Science eventually leads back to God


Jan 12, 2017
No one has come in here and disproven anything op has stated, just ad hominems .
There has to be a beginning to everything, if atheist claim is that this universe came from a big bang or whatever the fukk these goofies claim, then where did those particles and molecules and atoms and whatever else come from? What set all of that in motion? Hell, what is motion really without an initiator? Things just don't happen

Anyone claiming "God" as the ultimate creator is stating that thats the beginning. That's the infinite, everything really, so that's the argument for the genesis. He's what kicked it all off. And you can't disprove it either, your claim is either A) There was nothing and now there is the world and all it's complexities that currently exist (LMAO) B) You have no other claim. I don't care how many fukkin scientists you quote, at the core of it all, you're essentially saying something as complex as the human brain literally came from nothing. Laughable.

nikkas spin themselves in a million circles just to not submit themselves. Arrogance of man. But then again, not always. Because not every one was predisposed to do so. So you're just a method actor playing your part in this grand play, whether you know it or not. Atheist.

OP proved he litterally doesn't know what science is. He first thought a scientists book was science then he posted an article he didn't even read.

Of course no one has proved OP wrong as this is not a conversation on science leafing to religion but more so OPs complete misunderstanding of science leading to religion. Which of course it does, not understanding science does lead to religion:mjlol:


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
I don’t get some of y’all no disrespect. Science doesn’t make any solitary statement or stance that A creator does or doesn’t exist. They say that. So everyone can beleive what they want. Now science can make you have that conclusion, but science is not some sort of conspiracy theoretics or field aimed at disproving religion. It’s just logic like math. They are only presenting discoveries and real life truths on what actual scientific studies and physical proof has been provided to mankind. (People smarter than anyone on this site. ) The issue is if your religion completely conflicts with science. If it does, then you need to consider your beleifs may not be reality. But mere fables. If they don’t conflict, good for you. Everyone is so set on proving THEY GOD is the true one and nothing they believe can be false, so make a enemy out of science. Scientist are not a bunch of satanist. They dedicate their entire lives to studying the universe for the benefit of mankind.


Even on the court we stay flyy, Jada & A.I.
Nov 18, 2016
OP proved he litterally doesn't know what science is. He first thought a scientists book was science then he posted an article he didn't even read.

Of course no one has proved OP wrong as this is not a conversation on science leafing to religion but more so OPs complete misunderstanding of science leading to religion. Which of course it does, not understanding science does lead to religion:mjlol:
All I seen him do is make a claim for a creator, not attach anything to any religion.

And I think that's where everyone's contention with a creator stems from honestly, different nations and countries interpretation of the Most High. But that doesn't disprove him. That just proves a disconnect in the real story, which makes sense if you ever read the Bible. It wasn't intended for every nation to begin with. It never was. And if you wanna argue the Bible vs every other religious text, whatever, I'm not interested in that.

My point is, I genuinely find it hard to believe that any well adjusted person in the inner recesses of their minds, truly believe the claims that science has made in regards to the origins of life. It's laughable the lengths gone to to argue against a creator.


Sep 28, 2012
I see alot of the posters that rest on my penis aren't to be found in these threads. As if I needed more proof of my statement on page 1. Most of yall depressed, angry and miserable and most of all mad at God :wow:


Jan 12, 2017
I don’t get some of y’all no disrespect. Science doesn’t make any solitary statement or stance that A creator doesn’t exist. Now science can make you have that conclusion, but science is not some sort of conspiracy theoretics or field aimed at disproving religion. It’s just logic like math. They are only presenting discoveries and real life truths on what actual scientific studies and physical proof has been provided to mankind. (People smarter than anyone on this site. ) The issue is if your religion completely conflicts with science. If it does, then you need to consider your beleifs may not be reality. But mere fables. If they don’t conflict, good for you
You can tell so much how people work when they can't adjust their beliefs based on new information. Many religious people think they figured it all out so info that proves them wrong they can't accept because then they will realize they don't have it all figured out. So its easier for some people to just think that science is a big conspiracy against God rather thank think that its possible they could be wrong.

Its like a kid not accepting Santa claus isn't real after seeing their parents wrapping gifts.

A Pimp Named Slickback

Apr 22, 2018
You know what I'll tell it. Hopefully it opens someone's eyes

Long story short, I had spells casted on me. For over a month I felt like I was going crazy. Would wake up with piercings in my skin

One night, I was laying in bed and couldn't go to sleep at all. Stayed up the entire night. While I laid there, I felt spirits go into me. I put this on everything I love. Unclean spirits were entering my body. I heard whispers, movements, and seen objects in my room move

When I finally got up, there were scratches all on my arms, my chest, and neck. It felt like I wasn't in control of myself. I ended up being possessed by evil entities for another whole month. Voices would tell me to sell my soul to Satan. Had visions of spirits inhabited by famous people (Slim Shady was one of them. A literal demon). Also heard proof in a dream of the people who casted spells on me doing so in a ceremony. Crazy shyt

Not to get too personal, I ended up eventually being delivered from demon possession. Someone stood in front of me and casted the demons out

I felt them come out of my body through my mouth. I screamed "I don't want to go to hell" and I remember my voice sounding like some shyt out of a horror movie

Ever since, I've done everything I can to build myself up spiritually and walk with God. I always believed in him but this was the ultimate proof for me. I've also been in rooms with old white men before talking of things involving a certain group's "secrets". That's all I'm gonna say about that

God is real. If Satan is real then best believe Jesus is real too. Countless people have been on record admitting to selling their souls. Many others have stories like mine about being possessed and delivered. It's not too late to repent and walk with Him

We're living in the last days. The best decision you can make is giving your life to God. This life is temporary


Jan 12, 2017
All I seen him do is make a claim for a creator, not attach anything to any religion.

And I think that's where everyone's contention with a creator stems from honestly, different nations and countries interpretation of the Most High. But that doesn't disprove him. That just proves a disconnect in the real story, which makes sense if you ever read the Bible. It wasn't intended for every nation to begin with. It never was. And if you wanna argue the Bible vs every other religious text, whatever, I'm not interested in that.

My point is, I genuinely find it hard to believe that any well adjusted person in the inner recesses of their minds, truly believe the claims that science has made in regards to the origins of life. It's laughable the lengths gone to to argue against a creator.
Breh the scientific answer for the origin of life is we don't know yet, we have clues but thats about it. The only people making definitive claims about the origin of life are religious people and most of them get their ideas on that from a book that says the earth have 4 corners.

The problem with these threads are religious people make claims about science that it never says and then make arguments against a fake claim like you are doing right now.


Even on the court we stay flyy, Jada & A.I.
Nov 18, 2016
Breh the scientific answer for the origin of life is we don't know yet, we have clues but thats about it. The only people making definitive claims about the origin of life are religious people and most of them get their ideas on that from a book that says the earth have 4 corners.

The problem with these threads are religious people make claims about science that it never says and then make arguments against a fake claim like you are doing right now.
Lol we don't know yet. Bro, it's obvious

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
I don’t get some of y’all no disrespect. Science doesn’t make any solitary statement or stance that A creator does or doesn’t exist. They say that. So everyone can beleive what they want. Now science can make you have that conclusion, but science is not some sort of conspiracy theoretics or field aimed at disproving religion. It’s just logic like math. They are only presenting discoveries and real life truths on what actual scientific studies and physical proof has been provided to mankind. (People smarter than anyone on this site. ) The issue is if your religion completely conflicts with science. If it does, then you need to consider your beleifs may not be reality. But mere fables. If they don’t conflict, good for you. Everyone is so set on proving THEY GOD is the true one and nothing they believe can be false, so make a enemy out of science. Scientist are not a bunch of satanist. They dedicate their entire lives to studying the universe for the benefit of mankind.

Scientist are not smarter than anyone on this site. People kill me with that shyt. They are subject matter experts in their field. They not doing nothing a lot of people can’t do. They doing shyt a lot of people don’t want to do. And scientists can mean many different type people of professions. Some more academic intensive than others. Just cause a mothafukka study the sciences don’t make them a goddamn genius. And people got the right to question whatever they want in any manner they choose


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
You can tell so much how people work when they can't adjust their beliefs based on new information. Many religious people think they figured it all out so info that proves them wrong they can't accept because then they will realize they don't have it all figured out. So its easier for some people to just think that science is a big conspiracy against God rather thank think that its possible they could be wrong.

Its like a kid not accepting Santa claus isn't real after seeing their parents wrapping gifts.
Yea many of us have been so disillusioned and programmed to beleive the question and uncertainty of reality, self (conscientious) and the entire universe is short of a absolutely beautiful thing and the most profound question one could ever ask or inquire about. It’s nothing wrong with saying that we may be capped intellectually at the moment or maybe forever of ever understanding what this world truly is. New science discoveries are essential to humankind. Stating science is trash and I know GOD is a cop out and intellectually null statement. Religious or not, all should let ego go and accept what these beautiful individuals are trying to do to educate us small organisms in a vast universe that we have not discovered even 1% of . We are not as smart as we think we are. So our limited minds just say, “it must be my God” :lawd:What's 96 Percent of the Universe Made Of? Astronomers Don't Know

Living Bait

All Star
Nov 7, 2017
no matter how far back you want to go, something had to come from nothing . . If its god, who created god?

If it was a big bang so what? Who created the big bang?

If it was aliens, who created aliens?

The bit that ultimately fries my head is that at some point there had to be nothing. . .


Jan 12, 2017
Lol we don't know yet. Bro, it's obvious
Yeah its obvious because that's what the science says. What do you think science says about the origins of life:jbhmm:

And could you find a scientific journal to back up your claims of what science "says".

Please actually read the artice and don't be like @The Hon. Stringer Bell who just Google an article and hopes it agrees with him