Well yea, it looks like a dumb move because (if this wasn’t a PR relationshipSurprisingly a lot of the posts from women said the KS was right...I think it had something to do with the lori harvey/MBJ situation but im not sure

But truthfully I think she’s following her mother’s guidance. I honestly think she’s going to end up marrying for money exclusively with a much older wealthy man.
At 25, she’s not going to lose if she’s exclusively dating older men who want a trophy wife and beautiful kids. This is the other side of the game when women are aware that they are legitimately beautiful and men want them for their beauty.
No different than when successful sports players, tech billionaires, etc marry supermodels. Those women know why men want to marry them, so they marry the wealthiest guy who comes along.
The problem is REGULAR people using CELEBS as examples.
Even if you’re pretty, what do you look like comparing yourself to a gorgeous 25YO socialite whose stepdad is worth more than 100million?!

Hell, 50 YO Janet Jackson married an Middle Eastern billionaire, had a baby, divorced after 5 years. But that’s because she’s Janet Jackson. Lori is in a position to move differently.
Now personally, yes, I think MBJ was the one

If it’s all about the money, some 40 tech multimillionaire may pop up and she’ll be running down the aisle. Who knows.