private driveway?
dude was driving like 80
gtfo you reaching ass b*tch

private driveway?
dude was driving like 80
gtfo you reaching ass b*tch
worse than MarthaWhole Capt knowing about the video and not telling Tony was a plot hole IMHO, made no sense and came out of nowhere to justify a fight between the two at the end.
Nah not worse than Martha because they (Marvel) had done enough to get you to like and care about both characters to make the actual battle they fought tense and carry emotional weight.worse than Martha
but mahv-L Stan turn the cheek no homo
nah, this generation of kids love to be fed mindless drivelNah not worse than Martha because they (Marvel) had done enough to get you to like and care about both characters to make the actual battle they fought tense and carry emotional weight.
DC has yet to make Superman a character anyone cares for and embraces and Batman had no movie history in the current universe for this to carry any weight.
Don't know what this post has to do with my postnah, this generation of kids love to be fed mindless drivel
be a typical mahv-L stan brehsDon't know what this post has to do with my post
Not a marvel stan, i don't even like most of the marvel movies, just Winter Soldier and Civil a typical mahv-L stan brehs
Whole Capt knowing about the video and not telling Tony was a plot hole IMHO, made no sense and came out of nowhere to justify a fight between the two at the end.
How did Cap even know about it? He wasn't alive, he didn't need to investigate it, if the tape was just sitting open to anyone Tony would have easily found it when Bucky emerged.I mean
From the airport to the Hydra base on that flight.... I'm sure they didnt just fly quietly those hours it took to travel there
And we DO know the flight was a long as flight.... because it was enough time for Starks crew to capture IM's team, get Rhodey to a hospital and surgery, take the team to that base and process them, then for Tony to go there, walk through the base, talk to the captives, leave, and then meet Cap and Bucky about 15 mins after they landed
Yall really think they was talking about Peggy and the Red Skull the whole time or listening to old Mozart songs?
And did they really need to like show more scenes of the long plane trip to satisfy everyone?![]()
How did Cap even know about it? He wasn't alive, he didn't need to investigate it, if the tape was just sitting open to anyone Tony would have easily found it when Bucky emerged.
Cap should have been surprised like everyone else when they saw it, but when Tony looks at him and says did you know, and he nods like he knew it makes not sense at all because the film never did anything to let us in on that IMHO
Zola didn't say Bucky killed Stark's parents, and I'm pretty sure Shield knew the starks were assasinated from the get go.Cap didn't know about the tape, he knew hydra, most likely Bucky, killed Tony's parents because Zola mentioned it in TWS. The tape surprised him almost as much as Tony.