SHIELD and Hydra were different sides of the same coin.Yeah everyone knew Bucky was a Hydra assassin
No one knew except Hydra upper echelon that Bucky killed the Starks directly, but seeing the missing serum, Shield had to have concluded they were assasinated internally, if they didn't they would be the worst intelligence agency in the history of movies.
Again no problem with the tape, that said Cap telling Tony he knew makes no sense to the story, if he knew how would he have known if it was internal Shield files, Tony would have known himself seeing that he was still haunted by the deaths. Also if he had known that his parents were assasinated after TWS, he would have had aple opportunity to tell Tony pre-civil War, before the Bucky situation directly.
All of it adds up to movie illogic to get to that point and that scene to jusitfy a fight there.
In my opinion that is poor writing and a plot hole since that Cap presents isnt shown.

Tony was haunted by the deaths of his parents because he didn't say good bye not because he suspected foul play. He didn't, he thought his parents just died in a car accident. And that's the crux of the matter, Cap didn't tell Tony. He thought he was sparing Tony's feelings by keeping it secret, when he was really just sparing himself an uncomfortable situation. Cap says this at the end of the movie.