Russell Wilson is a cornball breh


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
These fools here are gonna roast you for this post. They also probably never read Uncle Tom's Cabin and have no idea he stood up for his beliefs and was considered a good dude.

This is always the cac's interpretation, and always the wrong one. The slaves took lessons from the story (which wasn't a true depiction, only a positive spin, as Harriet Tubman describes) and adapt it to their own lives, which included Uncle Tom-like chariacatures. Toms are no fukking heroes in real life, u moron.

Tom was servile and obedient to his own detriment and his people to the bewilderment and of the slaves. You see, slaves variously ran away, tricked whites and did whatever else they could to rebel (i.e. in the story, two black boys purposely misinterpret instructions from travelling slavemaster, trying to lead him astray). Tom, however, rebelled or sought to rebel (which is why he is soon rewarded with being able to leave the estate to go on errands). No, despite his and his family's predicament, he is always slavish and obedient to his master. He doesn't fight back against the violence, intimidation, murders and threats because he is a "Christian" (i.e. brainwashed by cac bullshyt). In fact, Tom was such a good slave that he is rewarded for his years of perfect servitude in a way only such a slave could be rewarded: by his master selling him down the river. It is during this moment hat Tom realizes the depth of his betrayal and the fact his years of blind servility had earned him nothing (not even a good death). It is at this moment he has his "negro wake up call". See, with all his experience outside the slave estate, Tom could have escaped a thousand times before--and taken others with him--but he never did. He could have saved his family from absolute slavery by running away--like another girl does in the same book--but Tom never does it. The juxpaposition between the girl's desperate actions and Tom's passive ones are what define him. As a final act of redemption against his many sins and own foolishness, Tom does one noble act. This one act is supposed to be redemption for his blind servitude, ignorance and blidness--but is he redeemed? The term "Uncle Tom' refers to the images of c00ns like Tom, who are servile and obedient, ultimately against their own and for the people who hate them.

Samuel Jackson's character is one such "Uncle Tom" caricature. The book shows cacs what they want to hear. But the slaves took out of it only what was true as they experienced it. One of those things is Uncle Tom caricature:

Harriet Tubman said: "I've heard Uncle Tom's cabin rad, and I tell you Mrs. Stowe's pen hasn't even begun to paint what slavery is as I have seen it in the South".

"I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."
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May 1, 2012
I would love to know how you classify someone as being an Uncle Tom. Please elaborate. This might be one of the most ignorant threads I've seen on here. So just because he speaks the King's English, isn't out doing dumb shyt and has white friends, that makes him an Uncle Tom?? Do you even know where the phrase Uncle Tom came from?? It's essential origins, not what has become mainstream today. This is the kind of stuff why black people will never progress as a whole in this country. Here you have a black man, who is doing everything right, but then you have ass clown crabs, such as yourself, trying to tear him down. And for what?? Because you don't like the way he talks? Because you don't approve of his inner circle? Because he married a woman who doesn't look like him? Get educated and support that man or get a life. It's stupid stuff like this that THEY want you to keep doing. THEY want you to continue tearing each other down. Why? Because they KNOW the moment you stop doing that, they're reign at the top is over. We gotta do better black people and start supporting one another, instead of continually trying to nit pick and bring each other down. Only time you see the majority doing that is if there is a personal/political/monetary gain at the end. Never just off the cuff for no warranted reason. Dumb shyt man, just pure dumb.
Are you serious? Acting like race doesn't matter and being nonchalant about race is the cure? You thinking being more fukking accepting than we already are is the cure? You see how black folks gave no fukks about Justin Bieber racist videos? You see white folks doing that? You see Jews doing that? You see Indians doing that? You see koreans that? Naw, most of them marry within their own race and support their own community. Black folks are always the kumbaya type crowd. We always the ones to forgive every damn thing and try to let other people into our circle. Funny shyt is, I got a rep on here for being a black militant for riding for black folks non stop. Yet I've been called a "phony militant" and what's wrong with the black community. WE as black people are the ones who marry interracial as soon as we get money. I'm the bad guy for thinking we should stick together as a community, support our community, and marry within our community? All other cultures do it and are doing better but somehow, our problem is we shouldn't do the same? How many times you gonna see a super rich black athlete marry a white person and transfer his earnings to her before you give a fukk? You'd be hard pressed to find any other race who does that but us. Have we been taught to be obedient and acceptance to white people? But fukk this, it's pointless. We'll continue to think shyt is sweet as our youth get gunned down in the streets, as our college graduates have less of a chance of getting a job than a white high school graduate, as we get profiled for just shopping at a grocery store. Nawwwww, that's not the problem though. It's that we don't accept black celebrities who hang and associate with white folks. You are clueless and will never help in our progress.

Didn't even wanna take this thread to that level because I know a majority of the posters in the coliseum are non black but I can't get called out that much and not say some shyt. I'm done here man.

fukked with each one of you nikkas here but fukk it.
@Savior @mastermind @Sleepy @Rekkapryde @Inevitable Kobe Turnover @SubZeroDegrees

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Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Are you serious? Acting like race doesn't matter and being nonchalant about race is the cure? You thinking being more fukking accepting than we already are is the cure? You see how black folks gave no fukks about Justin Bieber racist videos? You see white folks doing that? You see Jews doing that? You see Indians doing that? Naw, most of them marry within their own race and support their own community. Black folks are always the kambaya type crowd. We always the ones to forgive every damn thing and try to let other people into our circle. Funny shyt is, I got a rep on here for being a black militant for riding for black folks non stop. WE as black people are the ones who marry interracial as soon as we get money. I'm the bad guy for thinking we should stick together as a community, support our community, and marry within our community? All other cultures do it and are doing better but somehow, our problem is we shouldn't do the same? How many times you gonna see a super rich black athlete marry a white person and transfer his earnings to her before you give a fukk? You'd be hard pressed to find any other race who does that but us. Have we been taught to be obedient and acceptance to white people? But fukk this, it's pointless. We'll continue to think shyt is sweet as our youth get gunned down in the streets, as our college graduates have less of a chance of getting a job than a white high school graduate, as we get profiled for just shopping at a grocery store. Nawwwww, that's not the problem though. It's that we don't accept black celebrities who hang and associate with white folks. You are clueless and will never help in our progress. Peace

Reputable post all around breh I have nothing to say or add.

My nikka Soulja. :wowkobe:

"I'ma say this loud and clear, mothafukk the white man." :wowderas:

"Klu Klux Klan talk shyt, but they don't wan start shyt." :bishop:
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May 1, 2012
This is always the cac's interpretation, and always the wrong one. People take lessons from the story and adapt it to their own lives, which would have include Uncle Tom-like people during slave times.

Tom was servile and obedient to his own detriment and his people to the bewilderment and of the slaves. You see, slaves variously ran away, tricked whites and did whatever else they could to rebel (i.e. in the story, two black boys purposely misinterpret instructions from travelling slavemaster, trying to lead him astray). Tom, however, rebelled or sought to rebel. No, despite his and his family's predicament, he is always slavish and obedient to his master. He doesn't fight back against the violence, intimidation, murders and threats because he is a "Christian". In fact, Tom was such a good slave that he is rewarded for his years of perfect servitude in a way only such a slave could be rewarded: by his master selling him down the river. It is during this moment hat Tom realizes the depth of his betrayal and the fact his years of blind servility had earned him nothing (not even a good death). It is at this moment he has his "negro wake up call". See, with all his experience outside the slave estate, Tom could have escaped a thousand times before--and taken others with him--but he never did. He could have saved his family from absolute slavery by running away--like another girl does in the same book--but Tom never does it. The juxpaposition between the girl's desperate actions and Tom's passive ones are what define him. As a final act of redemption against his many sins and own foolishness, Tom does one noble act. This one act is supposed to be redemption for his blind servitude, ignorance and blidness--but is he redeemed? The term "Uncle Tom' refers to the images of c00ns like Tom, who are servile and obedient, ultimately against their own and for the people who hate them. Samuel Jackson's character is one such "Uncle Tom" caricature.
Funny shyt, is you WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVVVVVVER go to a supposedly white message board and hear the dikk riding for interracial relationships. Whether it'd be a girlfriend or a homeboy. You can't go to a youtube video regarding a black person and not see ****** this and ****** that. shyt is funny man. I fukk wit Russ, think he prolly a good dude and a damn good quarterback. But I also notice that he associates with mainly white people. Sorry for being a "militant" brehs. It's 2014, all is good right.
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"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Funny shyt, is you WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVVVVVVER. You got to a supposedly white message board and hear the dikk riding for interracial relationships. Whether it'd be a girlfriend or a homeboy. You can't go to a youtube video regarding a black person and not see ****** this and ****** that. shyt is funny man. I fukk wit Russ, think he prolly a good dude and a damn good quarterback. But I also notice that he associates with mainly white people. Sorry for being a "militant" brehs. It's 2014, all is good right.

Erase this post. I made a mistake in the writing. I meant to say Tom "never rebels", not "Tom rebels". What did you get out of what I wrote that you would wrote this response? Did you even read it? Go read it again. I was saying that "Tom" is not a good man in the book. Cacs interpret the book wrong.

Tom could have escaped a thousand times and helped others if he hadn't been an Uncle Tom -- but he never does so out of blind servility and ignorance. It is only at the last that he as a "negro wake up call" (why the fukk would a slave need a wake up call? That shows the depth and depravity of Tom's slavish condition) when others had their "call" much earlier and run away to Canada well before. Even after the wake up and his one noble act, Tom's slavish intransigence and stupidity earns him nothing -- his family is still enslaved and he ends up dead. . As Tubman's statement about the book implies, the slave took what they knew was true from the story (which Tubman basically said is bullshyt), and that was the caricature of Uncle Tom. S

See, slaves were taught that their race was meant for slavery. Moreover, Christianity was a tool used to pacify slaves so that they wouldn't attack their masters or revolt ("murderers go to hell" bullshyt). Slaves were forbidden to read because then they might find reason to oppose slavery within the Bible (problematic for slavemasters; this is what d). Instead slaves were only preached (which is probably why preaching is so popular amongst African Americans) whatever the slavemaster wanted them to hear, using the powerful passages of the Bible. With all this brainwashing, you can imagine how a c00n or Uncle Tom might crop up.
That's probably why Harriet Tubman said what she said about saving a thousand people and not being able to save a thousand more..
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Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
good young quarterback other than that:yeshrug: I don't know or care to know him.

This shyt is kinda similar to Kobe's early years(except Russel Wilson will never amount to what the one shooting gawd did in his early years :whoa:). Tried to keep a super clean image but ended up destroying it. With all the cacs Russ hangs with the odds aren't good for him to dodge Kobe's fate. :wowkobe:


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Are you serious? Acting like race doesn't matter and being nonchalant about race is the cure? You thinking being more fukking accepting than we already are is the cure? You see how black folks gave no fukks about Justin Bieber racist videos? You see white folks doing that? You see Jews doing that? You see Indians doing that? You koreans that? Naw, most of them marry within their own race and support their own community. Black folks are always the kambaya type crowd. We always the ones to forgive every damn thing and try to let other people into our circle. Funny shyt is, I got a rep on here for being a black militant for riding for black folks non stop. Yet I've been called a "phony militant" and what's wrong with the black community. WE as black people are the ones who marry interracial as soon as we get money. I'm the bad guy for thinking we should stick together as a community, support our community, and marry within our community? All other cultures do it and are doing better but somehow, our problem is we shouldn't do the same? How many times you gonna see a super rich black athlete marry a white person and transfer his earnings to her before you give a fukk? You'd be hard pressed to find any other race who does that but us. Have we been taught to be obedient and acceptance to white people? But fukk this, it's pointless. We'll continue to think shyt is sweet as our youth get gunned down in the streets, as our college graduates have less of a chance of getting a job than a white high school graduate, as we get profiled for just shopping at a grocery store. Nawwwww, that's not the problem though. It's that we don't accept black celebrities who hang and associate with white folks. You are clueless and will never help in our progress.

Didn't even wanna take this thread to that level because I know a majority of the posters in the coliseum are non black but I can't get called out that much and not say some shyt. I'm done here man.

You suffering from being online too long fam. The shyt you talking about happens mainly online. Also stop hanging out at LSA or with your mom and aunt spitting that garbage about getting money and IR marriage. shyt is so wring and you dikkheads keep running with it like that shyt 2+2=4. This whole post sounds like some crazy shyt from being online too much and or hanging with a weak crew IRL. All this ranting like you got the answers for blacks. If you do just do your thing and if its good enough others will follow. Y'all really got to stop putting these other races on a pedestal too shyt is sooo fukking annoying. This group don't do this, that and the other but blacks do. Get off their dikks they're human just like us and got the same successes and fukk ups as us too.

Funny shyt, is you WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVVVVVVER go to a supposedly white message board and hear the dikk riding for interracial relationships. Whether it'd be a girlfriend or a homeboy. You can't go to a youtube video regarding a black person and not see ****** this and ****** that. shyt is funny man. I fukk wit Russ, think he prolly a good dude and a damn good quarterback. But I also notice that he associates with mainly white people. Sorry for being a "militant" brehs. It's 2014, all is good right.
Again you need to get some air you online dimentia or some shyt. Every fukking thing you mentioning is some online shyt like everybody really cares that much. If you see an IR couple in real life people aren't looking like its some exotic animal but it seems like its been awhile since you've been outside. Try it it'll be good for you.

TLDR: Go outside cause your ranting seems to come from being online too much and get off other races dikks they are human not gods


May 1, 2012
You suffering from being online too long fam. The shyt you talking about happens mainly online. Also stop hanging out at LSA or with your mom and aunt spitting that garbage about getting money and IR marriage. shyt is so wring and you dikkheads keep running with it like that shyt 2+2=4. This whole post sounds like some crazy shyt from being online too much and or hanging with a weak crew IRL. All this ranting like you got the answers for blacks. If you do just do your thing and if its good enough others will follow. Y'all really got to stop putting these other races on a pedestal too shyt is sooo fukking annoying. This group don't do this, that and the other but blacks do. Get off their dikks they're human just like us and got the same successes and fukk ups as us too.

Again you need to get some air you online dimentia or some shyt. Every fukking thing you mentioning is some online shyt like everybody really cares that much. If you see an IR couple in real life people aren't looking like its some exotic animal but it seems like its been awhile since you've been outside. Try it it'll be good for you.

TLDR: Go outside cause your ranting seems to come from being online too much and get off other races dikks they are human not gods
Thanks for quoting me to reaffirm my original post. :salute: