Rise of the Tomb Raider [Official Thread] PS4 finally experiencing greatness


May 6, 2012
Any of y'all notice a performance increase with the latest patch?
I'll try and beat this today and get back to Bloodborne. Now that I'm thinking about it, i saw a write up on GAF and a poster described the game more as a Batman Clone with some TLOU sprinkled in it(though not done in an exactly good way).

These are my feelings towards the game.:jbhmm:
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be back in a bit

All Star
Aug 8, 2014
Any of y'all notice a performance increase with the latest patch?
I'll try and beat this today and get back to Bloodborne. Now that I'm thinking about it, i saw a write up on GAF and a poster described the game more as a Batman Clone with some TLOU sprinkled in it(though not done in an exactly good way).

These are my feelings towards the game.:jbhmm:
I don't see it as a batman clone at all. It's just like the first tomb raider except with more focus on the hub worlds.


May 6, 2012
I don't see it as a batman clone at all. It's just like the first tomb raider except with more focus on the hub worlds.
The emphasis on XP and collecathons, as well as a bunch of fodder gadgets and tools(arrow climbing? lol, that's just unbelievable even for the world she's in.) reminds me of Batman in how it's keeping you busy doing other stuff to keep from a mediocre campaign. The first one was similar to Batman too(in terms of gameplay progression).

The biggest difference is the campaigns and shyt in Batman are actually great. In here, the campaign is nothing special. CD needs to sort of find some cohesiveness with all this stuff they have here. There's a good game under all the fluff, had they actually made the other parts super tight but at best they're mediocre.

This post got me dying:
I stopped playing this game 12 hours in. This is seriously one of the most boring AAA experiences I've ever played. The enemy is a joke considering how much ammo and crafted supplies you have at the ready. I'm carrying enough supplies to craft endless supplies of bandages, poison arrows, napalm arrows, hollow point bullets, etc I'm basically invincible at this point. All the collectables and puzzle solving give you rewards to make the already easy combat easier. I don't NEED to make my assault rifle more accurate, I'm not having trouble with the shooting at all. All the set pieces are boring "hold up on the stick" garbage. Seriously, this feels incredibly outdated in 2016. The gameplay and set pieces should go hand in hand, they shouldn't feel completely separated from each other. Nothing in this game holds any tension, it's barely a video game as far as I'm concerned.

Also, the story is fukking boring. How Is this kind of shlock still acceptable in 2016? I realise that video games aren't the most story focused mediums, but come the fukk on. Hire some writers that can make something...ANYTHING interesting happen. If this crap was in a movie, you can guarantee that it would be considered rotten derivative crap.



shyt got me crackin up at how blunt he posted.
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be back in a bit

All Star
Aug 8, 2014
The emphasis on XP and collecathons, as well as a bunch of fodder gadgets and tools(arrow climbing? lol, that's just unbelievable even for the world she's in.) reminds me of Batman in how it's keeping you busy doing other stuff to keep from a mediocre campaign. The first one was similar to Batman too(in terms of gameplay progression).

The biggest difference is the campaigns and shyt in Batman are actually great. In here, the campaign is nothing special. CD needs to sort of find some cohesiveness with all this stuff they have here. There's a good game under all the fluff, had they actually made the other parts super tight but at best they're mediocre.
I could see TR2013 being to Rise what Arkham Asylum is to Arkham City. The actual gameplay is nothing like Batman though. It's what it's always been. Uncharted + Tomb Raider.

And please, Arkham City was fukking garbage. THAT is the definition of mediocre campaign, shyt story and filler content. It was overrated as fukk because it was open world and had all kinds of filler content and "value". :camby: Asylum was great though, at least at the time. But yeah, you just trolling this thread at this point. :comeon:


May 6, 2012
I could see TR2013 being to Rise what Arkham Asylum is to Arkham City. The actual gameplay is nothing like Batman though. It's what it's always been. Uncharted + Tomb Raider.

And please, Arkham City was fukking garbage. THAT is the definition of mediocre campaign, shyt story and filler content. It was overrated as fukk because it was open world and had all kinds of filler content and "value". :camby: Asylum was great though, at least at the time. But yeah, you just trolling this thread at this point. :comeon:



Arkham City??? GARBAGE? :mindblown:

Garbage campaign?
Breh, Arkham City was NOT overrated due to being open world. The "content" it had was great. Combat missions, stealth missions and whatnot on the side was great. I still boot that up and play due to how great the combat is in that game.

The campaign's progression with how you get new items and shyt was what I said TR is similar to but in TR it makes no sense because everything is already OP e.g. guns, supplies etc. No need to get upgrades when you can already be invincible with a bow and arrow and headshots.

Batman, the game's upgrades and shyt gave you new combat abilities and gadgets that made combat funner and more varied. There's no reason for any of that here in Rise. I'm not a big Batman fan but you bugging if you think AC was wack.

Idk why you think i'm trolling. Nothing i"m saying is far fetched or untrue.
CD needs to reevaluate what they're trying to do with this series. They've got a game with no soul. Seriously, what character in this game is likable or interesting?? It ain't Lara, it ain't Jacob, It ain't ANA, it ain't Jonah. So even if the story was wack, interesting characters would make up for it but nah, that's not going on here.

I try giving searching for stuff a try and the rewards are.. unrewarding.
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be back in a bit

All Star
Aug 8, 2014

Arkham City??? GARBAGE? :mindblown:
I won't get too into it because what's the point, but basically all your complaints with Rise are what I think about Batman AC. More of the same but with less focus, tons of filler, useless gadgets/XP and collectibles, boring world to explore and a weak main story and missions. I can't remember a thing about that game.

I exaggerated though, it ain't garbage. 7/10 for me. :yeshrug:

CD needs to reevaluate what they're trying to do with this series. They've got a game with no soul. Seriously, what character in this game is likable or interesting?? It ain't Lara, it ain't Jacob, It ain't ANA, it ain't Jonah. So even if the story was wack, interesting characters would make up for it but nah, that's not going on here.

I try giving searching for stuff a try and the rewards are.. unrewarding.
Im with you on this breh. Definitely. But when you bring in Batman AC and say how great it is, I feel you're ragging on Rise for the same shyt AC is guilty of. But real talk, I can't play those batman games anymore. The combat, stealth, mission design all bores me lol.

be back in a bit

All Star
Aug 8, 2014
I'll tell you what though @Fatboi1 you're right about Rise. Crystal Dynamics needs to give Tomb Raider that edge, that spice that gives it character. Ima name of a bunch of my favorite games in recent years: Bloodborne, Journey, Portal 1/2, Until Dawn, The Last of Us. As different as these games might be from each other, they all have one thing in common. Their creators had a vision and bold direction. Every one of those games knows what it wants to be and executes. None of those games are being toned down simplified with the worry of appealing to the mass market. At least not in a way that hurts the game.

- Bloodborne says "fukk you Im gonna be difficult and test you. Don't expect any handholding. We gave you good level design, figure the rest out on your own".
- Journey is the total opposite, but they were bold in making a game that had "no gameplay", a cute little character in a middle eastern looking outfit and was all just about the feeling of floating lol. It's not worried about appealing to casuals.
- Portal 1/2 doesn't even need an explanation. Most brilliant games of last gen
- Until Dawn. So much character. It's not pretending to be anything it's not. It's a interactive story and it executes to the fullest.
- The Last of Us: AAA game with no regen health, limited resources, no attempt at filler content, no worry about being too difficult for the casual player. And that's all backed up by the best storytelling in gaming.

We can both probably agree Rise is at least DECENT. I think we want it to them (Crystal D) to take it to that upper echelon of games, because they have the talent to do it. They need to look at games like the ones I mentioned and try to take it to that level.

(splitting this post in two.)
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be back in a bit

All Star
Aug 8, 2014
part 2

And since Tomb Raider used to be about puzzles and connecting environments and puzzles all together, a recent game that Crystal D should absolutely get inspiration from is The Witness. Let me say straight up, i don't want Tomb Raider to be obtuse and puzzle focused like Witness at all. But there's a general design philosophy in the Witness has that should be followed by Crystal Dynamics (and all devs period)

Make the reward of exploring a game's world rewarding in its own right. Witness doesnt give you XP, it doesnt give you collectibles. Yet exploring its world and connecting everything together is way more interesting and rewording than 100%'ing a hub in Rise. I wanna find a statue in Tomb Raider 2 hours into the game, not know what it's purpose is, and then 4 hours later be like. "oh my God, I know what this statue is for now. If I do this, it'll make that happen :lupe: "

Mystery is what we want. Don't ask me how to do it though, especially when you trying to sell 5 million copies, because i really don't know. That's up to Crystal D, and I know it ain't easy. Casuals hate having to stop and think for 2 minutes. Or at least we (and the studios) are assume they do. But if they were to make the game more challenging, mysterious and give some edge to it, we'd have an amazing game on our hands.

- Joey

(sorry Fred, stealing that signature on this one)

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May 6, 2012
part 2

And since Tomb Raider used to be about puzzles and connecting environments and puzzles all together, a recent game that Crystal D should absolutely get inspiration from is The Witness. Let me say straight up, i don't want Tomb Raider to be obtuse and puzzle focused like Witness at all. But there's a general design philosophy in the Witness has that should be followed by Crystal Dynamics (and all devs period)

Make the reward of exploring a game's world rewarding in its own right. Witness doesnt give you XP, it doesnt give you collectibles. Yet exploring its world and connecting everything together is way more interesting and rewording than 100%'ing a hub in Rise. I wanna find a statue in Tomb Raider 2 hours into the game, not know what it's purpose is, and then 4 hours later be like. "oh my God, I know what this statue is for now. If I do this, it'll make that happen :lupe: "

Mystery is what we want. Don't ask me how to do it though, especially when you trying to sell 5 million copies, because i really don't know. That's up to Crystal D, and I know it ain't easy. Casuals hate having to stop and think for 2 minutes. Or at least we (and the studios) are assume they do. But if they were to make the game more challenging, mysterious and give some edge to it, we'd have an amazing game on our hands.

- Joey

(sorry Fred, stealing that signature on this one)

Agreed. The issue I see here is they're trying to tackle all aspects of modern gaming but they're not good enough in one of em enough. The game feels very superficial and it takes itself WAYYYY too seriously. They try and keep us busy with lots of filler content but in the end none of it is worth it.


May 21, 2012
Beat it. :yawn:
Graphics was looking insane near the end. I don't think I'll play it again anytime soon.
The Yaba story DLC is good breh. I recommend it. Hopefully they'll be more story DLC in the future (I got the deluxe version)


May 6, 2012
ROTR won an award for outstanding video game writing 2016

Nominees were:
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate,
Pillars of Eternity,
Rise of the Tomb Raider,
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

You've have GOT to be fukking kidding me. Are these motherfukkers on crack?? Are they trolling? :troll:
How TLOU wins it in 2014 and then in 2016 ROTR wins an award for writing?!? How the fukk is ROTR in ANY WAY comparable to The Witcher fukking 3 in writing!?!?! Holy shyt :wow:

This is just pure bizzarro land.
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be back in a bit

All Star
Aug 8, 2014
ROTR won an award for outstanding video game writing 2016

Nominees were:
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate,
Pillars of Eternity,
Rise of the Tomb Raider,
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

You've have GOT to be fukking kidding me. Are these motherfukkers on crack?? Are they trolling? :troll:
How TLOU wins it in 2014 and then in 2016 ROTR wins an award for writing?!? How the fukk is ROTR in ANY WAY comparable to The Witcher fukking 3 in writing!?!?! Holy shyt :wow:

This is just pure bizzarro land.
we all knew Rise had better gameplay than Witcher 3. But better writing too? :blessed: