the FBI tailed mike for 2 years...they even interviewed a dude that accused MJ back in the 70's - come to find out he was running a porn site and other odd businesses and used a promo picture of him and MJ to help market himself
he turned out to be bogus like the rest of them.
Add to that the fact that to date, nobody has ever come forward against MJ that didn't want money - look at the Catholic Priest victims and Bambaata's victims; none or very few of them wanted $$$
also numerous experts have said that the way MJ publicly hung out with kids was very unlike serial pedophiles; they usually move in silence
just like with eddie murphy, I don't go by by "gut" or my feelings - set all that shyt aside and look at factual evidence
mike was weird and bizarre, but was he fukking small kids? absolutely not.
man what the hell are you talking about

neither of us believed mike molested anyone. did u see the posts? we are talking about his ADULT relationships,
hence me bringing up the fact that i think there may or may not have been a chance the wade robson guy is someone that was his boyfriend
im not insulting him or making fun of him when i say it cause im a huge MJ stan. i am just being real. i bet you anything his father joe jackson has had the same thoughts about those dudes being his boyfriends