how is it foolishly tryin to position themselves
who was ralph lauren prior to 1967...they was jus puttin out ties in bloomingdales
louboutin be4 91...peckerwoods do it not a word said
karl kani n his potna started on crenshaw..nikkas stold from them..
he took it didnt hit connected with ppl in new york,....n it grew...
... most luxury brands have outlets...
ion see nobody complaning about polo, tommy, nike, reebok puma adidasand all the other brands with outlets...
i dont know one person thats been pissed off they paid 100-200 for a pair shoes...that somebody else found for 60 bucks at say a nike outlet...
u get some airmax for 200 on their release..
ill wait til i catch em outlet ....would i care about u bein pissed? nope would u care i got em cheaper i doubt it...did it cheapen the nike brand nah...still fortune 500
this nikka came out and created a brand no side action from other ppl...he did it his way...and eating
him payin for a booth fee setting up at tournaments
gettin playa prices to ppl n meeting and greeting...
all profits...
bet he walked away with atleast 5-10k on that day....