This is pseudo-scientific nonsense. Melanin is a pigment, not a magical toxin filter. People like you are dangerously stupid.
Whether it is or not, this is not a safe precedent to start denying ppl treatment on the basis on skin color and some study from Poland he cites.Our immune system is better.
What you're saying is bullshyt. It's the same kind of nonsense people were spreading during the pandemic claiming that COVID doesn't affect Black people.Would you like to go on the record with this statement? Think carefully,books and google are right at your fingertips these days
melanin acts as a filter. Filtering out toxins and poisons. Which would be what medicine is to the body. So while people are sitting up here outraged by his statement. Due to the fact they we are often refused pain meds we need. Part of the reason for that is the current racial bias y'all are only reinforcing by rejecting his factual statement. They reject giving us meds because the dosage they gave you worked on Becky, whos larger in size and was in worst shape. But melanin works as a filter,and can slow the release of the toxin(medicine) into the bloodstream. It can also cause toxins to build up excessively. I'm only saying theres nuance,that many people like this sista to refuse to discuss. Melanin can be a blessing and a curse.
But I'm just a guy yapping online. Peanut gallery be clear,I've only ever advised you to fact check anything I ever say on here.
What you're saying is bullshyt. It's the same kind of nonsense people were spreading during the pandemic claiming that COVID doesn't affect Black people.
Melanin protects skin from UV rays and gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes.@Devilinurear toxins like metals,polutions,poisons,medicine,pesticides the list goes on. Melanin is often found in sensitive areas of the body and can act as a protective agent. It binds to the chemical/toxin then releases it in less harmful concentrations into the body. It puts a hold on it and releases it safer ammounts. This is valuable when your constant exposed to harmful substances like we are . But theres also something called melanin affinity. And harmful substances can also build up in sensitive areas when excessive and constant ammounts are taken in.
This is why people in here talking about doctors need to give us more pain meds when we are in pain are also wrong. Getting higher doses,consistantly isnt neccessarily good for you either due to melanin. More study on melanin is needed. The European is working on a synthetic super melanin right now,while we sit back calling it psuedo
Well your factually wrong. Melanin is a pigment,pigmented cells are what melanocytes are. Melanocytes are all throughout the body,pigmented tissues contain melanocytes. Not to mention the skin itself can absorb toxins and chemicals. Hate to break it to you,but its more than just your hair and skin color
Maybe he didn't. Maybe his "problem" is not keeping his mouth shut. Those irish crackkkaz never had love for US, esp. in Boston.I don't understand how he strayed so far from the Kennedy democrats we are familiar with
He is a disgrace to his family's name. His dad and uncles a rolling in their graves
You're talking nonsense, just like RFK Jr. Melanin is a pigment, and melanocytes produce it, but that doesn't mean melanin is some kind of biological filter for toxins or medicine. Yes, the skin can absorb chemicals, but that has nothing to do with how melanin supposedly slows medicine in the bloodstream. You're mixing basic facts with made-up conclusions. You're pushing dangerous myths that have been used to deny us our humanity and justify medical racism.@Devilinurear toxins like metals,polutions,poisons,medicine,pesticides the list goes on. Melanin is often found in sensitive areas of the body and can act as a protective agent. It binds to the chemical/toxin then releases it in less harmful concentrations into the body. It puts a hold on it and releases it safer ammounts. This is valuable when your constant exposed to harmful substances like we are . But theres also something called melanin affinity. And harmful substances can also build up in sensitive areas when excessive and constant ammounts are taken in.
This is why people in here talking about doctors need to give us more pain meds when we are in pain are also wrong. Getting higher doses,consistantly isnt neccessarily good for you either due to melanin. More study on melanin is needed. The European is working on a synthetic super melanin right now,while we sit back calling it psuedo
Well your factually wrong. Melanin is a pigment,pigmented cells are what melanocytes are. Melanocytes are all throughout the body,pigmented tissues contain melanocytes. Not to mention the skin itself can absorb toxins and chemicals. Hate to break it to you,but its more than just your hair and skin color
YupThe next Tuskegee experiment is on the way