Rhyme 4 Rhyme
Never got a full reason for Sean P.'s death either. Is what it is. Always up.l to the fam.
Nah it wasn't like Pun, but DOOM was def obese, and even though he might not have had any problems or any active medical issues, living like that can cause lots of underlying problems that you don't know about until later or can cause death. He could have had sleep apnoea, blood pressure problems, breathing problems, the list can go on and on.
Just Listening to "A Dead Mouse" when I Read this.My friend just let me know that DOOM and I share the same birthday and I've never known this whole time. It's on Saturday ya'll
He would've hit the half century mark
Anyone have any dope DOOM interviews? Video or text. Always love hearing where an artist's head was at during the making of albums.