Satanyahu Defies US, Joe Biden, and Says Israel Will Keep Killing Civilians UPT: HE WAS BULLSHYTTING JOE THE WHOLE TIME


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles

Compare that to 10-15 years ago. We've largely pulled out. Our money ain't moving there like it once was.

In fact, China has taken over some locations where we used to have bases through that region. If we cared for the region that much, you think we'd be ok with that?

It's onto electric, not oil. The more we shift, the less and less we'll be there.

It's about tangible energy and resources, not culture wars.

The Shift to China​

Unlike in their domestic policies, Presidents Biden and Trump bear similarities in foreign policy. Trump was quick to position China at the center of his foreign policy agenda. Under his tenure, the U.S. levied additional tariffs on Chinese goods and saw “at least 210 public actions related to China that spanned at least 10 departments” in a whole-of-government approach (WGA). Biden retained Trump’s tough-on-China strategy and signaled a continuity in the focus on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). While it was former President Barak Obama who first stated his intent to pivot to Asia, the shift should be attributed mostly to Trump first, and now Biden.

Despite the similarity in direction, there are differences between the Trump and Biden strategies toward China. Critically, whereas the Trump administration made China the central focus of US foreign policy, the Biden administration formally shifted US foreign policy to China and away from the Middle East.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan has restructured the National Security staff in the Middle East and Asia directorates — downsizing the team devoted to the Middle East and bulking up the unit that coordinates US policy toward the vast region of the world stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific… The changes essentially flip the structure of the Obama-era NSC, where the Middle East directorate was much bigger than it is now and the Asia portfolio was managed by a handful of more junior staffers..

The National Security Council now operates under the pretense that China and Russia present the primary challenges to the US, the West, and the liberal international order and are America’s biggest security challenge going forward.
fukk opinion pieces, the actual policy itself and how the government is moving shows you we don't care about the region as much anymore.

Electric is the new oil.
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Apr 3, 2014
Biden going to have to take dude out if he wants to secure the election.

I actually think we already started doing this.

I posted about this here:

At the end of the day, this is the truth:

It's on to the next one. America does cutthroat business.

U.S is focused on Asia now. We've basically already determined there's nothing for us in the Middle East and have pulled out.

Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, etc. one more more of them will be our new Israel.

20 years ago if Iran tried what they did on Israel they'd be nuked into the ground. Now we got bigger fish.

No breh, just no.

I feel like a lot of folks don't understand why the US is the world's last superpower.

By definition of "superpower", that means that the US has its thumb on pretty much the entire planet. It can exert influence all across the globe, and being the last superpower, that means that there is no other superpower to prevent the US from doing so.

What is my point?

My point is that the US is not pivoting to the Pacific and Asia. The US has been focused on the Pacific and Asia THE ENTIRE TIME.

It's not an "either or". The US is running both and will continue to do so.

Since WW2, the US has used Japan almost as an unofficial proxy. Well I'll take that back, as I haven't studied post WW2 Japan right after WW2 that much.

But I will say that within my lifetime and yours, that Japan almost acts as a vassal of the US. Meaning, the US can exert power from Japan and also from South Korea and other places in Asia and the Pacific.

Breh, I feel like a lot of people are speaking on these things but haven't researched it and don't know anything about it and are only making comments based on what they've seen in the news these last couple of months, when the US has been doing this for decades.

A lot of the things that y'all bring up have been official US policy for decades :pachaha: You may just be finding out about it, but they've BEEN doing this.

The US is NOT giving up on the Middle East. That is the only reason why they are still supporting Israel through this obvious genocide. The US abandoning Israel WOULD signal that the US is abandoning the Middle East, but the US has way too much tied up in the Middle East to let that go. You really think we're about to walk away from the largest producers of oil? We import oil from the Middle East. That alone is going to make any US president stay there.

The US/Israel relationship has been more strained under Obama and Biden than it ever was historically that I'm aware of; but they are not going to walk away from the US's interests in the Middle East.

The US is standing with their own interests in the Middle East, not Israel. But the US President can't come out and say "Yo, we ain't leaving Israel cause we need the oil from the Middle East and Israel is our base of operations over there."

So he has to say instead, "We will never forget our commitment to Israel and we will continue to support their right to exist and support them as we have since their brutal experience in Nazi Germany :troll:"


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
No breh, just no.

I feel like a lot of folks don't understand why the US is the world's last superpower.

By definition of "superpower", that means that the US has its thumb on pretty much the entire planet. It can exert influence all across the globe, and being the last superpower, that means that there is no other superpower to prevent the US from doing so.

What is my point?

My point is that the US is not pivoting to the Pacific and Asia. The US has been focused on the Pacific and Asia THE ENTIRE TIME.

It's not an "either or". The US is running both and will continue to do so.

Since WW2, the US has used Japan almost as an unofficial proxy. Well I'll take that back, as I haven't studied post WW2 Japan right after WW2 that much.

But I will say that within my lifetime and yours, that Japan almost acts as a vassal of the US. Meaning, the US can exert power from Japan and also from South Korea and other places in Asia and the Pacific.

Breh, I feel like a lot of people are speaking on these things but haven't researched it and don't know anything about it and are only making comments based on what they've seen in the news these last couple of months, when the US has been doing this for decades.

A lot of the things that y'all bring up have been official US policy for decades :pachaha: You may just be finding out about it, but they've BEEN doing this.

The US is NOT giving up on the Middle East. That is the only reason why they are still supporting Israel through this obvious genocide. The US abandoning Israel WOULD signal that the US is abandoning the Middle East, but the US has way too much tied up in the Middle East to let that go. You really think we're about to walk away from the largest producers of oil? We import oil from the Middle East. That alone is going to make any US president stay there.

The US/Israel relationship has been more strained under Obama and Biden than it ever was historically that I'm aware of; but they are not going to walk away from the US's interests in the Middle East.

The US is standing with their own interests in the Middle East, not Israel. But the US President can't come out and say "Yo, we ain't leaving Israel cause we need the oil from the Middle East and Israel is our base of operations over there."

So he has to say instead, "We will never forget our commitment to Israel and we will continue to support their right to exist and support them as we have since their brutal experience in Nazi Germany :troll:"
It's about priorities you can't focus on the Middle East if it's not providing an equal payout.

Electric and tech is starting to really make way on a grand scale, especially with the Chinese electric vehicles and battery tech.

Suez canal makes up for 10% of the world's exports. But 50% of that is oil. If oil isn't as vital anymore, then we're falling behind over-defending it.

This already has literally happened and we're realizing it:
National security adviser Jake Sullivan has restructured the National Security staff in the Middle East and Asia directorates — downsizing the team devoted to the Middle East and bulking up the unit that coordinates US policy toward the vast region of the world stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific… The changes essentially flip the structure of the Obama-era NSC, where the Middle East directorate was much bigger than it is now and the Asia portfolio was managed by a handful of more junior staffers..
Apr 3, 2014
It's about priorities you can't focus on the Middle East if it's not providing an equal payout.

Electric and tech is starting to really make way on a grand scale, especially with the Chinese electric vehicles and battery tech.

Suez canal makes up for 10% of the world's exports. But 50% of that is oil. If oil isn't as vital anymore, then we're falling behind over-defending it.

This already has literally happened and we're realizing it:

But brother, what are we talking about here? Oil is DEFINITELY still vital. The majority of the people in the US still drive gasoline powered cars. We are decades away from oil no longer being the top commodity here. The Middle East is definitely still providing an equal payout.

The US considers Israel a necessary evil. It's the price the US has to pay in order to get oil and everything else that it needs from the Middle East. Those are just facts.

And bringing up a National Security team restructuring doesn't support your argument. National Security means defense. China is smelling itself and trying to seize territory and they are possibly going to attempt a land grab with Taiwan and other Indo-Pacific territories. So the US is, rightfully so, giving them their attention. But there's no substantial amounts of oil coming out of the Indo-Pacific where the US can stop relying on the Middle East. The title of that article that you linked even says "White House shifts from Middle East quagmires to a showdown with China".

But again, the US is not abandoning Israel any time soon, if ever, which is sad cause I would like to see how Israel does when they can't call Daddy. I bet you they stop all the big talk then. :mjgrin:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Seriously bro. How can you try to spin this on Biden ? What the fukk ?
these idiots on the far left blame biden for what israel, a foreign country, is doing. they're mad that bibi didn't listen to their gay little campus protests. you should see the whining and crying in HL

it's stupid and pathetic. biden is not the fukkin president of israel


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
Seriously bro. How can you try to spin this on Biden ? What the fukk ?
Biden is paused one shipment and its gonna be a minute before they feel it... cause he's supplied a large part of their surplus. He coulda listened to the several UN votes, world opinion, protesters and college students... I know he better not act surprised that brat he spoiled is being a spoiled brat

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
these idiots on the far left blame biden for what israel, a foreign country, is doing. they're mad that bibi didn't listen to their gay little campus protests. you should see the whining and crying in HL

it's stupid and pathetic. biden is not the fukkin president of israel
Biden: I will support Netanyahu and Israel no matter what



The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
these idiots on the far left blame biden for what israel, a foreign country, is doing. they're mad that bibi didn't listen to their gay little campus protests. you should see the whining and crying in HL

it's stupid and pathetic. biden is not the fukkin president of israel

Then he should stop funding Israel and he wouldn't get blamed :yeshrug:

If he'd listened months ago maybe we wouldn't have tens of thousands of dead civilians and people starving to death.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Biden: I will support Netanyahu and Israel no matter what
Then he should stop funding Israel and he wouldn't get blamed :yeshrug:

If he'd listened months ago maybe we wouldn't have tens of thousands of dead civilians and people starving to death.
he just did, you fukking idiots :snoop:

and no, because months ago, HAMAS HAD JUST KILLED A THOUSAND PEOPLE IN A DAY. do you put ANY blame on Hamas, AT ALL, for putting biden in this position :mindblown:

do you put ANY blame on Hamas hiding among these Gazans you claim to care about, after committing a massive terrorist attack, knowing they would get thousands of their own people killed?

no, of course not. blame joe fukkin biden