They should of stuck with the silver suit it looked so much better in live shots then the black. I also don't like the exposed hand just throws the whole suit off.

They should of stuck with the silver suit it looked so much better in live shots then the black. I also don't like the exposed hand just throws the whole suit off.
I understand what your saying, but that doesn't apply to Robocop 1 or 2 thorobocop sold out in part 3, but whatever...if you dont believe me, just look it up yourself to see what i'm talking's pg-13 movies would've been R movies 20 years get an R movie today, you have to go damn near over the top with: language, violence, nudity, and/or blood/gore...
that's why I put 'unrated' in there cause that is what i'm talking about...
there was no pg-13 rating 30 years ago.
and og robocop came out after when they had the pg-13 system and it still got an R.
Nah dude...the rating system has gotten way more puritan. A movie like the original RoboCop that got an R back in 1987 would be given an NC-17 until cuts were made to it nowadays.
RoboCop 2 was Pretty Good, 3 is where i draw the line
Breh the original robocop was nc-17 , the only movie to get that rating due to the sheer violence( you can see it for yourself on the criterion edition or directors cut)
It got edited to get an R so I don't know what the fukk you're smoking but there ain't no god damn way it would of gotten pg-13 today
The violence will be heavily toned and shot off camera
With that said it can't be worse than robocop 3 so ill watch
*splits blood on papers* Just give me my fukking phone call."I got the muscle to shove enough of this factory so far up your stupid wop ass that you'll shyt snow for a year." -Clarence Boddikker
sad there isn't gonna be a bad guy that trill in this remake. I just know it.
have u seen robo cop?that's going by the system then...which we talking the 80s when conservatives were running shyt....times have changed....violence wise, that shyt would be pg-13...only reason it would get an R rating is cause of the language...
They can keep the movie as is, add a couple F-bombs in it and make it R that way
You can take Disney's animated classics like snow white, and make that shyt R By sprinkling it with bad language
have u seen robo cop?
that shyt was a hard R
they had to take out some shyt so it wouldn be nc17
yeah it, it would still be a rated r movie todaylol yea, I've seen it...plenty of times...tend to watch it every time it comes on...that's besides the're thinking about robo cop in relation to the time it came out...think about that movie coming out wouldn't be nc-17....and the only reason it would get an R is cause of the language...the violence and other shyt would not be rated R in today's movie industry