Which I agree with wholesale.
I never once said "Putin is good", many of my posts have been prefaced with that
statement. I have said over and over again that Putin is not a good guy.
I had to do this very same thing when I criticized Joe Biden before because
the same low information goofies reared their head and said "YOU MUST BE A TRUMP SUPPORTER!!!"
The Liberals in this thread lost their shyt because I dared to criticize Ukraine and
go against the manufactured consent bolstered by the American Media's War machine.
I have no doubt in my mind the very posters in here who now look back at 9/11 and the resulting failed conflicts as
"Bad" would've supported and defended all of the media saying "LET'S GO TO WAR!!!" WITHOUT QUESTION back
You got people in here clapping at the thought of Russian citizens dying in the streets from sanction induced starvation
and no one contemplates the pure evil it takes to be happy about such a thing because "Russia bad".
@CubanVoodooBreh for being somewhat level headed. I appreciate it.
Everyone else has come off as painfully stupid tbh.

You insult your ancestors and everyone else who laid down their lives for your freedom when you
become a dikk rider for a geriatric warhawk who had no problem creating a climate for modern day slavery.
If that offends you:
So be it.