So it turns out another hateful internet guru turns out to be a total hypocrite all the way to his grave. Died alone, in poor health, in an apartment that don't even belong to him, no family members to even write out the death certificate, absolutely nothing of value left behind, just a physically and mentally pour individual who led other phyiscally and mentally poor individuals into hiding their insecurities about women and money into superficial, overcompensating bully-egos.
I bet when Ben Shapiro finally kicks the bucket they'll find Wu-Tang albums, Ebony big butt magazines, and his Air Jordans collection.
Not gonna go in on the dead but man y'all need to get off these internet thought leaders. The second coming of Malcolm X aint on YouTube he's actually on television putting in the real work. He's not recording himself talking out his ass for an hour with no one to challenge his views and then uploading it. He's putting in years gathering intense research and trying to publish a real, peer-reviewed book to be read and criticized through the ages.
There's a reason these cats don't have a legitimate career in anything they espouse and have to turn to social media blogging for their own selective audience. It's a damn hustle of rhetoric and talk, not action or solution. They're all phony. Maybe one day y'all will learn to stop trusting these toxic internet figures.