i do know more

You’re trying to accuse only the US as of having these sightings but if you’ve been paying attention for more than a couple minutes every other day, you would know that’s stupid shyt to say.

In fact, US was observing a group in the middle east when they saw one of these things fly by on camera, to the point where the AARO already admitted that they didn’t know wtf it was and how those crafts have been observed all over the world.

I could give af about your wikilink of some shyt I’ve already read before. Or what else you even wrote. You’re trying to imply this shyt only happens in the US and obviously to anyone who pays attention, it’s not


Jan 1, 2018
This is the same military industrial complex that was using internet back in the 70s and had portable phones in the 40s so I'm not putting it past them to be trying to develop a high speed air craft that can drop and shoot down nuclear missiles with the precision of a jet and at less cost than an orbital or suborbital solution (dropping the bombs from space)

People always skip over this point. If you look back at a lot of historical UFO sightings you'll notice that a while later you see similar advances in tech and shape on the scene:


I do believe that a lot of the innovations we get are drip fed because pretty much all of society is filled with overt and covert control mechs. Fossil fuels being the big one. Either way it makes sense that these ships are actually from Earth and part of military tests that probably use alternate propulsion methods. The whole "Aliens are coming to save us" is a handy, dandy side effect and ties in nicely with another control mech - Religion - which has spent ages indoctrinating people into expecting someone to come back and change the game.

Which they will because if it was a simple mortal people wouldn't believe it or beef about the skintone, heritage etc... but if its something that appears to shape shift or is seen as whatever you wish, speaking your own language and flip the cosmic hologram with a quickness as it tells people they messed up their interpretations of the text as they whip out the grand unified religion for all adherents that remixes all of the previous by satisfying their conditions then people will be on board because they want to be saved, lead and educated in correct actions/how to live.

Its interesting when seen through this lens because the whole world is a set, a stage to be dressed hence the bread and circuses but its about as really real as Trumans life was but most refuse to realize this.

Those who click either become mystics or schizophrenics because the mind has to come to terms with the true nature of existence and this makes the previous control mechs make way more sense because its like raising a tiger in cage, surrounded by darkness. Put it back in the jungle where it belongs and it feels overwhelmed and out of its element because of the artificial conditions it accepted as gospel without questioning.

There really are levels to this. Adapt, improvise, overcome...


All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Because i do know more

You’re trying to accuse only the US as of having these sightings but if you’ve been paying attention for more than a couple minutes every other day, you would know that’s stupid shyt to say.

In fact, US was observing a group in the middle east when they saw one of these things fly by on camera, to the point where the AARO already admitted that they didn’t know wtf it was and how those crafts have been observed all over the world.

I could give af about your wikilink of some shyt I’ve already read before. Or what else you even wrote. You’re trying to imply this shyt only happens in the US and obviously to anyone who pays attention, it’s not
I’m beginning to see you wouldn’t last in a debate for anything. I’ve asked you for one simple thing and you keep providing me your opinion (no different than I except I’m not trying to prove you wrong). You’re coming with this holier than this attitude.

Let me make it clear so everyone can see and you can understand me. Post the links. Post the evidence that you’re pulling this information from. Let us see and read and make our own conclusions. I’ve been asking that of everyone who is flat out saying that I in particular am wrong. I never proclaimed that my position was more right than anyone else’s but the fact that I ask some logical questions and people like you got a real problem is strange to me especially since you’re so interested in exposing sh*t. So Aight bet show me and everyone in here the facts and the evidence. It’s a simple request. Wtf you attacking me for. We don’t need to debate just share the “truth”. It ain’t that hard