herein lies the issue. everyone should be at their best for themselves first and foremost, have standards for yourself. so no I don't think that i'm understanding of your perspective. being the mark of excellence should be a goal that is personal and that also benefits others in your life. if you are solely doing things for recognition then there is still a disconnect. Men and women both have to bring something to the table and still be who they need to be regardless of being chosen or not. that is the point. we need to reform ourselves to facilitate families thriving again. If someone fall off because there wasn't enough HVM then that's on them not the lack of men.
I'd never want a woman to change for me or do things she wouldn't do for herself around me that's not real change and it wont last.
by far and large modern life demands 2 incomes in a home and the work can be evenly distributed. it doesn't need to fall on anyone person. if a woman felt like providing thrills in the bedroom is a chore then i'd want her clear n far away from me.
I see people in other communities still coupled up and having kids... neither the men nor women are "high value" but they value each other and thus raise their value collectively and raise a family plus secure the next generation. We are still stuck on needing people to be worth our time in tax brackets and assets mostly. so we still have a long way to go to answer your question. there will never be a time when the average man and woman is the most eligible and that is not where it was ever supposed to be. that you only couple up when you have essentially "made it" is absurd.
I really don’t disagree with you.
What I was trying to communicate was that in many cases there isn’t even distribution of household duties. One of the gents in my family even had a heart to heart convo with me and said that part of the reason for his divorce was expecting his wife to handle everything in the home although they both had demanding careers. He expected it to be completely old school like his mom. Until he realized that after decades of doing that left his mother tired and a bit resentful of his father now that she’s finally retired. He isn’t an anomaly; there are quite a few men who expect women to bring in their education, career and maintain the house with no comment or complaint.
Yes, we should all focus on being our best selves FOR ourselves, but if you’re in a committed relationship part of that is understanding that you should want to be your best self for your partner as well.
Young girls aren’t trained by their mothers to be good wives in the future for themselves!

They are trained to be good wives for the benefit of their future husbands and future children.
Young men aren’t guided into knowing how to head a household and provide for a wife for THEMSELVES. Their parents train them to be ready for those responsibilities so no one can say “Well what type of family did he come from? He can’t take care of business”?
The issue is tying the things we are SUPPOSED to do with a man’s CAREER/wallet and the rating score of a woman’s FACE.
Common sense says yea, pretty women probably have an easier time attracting certain men because men value beauty, and successful men have more of a pick of women because women value security, but ok. Once we acknowledge that every woman isn’t gorgeous and every man isn’t rich, then what?
What are the real things we need to focus on as a community to move forward and shield ourselves from the REAL enemy?
Also- most of the people calling into these shows have mental health issues. When you walk outside the average woman isn’t carrying on like the fools who willingly put themselves on the internet for all to see.