I don't know breh

there's stories that go either way. There are reputable people within Michael's camp who knew and worked with him for decades who swear up and down Michael didn't have a gay bone in his body and then there are people in the same circle who kind of just go "

LOOK at the evidence..."
As an MJ Stan I've read it all. Most of his effeminate manner was used as a smokescreen to hide his calculating business moves and manipulative manner. People underestimated him and he got the drop on them. It's how he got the Beatles catalogue right from under Paul Mcartney's nose. It's part of how he manipulated the press (a lot of the early "wacko Jacko" rumors were actually planted by MJ himself, who was bought up to believe that all press was good press) MJ was SUPER shrewd and resourceful.
But you can't just sweep young males hanging out with you under the rug. Especially when NOBODY else knew who the hell these people were. Hell even Joe and Katherine confronted him once about that and MJ straight up refused to give them any answers.
There's only two examples of any women Michael expressed true romantic interest in. And one of them was Lisa Marie Presley, who by all accounts, did enjoy a sexually ravenous relationship with MJ. In fact that was one of the things that kept them together was great sex. But even Lisa was put off my MJ's insistence on having out with young underage boys DURING the height of the molestation allegations.
Ironically enough, Elizabeth Taylor was the one and true woman in Michael's life besides his mother who could ever talk any sense into him...