So you argument is, to be a superpower you need to be on equal paring with the US?
Now you are missing the point. I never said the UK was a superpower. I was responding to the nuclear deployment criteria.The UK is a superpower now?
How yall brehs never studied what constitutes a superpower? I don't understand why y'all don't know this.
Read below, breh.
Trying to be more positive on the internetYou know you can tell him to fukk off right?
That's your only takeaway from that?
Not disputed territory. Not being bordered by hostile nations. Not their poor populations. Not their ports or waterways.
Russia's economy smaller than Texas, probably going to be the size of Mississippi when Biden gets done with them but tHeY'rE a sUpErPoWeR, right brehs?
Only thing yall keep saying is "but they can deploy nukes!" Other developed nations can deploy nukes and you wouldn't dare call them a superpower.
Or maybe YOU would, cause you just insinuated a few min ago that you consider the UK a superpower![]()
USA couldn't get Castro out of power in Cuba even after the Soviets fell.
And they absolutely despised Castro through the 60s, 70s, 80s but failed to do shyt in part cause he had Soviet backing. Just like China is wary of Taiwan because they have American backing.
UK had to let China have Hong Kong even though the people of Hong Kong didn't want to leave.
That wasn't my insinuation and now you acting like an ass, so we are going to stop the conversation here breh.
You're proving my point though. During the Soviet Union, Cuba was being backed by another superpower. So when the US wanted Castro removed, they couldn't do it.
Trust and believe that if they really wanted him afterwards, he would have been outta there. Facts are that after the USSR collapsed, the position of US foreign policy under Bush was to keep sanctions on Cuba, BUT they did lay out a path to normalizing relations.