Scientist on Reddit claims to have dissected Aliens - Even Reddit Nerds think he's either telling the truth or the GOAT bullshytter


May 21, 2012
I’m open minded. If you can share some links for me to read because the stuff I’m finding doesn’t seem legit to me. By legit I mean other government agencies speaking on this aside from mostly NASA. Especially from other countries.

MUFON is an international UFO investigation organization that is probably the largest and most well known:

I think you're severely limiting yourself by only considering government agencies as legitimate though, but here's a wiki list (that you might have seen):




Soviet Union​

United Kingdom​



All Star
Jun 14, 2012
MUFON is an international UFO investigation organization that is probably the largest and most well known:

I think you're severely limiting yourself by only considering government agencies as legitimate though, but here's a wiki list (that you might have seen):




Soviet Union​

United Kingdom​

I appreciate the link. Just checked it out. Some of what you posted ended with investigations being closed or downright dismissed because they couldn’t be corroborated. Some not all (I feel like I have to emphasize this)

I’m not limiting myself to government agencies but at some point you have thousands of government officials all over the world, some active and some retired. So it’s expected to believe that all of these people are keeping this massive secret yet a random scientist on Reddit comes out with a long post and that’s when we suspend belief? Maybe it’s confirmation bias but this whole thing doesn’t hold up to real world logic. For that reason, it should be met with skepticism. You don’t trust the government at all fair but you trust someone you don’t know, never met, and have no idea what they are really about.

Fellas I’m trying to work with y’all here. I expounded on my points in several posts throughout this thread. I’ve literally walked y’all through my thinking in the form of questions.. I did say that I believe this is more so an American obsession. I never said only America and if I did my bad. Please stop cherry picking from my posts because you’re missing the entire context of why I’m questioning all of this. I’m all for spirited debate but don’t take from a few sentences I wrote when myself and others (who are reasonably skeptical) have literally been writing paragraphs not to refute what’s being said but questioning the legitimacy of all of this.


May 21, 2012
I appreciate the link. Just checked it out. Some of what you posted ended with investigations being closed or downright dismissed because they couldn’t be corroborated. Some not all (I feel like I have to emphasize this)

I’m not limiting myself to government agencies but at some point you have thousands of government officials all over the world, some active and some retired. So it’s expected to believe that all of these people are keeping this massive secret yet a random scientist on Reddit comes out with a long post and that’s when we suspend belief? Maybe it’s confirmation bias but this whole thing doesn’t hold up to real world logic. For that reason, it should be met with skepticism. You don’t trust the government at all fair but you trust someone you don’t know, never met, and have no idea what they are really about.

Fellas I’m trying to work with y’all here. I expounded on my points in several posts throughout this thread. I’ve literally walked y’all through my thinking in the form of questions.. I did say that I believe this is more so an American obsession. I never said only America and if I did my bad. Please stop cherry picking from my posts because you’re missing the entire context of why I’m questioning all of this. I’m all for spirited debate but don’t take from a few sentences I wrote when myself and others (who are reasonably skeptical) have literally been writing paragraphs not to refute what’s being said but questioning the legitimacy of all of this.
The thing with the UFO subject, and I wrote this earlier, there is no proof of anything. There is no way to verify claims. You have to look at a ton of material to find patterns. Most of it is probably bullshyt. You have to watch ufo videos, listen to experiencers' testimonies, and read articles/books from people who have done some serious research on this and make up your own mind. You can't just look at one claim and make an evaluation. Is this reddit guy just making it up? Probably, from a probabilistic standpoint. However, you can't just use him and make an evaluation of all of ufology.


Jul 14, 2015
They actually don't defecate at all according to him.
The smell description’s as well as “thousands of pores on the skin” made him come to the theory they get rid of waste and lower their temperatures through skin secretions aka shyt through their skin. Some reptiles do the same thing.


Apr 30, 2012
Nobody has addressed my question about whether these things are "born" grown?

Even if they're made in q lab, they would have to be birthed somehow, right?


May 21, 2012
Nobody has addressed my question about whether these things are "born" grown?

Even if they're made in q lab, they would have to be birthed somehow, right?
It’s an interesting idea I haven’t seen discussed elsewhere before. People claim the greys are just biological robots and they don’t have a soul, if you believe in that sort of thing.

If the creators of these greys are as skilled at genetic manipulation as these claims make them out to be, maybe they are grown in a test tube and then their age is artificially accelerated until they are at their prime.

Though some people say that the aliens controlling the greys are trying to make grey-human hybrids. Some apparently look more alien, while others look more human. Experiencers say these hybrids are born from a human mother, who unexpectedly “loses” a pregnancy one day, when in actuality it is the greys taking the baby from the mother during an abduction (that the mother may or may not have been aware of).

Then some other experiencers say they have seen hybrid children on ships and they were asked to help socialize those beings and to hug them.

I dunno, it’s all speculation of course, but maybe it helps to shed some light on how these greys are developed. :manny:


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Nobody has addressed my question about whether these things are "born" grown?

Even if they're made in q lab, they would have to be birthed somehow, right?

More than likely they are born grown. I have to say they are ugly as shyt.

Betty Hill and her husband stated the ones who abducted her look humanoid.

Norman Bergrun stated that they are black tall humanoid like 9 to 10 feet tall.

I wonder if those species use the greys as well.


Apr 30, 2012
It’s an interesting idea I haven’t seen discussed elsewhere before. People claim the greys are just biological robots and they don’t have a soul, if you believe in that sort of thing.

If the creators of these greys are as skilled at genetic manipulation as these claims make them out to be, maybe they are grown in a test tube and then their age is artificially accelerated until they are at their prime.

Though some people say that the aliens controlling the greys are trying to make grey-human hybrids. Some apparently look more alien, while others look more human. Experiencers say these hybrids are born from a human mother, who unexpectedly “loses” a pregnancy one day, when in actuality it is the greys taking the baby from the mother during an abduction (that the mother may or may not have been aware of).

Then some other experiencers say they have seen hybrid children on ships and they were asked to help socialize those beings and to hug them.

I dunno, it’s all speculation of course, but maybe it helps to shed some light on how these greys are developed. :manny:

More than likely they are born grown. I have to say they are ugly as shyt.

Betty Hill and her husband stated the ones who abducted her look humanoid.

Norman Bergrun stated that they are black tall humanoid like 9 to 10 feet tall.

I wonder if those species use the greys as well.

If any of this is real/true, these beings are heartless. If not, they would have done something about Black slavery and the Jewish Holocaust and all the other human atrocities. I stead they only seem to care about nuke sites, as Stephen Greer says, bc nukes interrupt/interfere with the electro magnetic wave field they operate on.


May 24, 2022
The all aliens being humanoid thing has been a topic discussed a lot in the community. Some think it means all these aliens and us evolved from the same parent species. Others like Steven Greer, who I don’t particularly like, says that once a successful form comes about it gets copied throughout the universe (I don’t really understand this theory).

I’m thinking there are probably a ton of different alien species, including those that are not humanoid, but the ones who have potentially been interacting with us, and that we can perceive, are humanoid. Some think the reptilians, Nordics, etc actually come from earth, left a long time ago for whatever reason, and are trying to come back. Some say they live underground or in the ocean. Then others think they are from a different dimension or different time period. Still others think they can disguise their appearance and can take any form they want. There’s this theory that some aliens disguise themselves as other aliens when they do bad things in hopes the other aliens will get blamed. Then of course you have the famous “shape shifting reptilians” idea popularized by David Icke and them.

I personally believe in absolute infinity and think every possibility exists somewhere in the universe at some time, so I think it’s very possible that anything we can think of exists somewhere (anything). I’m open to all ideas. I just wish the government would acknowledge that aliens exist, so we can start talking about the more interesting things.
Yea don't get me wrong I don't think we are the only ones I'm open minded

I know I come off as atheist but actually I think its something greater then us out there just not the Abraham stuff like I use to

even though that has a thin line of truth even in it.

I hope someday all is revealed to us about all things with out human interpretation(because when people with other motives get control of things that will shape all mankind that means other people get oppressed) but I just want it left out there plan as day and puts everyone on a equal field once the cosmos opens up to us.

other words when it truly will happen I actually think the governments will not have a say or control narrative it just will be revealed to all at once and shake ever idea ever theroy every relgion to its core.
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May 21, 2012
If any of this is real/true, these beings are heartless. If not, they would have done something about Black slavery and the Jewish Holocaust and all the other human atrocities. I stead they only seem to care about nuke sites, as Stephen Greer says, bc nukes interrupt/interfere with the electro magnetic wave field they operate on.
Yeah, their motivations are definitely an unknown. Some people say all of the aliens are "good." I don't believe that; it's wishful thinking. I think at least some of the aliens are what we would consider "bad." I think they only see us as a resource to exploit. Also, when you reach a certain level of understanding, you come to understand that "good" and "bad" don't really exist as an absolute. Everything is relative.

These aliens might have a dying home world and need resources to survive. From their perspective, taking resources or souls from us is a good thing, because it saves their own race. Of course from our perspective, it's a bad thing. There also might be the star trek idea where the "governments" of these aliens have a no interference policy until a species has reached a certain level, and we may not be there yet. So, the aliens that are interacting with us are bad actors and doing it in secret. We just don't know.

I'm sure an alien species isn't monolithic either. There are probably "good" and "bad" individuals in their societies, like here on Earth. It's just if they are substantially more advanced than us, they can do a lot more harm to us than we can properly defend. But, there hasn't been an overt planetary takeover yet (unless you fall into the camp that believes aliens are disguising themselves as humans and are really running the world). So, the fact that they haven't taken us over yet is a positive sign. The fact that they apparently try to hide their involvement with humans is a negative sign though. Why haven't they overtly made themselves known to us in a way that can't be refuted? Why the secrecy? Some say that is proof that they really don't exist. I believe they do exist, but their desire to remain hidden is problematic.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
If any of this is real/true, these beings are heartless. If not, they would have done something about Black slavery and the Jewish Holocaust and all the other human atrocities. I stead they only seem to care about nuke sites, as Stephen Greer says, bc nukes interrupt/interfere with the electro magnetic wave field they operate on.

That's ignorant to say bro. Who to say that it's a galactic law where they can't intervene in Human development unless something like a Nuke is created and used which can destroy the civilization as a whole.

Think of it as us watching Seals get eaten by Killer Whales and Seals finally become advanced enough to be in our society. They would say humans were ignorant for letting them get eaten when we thought it was the life/development of both species.


Apr 30, 2012
MUFON is an international UFO investigation organization that is probably the largest and most well known:

I think you're severely limiting yourself by only considering government agencies as legitimate though, but here's a wiki list (that you might have seen):




Soviet Union​

United Kingdom​

If they are only considering Goverment agencies they
If any of this is real/true, these beings are heartless. If not, they would have done something about Black slavery and the Jewish Holocaust and all the other human atrocities. I stead they only seem to care about nuke sites, as Stephen Greer says, bc nukes interrupt/interfere with the electro magnetic wave field they operate on.

In light of all of these they have been involved possibly at various times. They don’t have to stop any human dealings unless it impacts the planet or surroundings possibly….

Also when we start to look at history we are going to have to acknowledge that just about everyone has held slaves at some point. While yes it happened and continues to happen to this day but eventually it’s time to push forward a bit and still embrace history and tradition.