Rise of the Tomb Raider [Official Thread] PS4 finally experiencing greatness


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Its not a problem for me, just incredibly silly to release a game against fallout 4, especially one that you want to be a high profile title. I legit didn't know tomb raider even dropped today because NO one has been making any noise about it.

Thats not a good look imo, anyone who was hype for tomb raider and didn't have a XB1 can reason they'll just get Fall out 4 and enjoy that until they get over the "gotta have it week one fever" which alot of people have ( I did too for years when I was younger)

Anyway Even releasing it a week later would have allowed the game not to be over shadowed by fall out 4
This is a serious disease that so many of us have suffered from.. What is the cure as I sometimes struggle with this disease.. I think the best time to play these big WRP games is during the summer when nothing else is out..

But seriously this happens every year, all the top developers are stepping on each others toes to cash in during the holiday season. The problem is I truly think people will buy games all year and this strategy actually hurts sales I may want to get into these games but do to having a life I cant get through one game fast enough.. I think the average game would sale more if they were the only big release for that month.. But yea our of all the weeks to release this game the same day as fallout was not a good idea, I guess they want to appeal to those who aren't into fallout..

be back in a bit

All Star
Aug 8, 2014
hard to take an insult seriously from a quitting loser like yourself
Not to mention it's arguably the best game this year. All the other GOTY contenders except Bloodborne have serious flaws to them. This game is just all around godly action adventure game. Hating on this game is just foolish.
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Kang Deezy

Overall Nice Guy
May 6, 2012
The stoop with dat dope fanny padding
Break it down young gawd

Spent two years tanking in a money baseball league to win, basically sold his soul and then quit on the league in August when he could have easily won money with even the most minor effort

His excuse was he had a job

He's a loser, and a quitter

Double whammy and he's been ducking me ever since