Rumors,feuds,and scandals from Old Black Hollywood

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I've read the LA Reid book. Nothing too "scandalous" at all and a lot of stuff that was already known...

He DID say that Big Boi and Andre told him after Stankonia that they were no longer going to record together and that Speakerboxxx was originally meant to be just a Big Boi solo album. A couple weeks before it was set to release Andre called Reid and asked him how long he had to record an album and put it out alongside Big Boi's. Reid told him he had two weeks. The Love Below was recorded within TWO WEEKS!!!!

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
i don't NEED celebs to be gay. I'm just not in denial the way you are. Plenty of civilians and regular people have wives and children by multiple women and leave a double life. Hence the term "on the downlow". Yall got no issue saying it happens with regular people but if someone implies it happens with a celeb its hard for you to phatrom.

Like the person above me said a tranny even outed him again in the past. This is a regular occurance

Let me ask you this do you really think Eddie was just giving a tranny a ride? Are you that retarded and naive? You can't be that stupid.

:snoop:Let me simplify this for you:

More physical evidence exists of eddie murphys heterosexuality than his homosexuality - pictures, videos, actual women, children etc etc <<< this is an undeniable fact

Fam, you have a 20 year old incident that nobody is denying happened - but you need more than that fam, he's got more kids by different women than any other actor in Hollywood but let you tell it he's gay. :childplease:

Not buying it. Now crack your little jokes and "lol" at yourself some more, but at least address my points first.


Aug 12, 2012
I've read the LA Reid book. Nothing too "scandalous" at all and a lot of stuff that was already known...

He DID say that Big Boi and Andre told him after Stankonia that they were no longer going to record together and that Speakerboxxx was originally meant to be just a Big Boi solo album. A couple weeks before it was set to release Andre called Reid and asked him how long he had to record an album and put it out alongside Big Boi's. Reid told him he had two weeks. The Love Below was recorded within TWO WEEKS!!!!

:dead: right after i say it too. See i knew my gut was right. LA Reid has always been an attention hoe. He probably revealed more in the preview than what you actually read in the book.

Hmm...who else haven't we talked about in this thread? Need to make a list

I don't think any of us discussed Chaka Khan. Doesn't she have a sister also in the music industry? I wonder how their relationship is. People don't bring up drugs everyone knows Chaka used to do it and she has owned up to it.

I know this is blasphemous to say but i heard extra stuff about MLK and his infidelities which we have heard the talk of before. But i also learned that people in those days actually knew about it in the streets and that the rumors were of no shock. What did shock me though was that "allegedly" people said pics were taken of him sometimes with a white woman or two

Most of yall in this thread don't know this but Martin Luther King SR back in the day wrote a book where he discussed how his son almost was gonna marry a white woman and they had to speak to him long and hard about not doing that. I'm not making this up google it yourself. this is one thing that isnt just heresay. his own father said that.

That being said don't get what i said out of context and say im insulting him cause im not and most people knew of the rumors of affairs already. i doubt coretta cared that much honestly and she likely knew the deal :wow: we all know women in those days put up with it more. people say cause women had less rights then and did not have a choice but i don't think that is the case necessarily especially since she and martin had paper and she was successful in her own right. as cheesy as this sounds and as much as we joke about it she likely really did do it for "the greater good" and she did not want to cause drama in the public eye especially for the enemy to be satisfied about king being "exposed".

i also think in those days women put up with it cause the man could afford to have multiple families. nikkas today can barely afford to handle one chick.

But basically Martin had an active hotel account at the Old Ambassador Hotel in LA where he had alot of his hoes and yes many of them were white.


May 19, 2012
:dead: right after i say it too. See i knew my gut was right. LA Reid has always been an attention hoe. He probably revealed more in the preview than what you actually read in the book.

Hmm...who else haven't we talked about in this thread? Need to make a list

I don't think any of us discussed Chaka Khan. Doesn't she have a sister also in the music industry? I wonder how their relationship is. People don't bring up drugs everyone knows Chaka used to do it and she has owned up to it.

I know this is blasphemous to say but i heard extra stuff about MLK and his infidelities which we have heard the talk of before. But i also learned that people in those days actually knew about it in the streets and that the rumors were of no shock. What did shock me though was that "allegedly" people said pics were taken of him sometimes with a white woman or two

Most of yall in this thread don't know this but Martin Luther King SR back in the day wrote a book where he discussed how his son almost was gonna marry a white woman and they had to speak to him long and hard about not doing that. I'm not making this up google it yourself. this is one thing that isnt just heresay. his own father said that.

That being said don't get what i said out of context and say im insulting him cause im not and most people knew of the rumors of affairs already. i doubt coretta cared that much honestly and she likely knew the deal :wow: we all know women in those days put up with it more. people say cause women had less rights then and did not have a choice but i don't think that is the case necessarily especially since she and martin had paper and she was successful in her own right. as cheesy as this sounds and as much as we joke about it she likely really did do it for "the greater good" and she did not want to cause drama in the public eye especially for the enemy to be satisfied about king being "exposed".

i also think in those days women put up with it cause the man could afford to have multiple families. nikkas today can barely afford to handle one chick.

But basically Martin had an active hotel account at the Old Ambassador Hotel in LA where he had alot of his hoes and yes many of them were white.
It's a reason why the family doesn't want those old FBI recordings and whatnot released. Might make cats look at MLK in a whole nother way even though in the grand scheme of things he was a MAN first.


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
Jermaine once had sex with a groupie while Michael and Marlon were in the same hotel room. They were asleep. After they were finished as the groupie was leaving she heard Michael say "nice job. Now can we please get some sleep?" Michael and Marlon had been pretending the whole time....


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
In 1978 Michael was so determined to meet Jackie Kennedy Onassis that he started dating Jackie's daughter Caroline. He took her to the skating rink and then to dinner. After dinner he tried to kiss her, to which she replied "If my mother knew that I kissed a black boy she absolutely kill me." Michael went home crying. Years later, during the success of Thriller, Jackie met with MJ about the possibility of him writing an autobiography for the publisher Double Day, for which Jackie served as editor. MJ asked Jackie about Caroline's comments and Jackie became angry and insisted that Caroline made up those comments herself.

Michael kept a nude photo of Jackie Kennedy in his sock drawer that a New York Daily news reporter gave to him as a souvenir


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
1) gossip and rumor; we all know of one incident, but in 2017 in the era of cell phone cameras and everybody trying to cash in - nothing else?! Huh?

2) The man has 9 kids by 5 different women fam, and those are just the ones he got pregnant - but let you tell it, he's out here sucking dikk on the regular too :mindblown:

Reality just isn't matching up with your little theory bruh. Some of you dudes NEED these celebs to be gay or on the dl but that's another discussion :coffee:
Not to discount what you say but a lot of gay men back in the day still had children and slept with women. In ancient Greece and Rome dudes had wives and children but still was fukking dudes.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Not to discount what you say but a lot of gay men back in the day still had children and slept with women. In ancient Greece and Rome dudes had wives and children but still was fukking dudes.

Absolutely, I agree and have seen this myself with my own eyes

But a man with 9 kids by 5 different women?! Cmon now. :comeon:

And let's not forget he was smashing rocsi from 106 n park and Tracey Edmonds too - just didn't get em pregnant :francis:

I mean either he's a p*ssy hound or a tranny chaser, I'm not buying the argument that he's both

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
Michael Jackson was not a fan of either Sam Bowie or Mick Jagger. He felt that Mick sings flat and ruined their duet State Of Shock.

Quincy Jones and Michael's management originally predicted that Thriller would only sell Two Million copies (which was considered a Hot album at the time) Michael was pissed and almost shelved Thriller because of their lack of faith

Thriller was the FIRST album to hit number 1 in both the USA and the UK at the same time

CBS made Sixty Million Dollars off if Thriller but Michael made more. At the time, he had the highest royalty rate in the music business ($2.10 per album sold) MJ made Thirty-Two Million off of Thriller's domestic sales, Fifteen Million off international sales, and writer's royalties for the 4 songs he wrote.

Michael made two demands of Berry Gordy to perform on Motown 25. First he would perform Billie Jean. Berry countered that that song wasn't a Motown song so it didn't make sense. Michael told him it didn't matter. Secondly Michael demanded final edit of his taped performance. Berry agreed.

In 1978 Michael was so determined to meet Jackie Kennedy Onassis that he started dating Jackie's daughter Caroline. He took her to the skating rink and then to dinner. After dinner he tried to kiss her, to which she replied "If my mother knew that I kissed a black boy she absolutely kill me." Michael went home crying. Years later, during the success of Thriller, Jackie met with MJ about the possibility of him writing an autobiography for the publisher Double Day, for which Jackie served as editor. MJ asked Jackie about Caroline's comments and Jackie became angry and insisted that Caroline made up those comments herself.

Michael kept a nude photo of Jackie Kennedy in his sock drawer that a New York Daily news reporter gave to him as a souvenir

What was going on with Mike and Brooke Shields? Didn't he want to marry her or something? :feedme:


The Picasso of the Ghetto
Aug 30, 2015
South Central Los Angeles
Jackie Wilson

sexually assaulted Patti Labelle

was shot by a girlfriend, who caught him with a black model in a hotel, despite being shot, Wilson stumbled down the hall and tried to take the gun from his assailant, she pushed him away and ran out of the hotel, Wilson followed and collapsed on the sidewalk.

otis redding
impregnated his wife when she was 15 years old and he was 19

He was a smart business man, his family still lives on the 300 acre farm he purchased with some of his first earnings

Otis was told NOT to take the plane and he did it anyway. They said weather was bad. He wanted to get out of Nashville ASAP. But they don't know why it crashed. The person who survived was a sleep until a few seconds before impact.

after they pull him out the water
To add on Otis was told that the battery was low
The only band member to survive the crash said the pilot and Otis were aware that the battery was low and chose to fly it anyway
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Jan 24, 2016
More Jackson fukkery...

This is during the Jackson 5 heyday...

Joe set up a system when they are on tour for how Groupies were to be dispersed...

A girl would have sex with Joe first

Then Jackie

And then if the girl had anything left to give Jermaine would get some

Jermaine once had sex with a groupie while Michael and Marlon were in the same hotel room. They were asleep. After they were finished as the groupie was leaving she heard Michael say "nice job. Now can we please get some sleep?" Michael and Marlon had been pretending the whole time....

Jackie and the other brothers once locked Michael into a hotel room with two hookers. Michael wasn't having it and after about an hour the brothers opened the door to discover Michael reading the Bible to the two hookers.

Joe would brag to his sons about his sexual exploits while on the road, which angered Michael. He never forgave Joe for cheating on his mother and this is the basis for why Michael would never help Joe later in life.

damn, joe aint shyt. doing the dont be a menace "if you bring any hoes up in here, make sure i fukk em first" shyt?

I've read the LA Reid book. Nothing too "scandalous" at all and a lot of stuff that was already known...

He DID say that Big Boi and Andre told him after Stankonia that they were no longer going to record together and that Speakerboxxx was originally meant to be just a Big Boi solo album. A couple weeks before it was set to release Andre called Reid and asked him how long he had to record an album and put it out alongside Big Boi's. Reid told him he had two weeks. The Love Below was recorded within TWO WEEKS!!!!

i believe it. as much as that shyt bangs, a life in the day feels like some shyt he came up with recollecting with someone(which is the point)