yeah i get that, you also said that you have your own definition of racial slur that is different than the dictionary
so to straighten it out, its not a racial slur according to your definition of racial slurI've done no such thing, you're lying. We all seem to agree that a racial slur is a deragatory term used to disparage an entire race. The question is how does cracker fit that definition? The term cracker did not originate as a disparaging term for all whites, so when did it become one?
so your definition of racial slur is that it has to be used to discriminate and oppress people not just insult people, which is fine, you have the right to create your own vocabularyIt's obvious that you need to build these strawmen to respond to because you're incapable of responding to what I'm actually saying. Again I don't have my own definition for racial slur, I'm simply saying that the term cracker doesn't fit the definition. Lots of terms are insulting, but not every insulting term is a racial slur. The term cracker in and of itself does not insult the entire white race.
i think insulting and oppressing people is just a matter of a dOegree, when you get use to insulting people as a group, it take a hop skip and a jump, some power and bad leaders to turn that insult into oppression, so thats why i say its just a matter of degreeYet, you can't explain what's insulting about the term cracker. I could explain why terms like ******, chink, ect insults entire races of people. You can't explain how/why cracker insults the white race.
its true that except in rare instance black people do not have the power to actually oppress whites, and so calling white people cracker is not the same thing as ******, but again that is a matter of a degreeNo, it's not a matter of degree. It's not the same thing period.
but either way, instead of arguing about semantics, what i am saying is that cracker is an insult toward white people, it always has been, thats all i am sayingI know that's what you're saying. I'm asking for an above 80 IQ explanation for why youve taken this position. As long as you insist upon responding I'll continue to ask the same questions. How does cracker insult white people and whats the insult?
but lets have it your way, lets say a racial slur has to be insulting AND oppressive, are you saying that cracker is not an insult toward whites?Wow, did you just pick on this? I've only said that cracker is not a racial slur about 100 times. You're going on and on in trying to debate some strawman argument that I havent made so I'll stop here. I haven't made up my own definition for what a racial slur is, I'm simply saying that cracker doesn't fit the definition. You can't explain how it fits the definition, your only explanation is that it's a racial slur because it's a racial slur. The funny part is that you and some others think that that's an intelligent argument.