I'll try to keep this (relatively) short lol.
I'm a Nioh SUPER stan. When it comes to combat (and with these types of games, combat is THE single most important thing IMO), there is no game that's EVER been released better than Nioh 1, let alone Nioh 2. I don't care what you think, that's simply the truth, argue with the man in the mirror. Now, considering this (and the Ninja Gaiden games), SoP and (to a lesser extent) Wo Long were two games I was initially hyped for, but it fizzled after playing the demos for each. Chaos seems like it might be fine, but all them color blasts just drove me nuts. Wo Long seemed too much of a Sekiro rip off, and I can't tolerate 'boring' from TN. So I passed on both (for now...if they get cheap enough I'll end up getting them lol). And I initially passed on this game as well.
A friend I met through Nioh game-shared this with me, and I gotta say, I'm liking it a whole lot more than I thought I would. I'm not a big fan of how much they prioritize countersparking, but other than that, I think the game is pretty damn good. Once you start unlocking combat styles, it starts to open up. It's not as deep as Nioh, but there's potential there for some really cool stuff. The only problem, is again, the reliance on the counterspark mechanic. If I can break myself away from feeling obligated to use it, I think things will get even better.
I'm still in Chapter 1 (pretty sure I'm on the precipice of heading to Edo and Chapter 2), as I take games slow, especially games like this (one, it being open world, and two, trying to wrap myself around the controls (still adjusting, as my brain is wired for Nioh's control scheme smh)). I'm enjoying 5 of the weapons so far (though the Katana seems to get ALL the love). Katana, Duals, Oxtail Blade (probably my favorite right now...such a cool ass weapon with very fun movesets), Polearm and Odachi. JUST started with Odachi, and seems like it's OP lol. I've tried spear a bit and can't get a feel for it. Saber feels like a bootleg Oxtail, Bayonet has potential and will be my next endeavor and haven't even equipped a Greatsword yet. I do like how even the regular enemies feel dangerous. Like, you get hit twice and my health is in red (I should say I'm playing on Twilight. Really, is there any other option until Midnight opens up? I wish they wouldn't dumb down the difficulty, but alas). My first REAL test was a hidden boss that I think I came across too early, and me being a stubborn jackass wouldn't leave him until I beat him. Took me some hours but got him in the end (one sitting). He gave me a great combat style for the katana though. Win. The other two hidden bosses were much easier to deal with (though bayonet boy really loves to shoot that thing smh). I also like how you have the option to use or not use allies in missions, and change as you go. So you can go through a mission with an ally (or two), then solo the boss. Or solo the mission and tag team the boss. Nice wrinkle.
I guess I'll stop rambling lol. The game is fun. Comparing it to it's 'contemporaries' (since that's part of the playbook...shytting on other games to big up the one you're playing lol): I finished Elden Ring (once was enough) & I got maybe 1/4 or 1/3 through Tsushima before I got bored. This is better than both. I know how From stans get down, so don't bother trying to argue with me. Again, these games come down to the combat FOR ME, and no matter what you say or think, TN outpaces the competition in that department 100 times out of 100. So yeah, shoutout to my boy for gamesharing, or who knows how long it woulda been before I played it, if ever.