A track record. I don't need a track record, when I back up my assertions with actual documentation. I don't need approval by anyone here, to speak the truth. I also do not care if anyone really believes me, because no one affects my life on this website. What I will do is continue tell the truth, backed with data, documentation, and anecdotal evidence in the hope that others may benefit from it.
At the end of the day though, no one on this website has any power over anyone else, and so if the info is not used, well I did right by putting it out there anyway. I also suggestg again that if you are incapable of seeing me post up information that does not place the political party you believe in a positive light, you can always put me on ignore. Will not stop me from pointing out the BS of #Bothsides (Both Political Parties), but at least you will have the illusion that it is not happening.
How you feel about it though, only engenders in me Apathy. Especially when you demonstrated your bit of mental weakness calling on help. That was pitiful, if you are near my age. I am 55 years old by the way.
The delusion
You are on rhe net.
to develop a draw sir.
You not here to talk about hiphop at all.
If so...where are your reviews of relevancy on any artist ever.
Post a thread.
Post a rating system.
Post a review link.
Of which never created.
or had a draw nowhere.
You not a great writer. As you can not generate a draw in print here. Just for starters. Let alone outside of this without a degree. Even if you are a pro writer. You still huff and struggle without/with a degree to draw. Which means you are wack.
You militant.
You trying to kick knowledge. Where is your public Enemy reviews. To show you so adept at knowledge of self. That it affects your personal time. That you are so overwhelmed with cultural pride you reviewed public Enemy.
Like if you so woke. Why do you have nuffin to illustrate that culturally. If you so thorough culturally.
Then why are you not regarded culturally .
as that as far back as 88. Or any iteration.
or legacy hold over.
from ol to new school way of thought.
You are a no talent.
That is just lucky my younger self was that dope. I gave you sumfin to do with your life on rhe internet.
So spare me the bullshyt talk. Like you are a headliner. Or this great long lost x clan member as you are not. Plus you not nice in no pillar of hiphop. Nor are you regarded as being a review guy. So stop the cap.
Yousa no talent no drawing dark match in life nikka. Miss me with the c00n clandestined talk.
All your post are welled in flaug based cap.
Plus yousa failure. As in timeline you ain't did shyt relevent in timeline accomplishment and feat from a skilled grassroots cultural standpoint in your life. Incomparison to me.
Plus you had a head start to do sohh as well. Sohh miss me with the comparison and in timeline.
you ain't did shyt.
to draw comparison to me ever in yo life.
You so dope.
.well then why are you having people.
question your content here tho.
Plus failing to sway anyone to believe you. While alternatively.
I am the truth.
Staring back at you.
Chu clandestined face ass c00n.
You so dope.
Sway the crowd to believe you not flaug'n and cap'n then..
Stop trying to deflect onto side banter with me tho.
why are people saying you flaug'n. While not one ever accused me or anyone who checked you of that tho.
you the old nikkaz cap'n. You are the one with questionable content at your age sir.
No matter of save face here and there commentary to flaug is going to save you. When the essence of your post. Are not rooted in good faith?
Plus you too old not to know that. So that is also why you have people saying you flaug'n.
Post so nobody can accuse you of flaug'n. Maybe then you would not have people saying you cap'n..you old ass goofie.
Art Barr