that POW video 

Russia and Putin aren’t going anywhere, can’t nobody force him out
It’s probably better chances American citizens will start a civil war before Russian citizens
How do you get rid of Putinthere are ways of deposing an autocrat without civil war, but i'm sure you already know that.
How do you get rid of Putin
We in modeEye on Turkey, Greece Buying More French Fighter Jets, Warships - The National Herald
What is happening in Ukraine is making other countries build up their defense like never before. Greece is apparently militarizing more to defend themselves in Turkey decides to attack them.
And you think outsiders can accomplish this not some random natural causing sickness but someone will pull off a coup or assassination against Russia a first world country with one of the strongest militaries supported by the biggest economy in 2022 and it not lead to the destruction of human civilization as we know itin house coup, military coup, assassination, he fall ill, etc...
And you think outsiders can accomplish this not some random natural causing sickness but someone will pull off a coup or assassination against Russia a first world country with one of the strongest militaries supported by the biggest economy in 2022 and it not lead to the destruction of human civilization as we know it