Which of the 4000 gods are we talking about in this thread?
here is your portalIf there's a blue unicorn and only you can see it,
That means, You have an ability to detect it,which low humans like me can't. It means you're special. Those of you who know god are special.because you can detect the supernatural otherwise you wouldn't believe.
You have a connection to the supernatural.
Use your connection to the supernatural to change the world.
While you're at it ,tell the deity to open a mythical portal to communicate with , don't use the internet,it's a product of science. It's physical. It's beneath you.
That is my interpretation. There is only one God, but people have their own understanding of who/what God is, hence all of the different religions that exist with all believing their version of God is the right one, when really there is only one, just different interpretations of him. I think God the father, sun, and Holy Spirit line covers all interpretations of God.It doesnt mention God the sun
I didn’t say that. Maybe you should start by googling what a spirit is, then you’ll understand.nor God the Karma or God the law of attraction or God the Big Bang
Where did I say God can be broken down? And a ritual is just that. People can have prayer rituals doesn’t mean it’s witchcraft. People can have a ritual of lightning candles for prayer/meditation. Some even fast beforehand.whatever you have told yourself God is, is indeed, not a person. But by proxy you are telling God how you wish to be dealt with.
Forsake witchcraft as that is all that is. There is a difference between prayer and ritual. once you start saying God can be broken down into parts or that is Gods real nature you are already breaking yourself down whether you realize it or not. Its a false understanding.
While I enjoy myths and other belief systems its important to remember that what we eat (knowledge wise) becomes us
this is the trap of Genesis 3. Its better to forsake most of it as Ive said earlier in this thread.
here is your portal
We are living in a world of illusion
and your blue unicornsee there it is
My God says he made you perfect and not lowly, turn from your ego and remember that love made you and will receive you again. The separations that we put on ourselves is a reflection of the separations inside of our hearts. God made you complete return unto him and do not be afraid.
Which of the 4000 gods are we talking about in this thread?
You do understand, what I mean by blue unicorn is figurative, right?, When next you sick sit home pray don't go to the doctor's.
Our labels are just labels, and the rituals we do are not unlike themThat is my interpretation. There is only one God, but people have their own understanding of who/what God is, hence all of the different religions that exist with all believing their version of God is the right one, when really there is only one, just different interpretations of him. I think God the father, sun, and Holy Spirit line covers all interpretations of God.
I didn’t say that. Maybe you should start by googling what a spirit is, then you’ll understand.
Where did I say God can be broken down? And a ritual is just that. People can have prayer rituals doesn’t mean it’s witchcraft. People can have a ritual of lightning candles for prayer/meditation. Some even fast beforehand.
They will get it when they get it. Years ago I would've bypassed this post as well.God is Love.
Knowledge is the path to death, but Love is the path to life. I hope you realize that God is never trying to condemn you, but to save you. The word is alive and christ is risen and in our midst.
I didn't say that, I asked you a question. I don't care how little you think of yourself to be honest. Trust me
If you believe all those women speaking in tongues in churchIf God isn't real
explain speaking in tongues, "third eye" functioning, astral projection, and manifestation
These things wouldn't be possible or exist without God's existence
If you were in someone else's home they created and let you live in for free right now
You wouldn't think anything in there is petty you'd be grateful.
Or maybe not, maybe you're just an ungrateful person in general and trying to blame God![]()
"why God would care about what I eat or if I cheat on my wife"
well lets rearrange this
"why should I care about what I eat or if I cheat on my wife"
see the issue? Why dont you care? God always cares. So the issue isnt God here, his mercy is set up from everlasting. Simply ask him for forgiveness and ask for strength to care and strength to do right by your family.
Romans 9:14-25
14What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means!15For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16So then it depends not on human will or exertion,b but on God, who has mercy. 17For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” 18So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.
19You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” 20But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” 21Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? 22What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— 24even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles? 25As indeed he says in Hosea,
Repent and turn from your ways.
You won't get'Your soul is petty bullshyt?' Well seeing as it's not provable in any way even a little bit yes it would be petty bullshyt and guess what all you can say is 'wow' because your beliefs are faith based. Basically you heard a story you really like, it's a pathetic delusion, I understand some people have very hard lives and need some hope but delusion is not the way to make things better, just a distraction.