Reverse Racism: (non gundumb edition)


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Yes, I researched the term to learn more about the origin and history of it. If I felt as if the term cracker itself was an insult toward white people then I'd view it as a racial slur. I've been repeating the same thing over and over yet you still don't comprehend. I've posed the same questions over and over yet you still haven't intelligently answered any of them. If you were to ask me how ****** is a slur for the black race I'd be able to explain why. A person from china would be able to explain why chink is racist, so on and so on. Since you've decide to throw te cape on for white people, why can't you explain why cracker is an insult to the white race? It is because it is doesn't fly.

Well I admitted that I don't know why cracker is an insult toward whites, that's just something I've known, I've never had any reason to question

But thank you for enlightening me and HL and the coli that cracker in no way is a racial slur or insult toward whites

That would be news to a lot of people, especially the people that actually use it



Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
where this thread has gone is right up there with Wacky D saying "Bone Thugs don't sing"


May 1, 2012
Well I admitted that I don't know why cracker is an insult toward whites, that's just something I've known, I've never had any reason to questionWell that's a big part of your problem, you just accept things without questioning it. That's called being mentally lazy. People like you are easy to manipulate. You say that it's an insult for white people so it has to mean something, what does it mean in the context of beig a racial slur? I can tell you what ****** means.

But thank you for enlightening me and HL and the coli that cracker in no way is a racial slur or insult toward whites

That would be news to a lot of people, especially the people that actually use it

:laff:Again, when a poster here calls another poster a cracker or cac, what do they mean besides calling the person white? Sure you can use adjectives in conjunction with cracker to make it a dis, but how is the term itself anything more than slang to refer to white people? You want to ignore or dismiss history and the relevance that it has in this discussion, but without the history of pain and oppression associated with ****** then it wouldn't be a racial slur. Without the history, ****** would be to everybody what nikka is amongst young black people. Nothing but a slang term.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
You haven't broken anything down. You didn't say anything worth a damn in that post. What makes a black person using the term cracker automatically negative?
This should be obvious, but calling someone out of their name is almost always offensive....

But in your case I can picture it now....

Gravity talking to his boss
Gravity: Hello cracker
Gravity's Boss: :what:

Why doesn't the context in which it is used matter?
:stopitslime: I already broke this down....

If I say cracker, there's nothing positive about my usage of the words.
If my friends and I, reference the word cracker, there's nothing remotely positive about the context. How you douche bags(offensive term), ever managed to flip cracker into a positive term is beyond my comprehension.

Like I said, if you can't call talk to your fellow employees or boss in manner it's probably not a good term....

We didn't create the term to belittle whites.
White people didn't create the term n1gga, they coined ****** and we made nikka. By using your logic, it would be acceptable for a white person to say n1gga.

The main problem with white people saying nikka, is if they get too comfortable with you they'll probably start to use the words: n1gga and n1gger interchangeably in front of you. Thus, the best way of fighting this, is by acting intolerable toward the usage of n1gga and other potential racial slurs

We dont have a history of using that term to reinforce white inferiority.
Once again, nothing is or probably will be on the same level as n1gger. If you were a critical thinker, you'd be able to denounce these notions...

You have to explain these dumbass statements.


May 1, 2012
This should be obvious, but calling someone out of their name is almost always offensive....

But in your case I can picture it now....

Gravity talking to his boss
Gravity: Hello cracker
Gravity's Boss: :what:
I agree, calling someone out of their name Or referring to an individual in general terms is usually offensive. Your example is stupid though, which is no surprise. I said that I use the term cracker as a slang term for white people, a term to refer to white people in general or as a whole. I never claimed that I used it to refer to individuals, that's just silly. I don't have a boss, but you wouldn't go up to your boss and say "hello white person" would you? That would be offensive too, right? Is the term "white person" itself offensive though? No, it's not.

:stopitslime: I already broke this down....

If I say cracker, there's nothing positive about my usage of the words.
If my friends and I, reference the word cracker, there's nothing remotely positive about the context. How you douche bags(offensive term), ever managed to flip cracker into a positive term is beyond my comprehension.

Like I said, if you can't call talk to your fellow employees or boss in manner it's probably not a good term....
I never said that the term cracker was positive. Cracker is a neutral term just like "white person" is neutral. Is there anything positive about calling someone a "white man/woman"? I don't think so, it would depend on the context. It's the same for cracker. You don't walk around referring to your co workers as white men and white women do you? "Hey white man, do this and that......Hey white woman, where are those reports?" You don't think that would be offensive?

White people didn't create the term n1gga, they coined ****** and we made nikka. By using your logic, it would be acceptable for a white person to say n1gga.
****** is an English word, English people are white, that means that white people created the word ******. You're not capable of following my logic because you seem to lack common sense. White people don't need your acceptance to use the word ******, and they never have. They created the term then used it to imbed the idea that blacks are inferior in people's minds, and they still use it today.

The main problem with white people saying nikka, is if they get too comfortable with you they'll probably start to use the words: n1gga and n1gger interchangeably in front of you. Thus, the best way of fighting this, is by acting intolerable toward the usage of n1gga and other potential racial slurs
So you are back trying to equate cracker with ****** huh? Cracker is not a racial slur you nitwit. The reason that a white person using the term ******(or any variation) in reference to blacks is disrespectful is because of the history associated with the word. Without that history then ****** wouldn't be a racial slur. Cracker has no such history, so why would a white person be legitimately disrespected by the term? You havent made 1 intelligent argument for why it is a racial slur, yet you keep trying to pass that BS off as a legit point.

Once again, nothing is or probably will be on the same level as n1gger. If you were a critical thinker, you'd be able to denounce these notions...
You're another idiot, and it wouldn't be so bad if you were not so hard headed and close minded. You keep repeating the same dumb shyt over and over even after its been refuted. It's not about levels, cracker is not a racial slur period. You claim that it demeans white people but you can't explain how. You keep trying to make this false equivalence between ****** and cracker and I just don't get it. Are you white? If not then take the damn cape off, they damn sure don't need your help.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Gravity are any white people you know cool with you calling them cracker?

I guess I should start, do you call white people crackers to their face?

I should probably start even further back. Do you know any white people?

Present a scenario to us in which calling a white person a cracker to their face would be cool. It would probably be similar to a situation where a white person calling a black person a ****** or nikka would be cool (i.e. non existent, hence proving the term "cracker" = offensive, even if its nowhere near as offensive or steeped in history as "******").

If we want to move forward as a people a good place to start would be to cut out the double standards we create & use to justify our own stupidity. What purpose does the term "cracker" serve beyond some pointless reaction to the pain caused by the use and history of "******"?


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Gravity are any white people you know cool with you calling them cracker?

I guess I should start, do you call white people crackers to their face?

I should probably start even further back. Do you know any white people?

Present a scenario to us in which calling a white person a cracker to their face would be cool. It would probably be similar to a situation where a white person calling a black person a ****** or nikka would be cool (i.e. non existent, hence proving the term "cracker" = offensive, even if its nowhere near as offensive or steeped in history as "******").

If we want to move forward as a people a good place to start would be to cut out the double standards we create & use to justify our own stupidity. What purpose does the term "cracker" serve beyond some pointless reaction to the pain caused by the use and history of "******"?


Is this thread about something being "cool" to do in someone's face, or is it about racism? Or so-called reverse racism against white people?

I can legitimately call every white person I see an idiot and reserve that term specifically for them and it still not be racist. Its just an insult. What is hard to understand about this?

Insult =/= racist.

Guess Who

May 5, 2012
Personally, as a black person, I don't see the point in using any kind of racially derogatory term towards anybody, including white people. Yes, white people did horrible things to my ancestors and even to my family during my lifetime, but I'm not going to give away my personal power by reacting to it with anger, a manifestation of pain and hurt feelings.

I really do not gain anything by using the term cac or cracker or anything like that. It doesn't make me feel good, or cool, or funny, or make me feel like I fit-in within an internet community. Regardless of whether anybody is hurt by it, or if it actually is a racial slur, or what-have-you, I just don't see any reason to use any terms like that.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk

Is this thread about something being "cool" to do in someone's face, or is it about racism? Or so-called reverse racism against white people?

I can legitimately call every white person I see an idiot and reserve that term specifically for them and it still not be racist. Its just an insult. What is hard to understand about this?

Insult =/= racist.
Where in my post did I mention racism?

If you look at my first post in this thread I address that. What is/isn't racist seems to depend on one's own definition of racism, which many of us conveniently feel can only be imparted through a racial power structure. So I'm not really looking to get into that discussion because ultimately I'd be arguing people's opinions of what they feel a definition of a word should be, as opposed to how people should be have within a context of decency and equity (i.e. do unto others)

So is the word "cracker" racist? I don't know. It's not really of any consequence to me. What I am trying to understand is

- the value of its use as a pejorative (i.e. how does calling white people CACs on a 99% black message board help anyone or anything, what is the reasoning)
- the reasoning of its use as a pejorative
- the justification of its use in the context of complaints of widespread, institutionalized white on black racism (i.e. how can one complain about the use of "******" and turn around and use "cracker")

It seems to me like folks want to have their cake and eat it too; painting with a broad brush to legitimize their own prejudice/bigotry and resulting behaviors

Like I said before, if folks think calling white folks CACs does anything besides make themselves look ignorant, bigoted and lazy....



May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Where in my post did I mention racism?

If you look at my first post in this thread I address that. What is/isn't racist seems to depend on one's own definition of racism, which many of us conveniently feel can only be imparted through a racial power structure. So I'm not really looking to get into that discussion because ultimately I'd be arguing people's opinions of what they feel a definition of a word should be, as opposed to how people should be have within a context of decency and equity (i.e. do unto others)

So is the word "cracker" racist? I don't know. It's not really of any consequence to me. What I am trying to understand is

- the value of its use as a pejorative (i.e. how does calling white people CACs on a 99% black message board help anyone or anything, what is the reasoning)
- the reasoning of its use as a pejorative
- the justification of its use in the context of complaints of widespread, institutionalized white on black racism (i.e. how can one complain about the use of "******" and turn around and use "cracker")

It seems to me like folks want to have their cake and eat it too; painting with a broad brush to legitimize their own prejudice/bigotry and resulting behaviors

Like I said before, if folks think calling white folks CACs does anything besides make themselves look ignorant, bigoted and lazy....


People call each other a multitude of different rude/insulting things on this board. Why is cac worse than calling somebody a "jackass" or "dikkhead". Why do we single out the word cac saying it makes people reverse racist, When people say plenty of more insulting things on this board? I've seen the word cac used and laughed about, but not in a racist, "I hate white people" kinda way.
I have a problem with somehow comparing cac and nikka as equal. That's just not true. When you hear the word cac you don't think of dead relatives hanging on trees. You don't think of being treated less than human. You might feel insulted by the word but in no way does it compare to the emotions brought forth by the word nikka.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
I agree, calling someone out of their name Or referring to an individual in general terms is usually offensive. Your example is stupid though, which is no surprise. I said that I use the term cracker as a slang term for white people, a term to refer to white people in general or as a whole. I never claimed that I used it to refer to individuals, that's just silly. I don't have a boss, but you wouldn't go up to your boss and say "hello white person" would you? That would be offensive too, right? Is the term "white person" itself offensive though? No, it's not.

I never said that the term cracker was positive. Cracker is a neutral term just like "white person" is neutral. Is there anything positive about calling someone a "white man/woman"? I don't think so, it would depend on the context. It's the same for cracker. You don't walk around referring to your co workers as white men and white women do you? "Hey white man, do this and that......Hey white woman, where are those reports?" You don't think that would be offensive?

****** is an English word, English people are white, that means that white people created the word ******. You're not capable of following my logic because you seem to lack common sense. White people don't need your acceptance to use the word ******, and they never have. They created the term then used it to imbed the idea that blacks are inferior in people's minds, and they still use it today.

So you are back trying to equate cracker with ****** huh? Cracker is not a racial slur you nitwit. The reason that a white person using the term ******(or any variation) in reference to blacks is disrespectful is because of the history associated with the word. Without that history then ****** wouldn't be a racial slur. Cracker has no such history, so why would a white person be legitimately disrespected by the term? You havent made 1 intelligent argument for why it is a racial slur, yet you keep trying to pass that BS off as a legit point.

You're another idiot, and it wouldn't be so bad if you were not so hard headed and close minded. You keep repeating the same dumb shyt over and over even after its been refuted. It's not about levels, cracker is not a racial slur period. You claim that it demeans white people but you can't explain how. You keep trying to make this false equivalence between ****** and cracker and I just don't get it. Are you white? If not then take the damn cape off, they damn sure don't need your help.
w/e to each its own.....

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
People call each other a multitude of different rude/insulting things on this board. Why is cac worse than calling somebody a "jackass" or "dikkhead". Why do we single out the word cac saying it makes people reverse racist, When people say plenty of more insulting things on this board? I've seen the word cac used and laughed about, but not in a racist, "I hate white people" kinda way.
I have a problem with somehow comparing cac and nikka as equal. That's just not true. When you hear the word cac you don't think of dead relatives hanging on trees. You don't think of being treated less than human. You might feel insulted by the word but in no way does it compare to the emotions brought forth by the word nikka.

Heres the issue. Well two really. When someone says nikka on a record do you think of dead relatives hanging from trees or being treated less than human? Why does the word have so much weight just based on the color of skin of the person saying it, regardless of intention?

And theres a difference between jackass/dikkhead and "CAC". Jackass/dikkhead = insulting one's actions. CAC = attacking someone for being/acting white. If thats what people wanna do, cool, but then don't cry if someone throws back an insult for acting black. Like I said people just want to have their cake and eat it too. Just calling a spade a spade


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Heres the issue. Well two really. When someone says nikka on a record do you think of dead relatives hanging from trees or being treated less than human? Why does the word have so much weight just based on the color of skin of the person saying it, regardless of intention?

And theres a difference between jackass/dikkhead and "CAC". Jackass/dikkhead = insulting one's actions. CAC = attacking someone for being/acting white. If thats what people wanna do, cool, but then don't cry if someone throws back an insult for acting black. Like I said people just want to have their cake and eat it too. Just calling a spade a spade

What is the definition of cac?

What is the definition of ******?

Cac=white person

******=ignorant savage less than human

Black people have been called AND TREATED like ******s so long that we decided to embrace it and be proud of the so-called ******s of the past. That's why i can hear a black person say it and not get upset. It still brings up memories of the past but in a "glass half full" kind of way. If a white person says it, it doesn't automatically make them racist. But there are VERY limited circumstances in which a white person using the word would be admissible knowing the history of hate associated with the word.

And last "attacking you for being/acting white" shouldn't be an insult to you if you are white. There is nothing wrong with being white in my book. Being that this is a black/hiphop culture website, it does make you different, somewhat of an outsider but you knew that when you signed up.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
What is the definition of cac?

What is the definition of ******?

Cac=white person

******=ignorant savage less than human

Black people have been called AND TREATED like ******s so long that we decided to embrace it and be proud of the so-called ******s of the past. That's why i can hear a black person say it and not get upset. It still brings up memories of the past but in a "glass half full" kind of way. If a white person says it, it doesn't automatically make them racist. But there are VERY limited circumstances in which a white person using the word would be admissible knowing the history of hate associated with the word.

And last "attacking you for being/acting white" shouldn't be an insult to you if you are white. There is nothing wrong with being white in my book. Being that this is a black/hiphop culture website, it does make you different, somewhat of an outsider but you knew that when you signed up.

A ****** is not an "ignorant savage less than human", a ****** is a black person, and for the record not all black people have accepted it and black people do get upset at hearing black people call themselves ******s

So don't try to speak for all black people