As mentioned on here by others, you can explain whatever you want to depending on what your agenda is. Do you want to explain the confederacy or the KKKs or hitlers point of view next? There is no nuance in somebody bombing a country and terrorizing it’s citizens. I keep going back because that was one of the wildest things I read on here aside from “I lean authoritarian”.
Only way not discussing explanations is warranted is if all parties understand those explanations, that's impossible to get on an internet discussion forum. If people wanna argue about them, why not? Doesn't mean they agree with those point of views. The point of a forum is discussion, and the point of HL is (I think) having a place were such discussions with nuance can be had.
If you are not interested in those explanations because there's no point in them (or whatever other reason), that's fine too. But there's others forums in TheColi were the "this is fukked up and I don't wanna heat anything else about it" energy is stronger than here.
Explanations are very important because they paint a bigger picture and help understand the real issues and challenges at hand. And they are always morally fukked up, ambiguous and with two or more sides that are going to fukk someone else over.