Neo. The Only. The One.
I think people forget about the geography of Taiwan..a successful amphibious invasion (which I highly doubt China has the appetite for) is next to impossible. Strait of Taiwan is 180km wide, that's a lot of time in the ocean as sitting ducks, Taiwanese F-16's would eat.
Even then their economies are too interwoven for there to be a hot war. China views Taiwan as a breakaway province who made an incorrect decision, but that's still their fam.
it's like the drunk uncle in your family, you know they're lame, you feel ashamed, but you love 'em the same
I agree. China doesn't want a war with Taiwan. But the fact that we are sitting in their backyard telling them "hands off

As long as the US is calling the shots in their backyard, they can't be respected as a superpower and they know this. Which is why they are trying to increase their influence, not militarily but in other ways, similar to what the US does.
We have military might but we have influence over Europe not because of the power of our might, but the might of our power.
We don't have to force ppl to want to be next to us. They WANT to be close to us, because they want to be in the fold.