looking at a registered nurse (b/w) on my FB stories from HS days talking about how black people are "built different" and people "been wanting our genes" and how Kennedy probably "has more access to data than we do".
lol the preceding story.....
I hate this timeline so bad.x.com
"Melanin not just secures photo-induced damage during absorption of high range of the electromagnetic spectrum, but also ensure protection against both chemical and thermal stresses. In this way, melanins are widely utilised for manufacturing photo protective creams/ cosmetics, and also for designing eye glasses or for treating radioactive wastes [67]. Melanin can not only shield our skin from UV radiation-damage and keep up thermoregulation, it also aids in managing stress response, metabolism, and immunity . Prior reports confirm that both, alfa -melanocyte stimulating hormone and melanin-concentrating hormone synthesizing gene of vertebrate are highly conserved, that bind to MRC (melanocortin receptor) of tissue and liable for different physiological activities including defence against parasitic infection . Then again, melanocortin ligand (alfa MSH and ACTH) helps in the expression of MHCI
Along these lines, melanin is every now and again utilized as healthcare material as it have cancer prevention properties, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, antitumor, immuno-stimulating, and radioprotective activities . Synthetic melanin under in-vitro condition was found to inhibit replication of HIV-1or HIV-2 and impeded HIV-1 envelope surface glycoprotein but did not interfere with the activity of reverse transcriptase enzyme and is additionally used for treating metastatic melanoma in human . Therefore, it is accepted that melanin pigment has a significant preventive role against both malignant growth and infectious diseases.
Well the good news is the European cares if don't nobody else care. One day soon they will probably be outfitting themselves in synthetic melanin to the point they all look like they have the Macho Man Randy Savage tan. I hope we all remember,we didn't give a damn. I hope we remember "we are the same as the white man