Sanctuary Cities.. i dont get it

Nov 18, 2016
I'm in Sd too there is no population of black illegal immigrants in San Diego

Most caribbean people in SD, just like a lot of black people in SD in general, are just people that stayed in SD after getting out the Navy or are somehow connected to the military

The Haitians in tj is pretty sad but they should be sent back to Haiti

Don't try to conflate black legal immigrants with illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America

Doesn't military service lead to citizenship?

I know that's how my ex got his citizenship (I'm a woman btw).


May 24, 2012
Tha Land


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I'm in Sd too there is no population of black illegal immigrants in San Diego

Most caribbean people in SD, just like a lot of black people in SD in general, are just people that stayed in SD after getting out the Navy or are somehow connected to the military

The Haitians in tj is pretty sad but they should be sent back to Haiti

Don't try to conflate black legal immigrants with illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America
Immigration force won't stop to make the distinction:mjpls:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Oh i have no doubt and recognize that there are some real issues brehs have pointed out. I have agreee with some of them also if you look back. I have also questioned others.

But that brings me back to what i said earlier. What does being decent have to do with this?
Because the argument over immigration in America is currently a human rights issue.

Whether we want to admit or not human nature is not always about being decent to each other. In fact i can argue that we are predatory towards each other.
Nature is inherently selfish. What we consider humanity is being able to think beyond our natural urges and make good decisions for the future of the collective.

Now i can pretend we live in a utopia but its not the case. If it was the case every us city would be a sanctuary city. So while i believe i what you are saying in theory its not realistic.
What's not realistic? I gave real life effects, and I also explained the morality behind it. Never said anything about utopia.

So. Why besides being "decent" should i care? I actually started this thread for exactly this kind of conversation with my brehs. Not looking to fall for propaganda from either side. Thats why i tell brehs to keep the Right/Left wars out of this discussion. Thats just to distract from the main topic.
"Sanctuary cities" is the left/right argument in a nutshell. An argument over nothing but semantics and emotions with each side only trying to rile up their base.

As a Black man or really any American sanctuary cities shouldn't even be on your mind. But if you want to talk about why a humane, reasonable immigration policy is important, then the reasons already pointed out in this thread are a good start.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Because the argument over immigration in America is currently a human rights issue.
thats were we differ. I dont see it as a human rights issue. I see it as people who are in the country illegally. As i see it they made a decision to come and stay despite being undocumented.

Nature is inherently selfish. What we consider humanity is being able to think beyond our natural urges and make good decisions for the future of the collective.
like i said that sounds good in theory. But you also have to balance that with we live in a country of laws. Not to say im a stickler for the rules because im not. But if i decide that i need all my available cash i make to take care of my family and decide not to pay taxes for 10 years and i seemingly get away with it.. for a time. In the 11th year i get audited. The 13th year the irs garnishes my wages to pay my debt. I see that as i took a risk.. i ate well for a while but now its time to pay the piper. I dont see it as a human rights issue because now my family is going to greatly suffer from my lack of income. Neither does the USA. So why should i see it somebody else attempting to finess as a human rights issue? As i see it most are people looking for work.. a better life for their fam right? And they know upfront that the potential to get booted out is real but they took that risk.
What's not realistic? I gave real life effects, and I also explained the morality behind it. Never said anything about utopia.
i understand what you are saying. What im saying is that way of thinking is not realistic in todays society.
"Sanctuary cities" is the left/right argument in a nutshell. An argument over nothing but semantics and emotions with each side only trying to rile up their base.

As a Black man or really any American sanctuary cities shouldn't even be on your mind. But if you want to talk about why a humane, reasonable immigration policy is important, then the reasons already pointed out in this thread are a good start.
Its not something i stay up at night about at all. It does not effect me personally yet that i know of. But i saw the cases being made on tv and on the face .. it makes no sense to me. If your here illegally why are you getting sanctuary? So i wondered if there was a deeper meaning i was missing. Decided to ask the Colis help. I thank you for your inputs... but if all your saying is that its the decent thing to do...

Well no offense but that does not move me personally in the slightest. But apparantly others are moved by that so i will let yall cook.
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One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
And sanctuary cities don't really exist.

Just a boogyman created by the GOP. In reality no city can harbor illegals
Yep all it really comes down to is we don't asks people their immigrantion status when providing services and we don't waste government tax payer money to have the police hunt them down, also minor crimes don't automatically require a citizenship check for the offender during processing.

Why you should care.......idk ask a white guy why he should care about the rules that protect our rights as black citizens. Like how this issue has been used to suppress black votes because the republicans have used it to require government ID's to vote while making it tougher for citizens to get that required ID

Uncle Hotep

Jun 19, 2015
man you lean right wing :stopitslime:.

anyway when you say use federal money what do you mean? did the federal govt generate that money on their own? or does a state like new york send more money to the federal govt than they get back in return? it's one thing to threaten useless taker states (funny most of them are red and they hate takers), it's another to threaten donor states.

and you probably shouldn't care either way. but it never ends there because you all end up caring about one particular way and in this case it's usually on the side of racists. these cities want to keep things rolling along and they feel gestapo tactics aren't good for state business and safety. why fukk with their economy? you right wingers like to talk about freedom when it's red states discriminating against people, but these blue state govts are supported by big majorities in their state and they don't seem to have a problem with it. the basic tenant of a sanctuary city is that the police shouldn't be asking about a person's legal status before they provide service. if ICE wants someone they can go get them. they are CHOOSING to not use their resources to enforce federal law, basically conscientiously objecting.

finally and most importantly this is protected by the 10th amendment. equal protection applies to everyone in the country, not just citizens, so states and municipalities can't deny services to anyone regardless of immigration status. so these cities are actually behaving lawfully.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
man you lean right wing :stopitslime:.

anyway when you say use federal money what do you mean? did the federal govt generate that money on their own? or does a state like new york send more money to the federal govt than they get back in return? it's one thing to threaten useless taker states (funny most of them are red and they hate takers), it's another to threaten donor states.

and you probably shouldn't care either way. but it never ends there because you all end up caring about one particular way and in this case it's usually on the side of racists. these cities want to keep things rolling along and they feel gestapo tactics aren't good for state business and safety. why fukk with their economy? you right wingers like to talk about freedom when it's red states discriminating against people, but these blue state govts are supported by big majorities in their state and they don't seem to have a problem with it. the basic tenant of a sanctuary city is that the police shouldn't be asking about a person's legal status before they provide service. if ICE wants someone they can go get them. they are CHOOSING to not use their resources to enforce federal law, basically conscientiously objecting.

finally and most importantly this is protected by the 10th amendment. equal protection applies to everyone in the country, not just citizens, so states and municipalities can't deny services to anyone regardless of immigration status. so these cities are actually behaving lawfully.


Lets go point by point

" these cities want to keep things rolling along and they feel gestapo tactics aren't good for state business and safety."

Enforcing immigration law = gestapo tactics? How is enforcing immigration law any more "gestapo" than enforcing any other laws? Are you this gung ho about the feds enforcing tax evasion laws? Racketeering? Traffic violations? Animal cruelty?

"blue state govts are supported by big majorities in their state and they don't seem to have a problem with it"

Blue states supporting something doesn't make it OK to operate in violation of federal law. You can't just pick and choose which laws you follow and don't, the whole legal system is pointless by that logic.

"the basic tenant of a sanctuary city is that the police shouldn't be asking about a person's legal status before they provide service."


Sanctuary cities are denying the legal status of people who convicted crimes. Stop trying to paint this as ICE officers running around demanding people's immigration status on the street :stopitslime:

"if ICE wants someone they can go get them."

ICE can't go get anybody if sanctuary cities hide them

"this is protected by the 10th amendment."

The 10th Amendment does not mean states can violate federal law :dead:

I used to, and still do hold rancor for the gross hypocrisy and double standards of the right.... now I'm seeing the left is just as bad, if not worse :snoop:

shyt like this is why I stopped fukking with HL, too many clowns with liberal arts vocabulary


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
thats were we differ. I dont see it as a human rights issue. I see it as people who are in the country illegally. As i see it they made a decision to come and stay despite being undocumented.
We already have laws and a border to defend against illegal entry. The current debate is not about people being here illegally. It's about demonizing Mexican people. Notice when we say "immigrants" we aren't talking about anybody but Mexicans.

We are talking about what to do with kids and families. And how to reasonably humanely enforce the rules without tearing families apart and harming American citizens.

like i said that sounds good in theory. But you also have to balance that with we live in a country of laws.
We have laws against illegal immigration. I never said we shouldn't.

Not to say im a stickler for the rules because im not. But if i decide that i need all my available cash i make to take care of my family and decide not to pay taxes for 10 years and i seemingly get away with it.. for a time. In the 11th year i get audited. The 13th year the irs garnishes my wages to pay my debt. I see that as i took a risk.. i ate well for a while but now its time to pay the piper. I dont see it as a human rights issue because now my family is going to greatly suffer from my lack of income.
Not really a good analogy. But immagine the consequence for this was to throw you in jail.

Now the question become what to do with your family. Do we let them starve? Or do we allow them to get some gov. Aid so they can get on their feet?

That's the human rights part of the issue.

Neither does the USA. So why should i see it somebody else attempting to finess as a human rights issue?
As i see it most are people looking for work.. a better life for their fam right? And they know upfront that the potential to get booted out is real but they took that risk. i understand what you are saying. What im saying is that way of thinking is not realistic in todays society.
That way of thinking is literally written into the United States constitution. It is the way we have always opporated. It is the way most wealthy countries operate.

I'ts not something i stay up at night about at all. It does not effect me personally yet that i know of. But i saw the cases being made on tv and on the face .. it makes no sense to me. If your here illegally why are you getting sanctuary? So i wondered if there was a deeper meaning i was missing. Decided to ask the Colis help. I thank you for your inputs... but if all your saying is that its the decent thing to do...
That's not all I said........:comeon:

And nobody is getting "sanctuary"

Well no offense but that does not move me personally in the slightest. But apparantly others are moved by that so i will let yall cook.

Cheap products/produce
No stop and frisk
Healthy economy
Medical/technical innovation.

Don't move you?:usure:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Enforcing immigration law = gestapo tactics? How is enforcing immigration law any more "gestapo" than enforcing any other laws? Are you this gung ho about the feds enforcing tax evasion laws? Racketeering? Rape? Kidnapping? Murder?
Immigration laws are being enforced. What's being proposed is deportation forces who purposely go out and seek illegals.

If you can't see the danger in emboldening more American police to haras more citizens, then you have not been paying attention.

Sanctuary cities are denying the legal status of people who convicted crimes.
No they aren't. That's what Fox News told you :mjlol:

Like "no-go zones" under sharia law :mjlol: