Black Mamba
Habitual line stepping at this point, and they haven’t been checked yet.Rockstar is tripping
Habitual line stepping at this point, and they haven’t been checked yet.Rockstar is tripping
this was easily predictable with anyone with a working brain. I remember arguing with people on here for hundreds of posts when they thought not having subsidized phone costs was a good thing. The average consumer is stupid.we as a society really thought better times were on the horizon giving cable companies and rental companies the collective
capitalism said we got the remix for you don't worry, and it's gonna be in even more media than before
Are you happy the consumers?
Crazy is that GTAV was on PS3/Xbox 360 era and these fools still ate it up like a damn fool
That gaming MMO is changed everything now its all about $$$ microtransactions online now.
Constantly pushing the boundaries with the settings they play in. One of the biggest draws to the series. They could’ve had a vice city like game by now set in Chicago or Medellin etc. would’ve been a great experience playing in those kind of placesGTA6 will be a PS6 launch game at this point and I couldn't care lessWhat more can they possibly do to make another GTA game better than this one anyway.
Breh this game is the modern WOW with the fiends being the Horde. This game came out when my son was fukking 2, and now my son is damn near going to the 5th grade and GTA Online is still a thing