I haven’t watched every single video but I have watched several of them outside of clips. I also have no problem admitting he was right on the money with a few things. But I also noticed the toxic seeds he was planting. I watched one video where he basically told a young woman she thought too highly of herself because, from what I could surmise, she gave intelligent responses and didn’t present herself as a fool. Young, educated, childless…yet she was being held accountable for “something”. For having standards maybe? But yes, I also saw the delusional ones. For instance, one young lady who said she would be making millions as a therapist in the next 10 years, so she needed someone on that same level. But let’s just keep it real though. For as many delusional women who called his show, there are probably 10x the amount of delusional men who were faithful followers who believe they are the “high valued” man he was always speaking of. On this site alone, many of them have adopted his same exact vernacular and attempting to move the same exact way he did as a “high valued” man. They certainly don’t view themselves as average or below average. KS was good for an ego boost and entertainment. It becomes unhealthy when you start to view the average black woman the same as the ones who were used to provide that entertainment. Just my opinion.