Reverse Racism: (non gundumb edition)


May 24, 2012
Tha Land

i actually find these stories hard to believe, maybe its some fantasy that yall have

but i will tell you this, if this is true or you fantasize about something like this its ok to call your buddy a cracker because you are a very non threatening buffoonish negro so they dont take you seriously, second what also likely happens or you fantasize about is that your white buddy also says nikka and yall laugh about it

which goes to my point that yall are just a bunch of russel-simmons-its-ok-for-paltrow-to-say-nikka type negros

you aint really about that life, if you where really about that life you would have a one sentence explanation as to why you call white people crackers

Being "about that life" isn't siting on the Internet complaining about what some rich white lady said. You have insulted me more than I would let anyone in real life black or white. And if we where face to face YOU wouldn't be talkin this silly shyt to me. FOH here with that threatening Negro shyt. I comand respect by carrying myself with dignity and respect for my fellow man. Something you obviously couldn't understand.

You have already proven yourself to be an idiot, why keep going?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Being "about that life" isn't siting on the Internet complaining about what some rich white lady said. You have insulted me more than I would let anyone in real life black or white. And if we where face to face YOU wouldn't be talkin this silly shyt to me. FOH here with that threatening Negro shyt. I comand respect by carrying myself with dignity and respect for my fellow man. Something you obviously couldn't understand.

You have already proven yourself to be an idiot, why keep going?

first of of all how exactly have i insulted you, im just repeating what you said

i called you a non threatening buffoonish its-ok-for-white-people-to-say-nikka russell simmons type negro

so lets break it down

non threatening - you are obviously non threatening, thats why your white buddies think its ok for you to call them a cracker, they feel comfortable around you and throughout this thread you have made it clear that you do not mean any thing negative against white people and your use of cracker is not a threat

buffonish - you like buffooning around with your white friends about cracker and you apparently think the-coli is just a silly forum to joke around, so the only reason you are here is to carry on your buffoonish tendencies online

its-ok-for-white-people-to-say-nikka - you already admitted to this, you even wrote an essay a la russell on when its ok for white people to say nikka

russell simmons type why is this is an insult? like you said russell has done a lot for the black community

negro - i dont know if you find this insulting, i can refer to you as a nikka if you prefer

so over all calling you a "non threatening buffoonish its-ok-for-white-people-to-say-nikka russell simmons type negro" is pretty accurate going by your own posts


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Of course you dont see the agenda, youre a closeminded idiot. There is certainly an agenda in trying to define the term cracker as a racist slur. Whites use terms like "reverse racism" as tools of deflection. Trying to make the term cracker a racial slur and equating it with ******, is a way to deflect from the institution of white supremacy. It's a way to reduce racism to nothing but petty name calling which distracts you from seeing the real picture. They don't want you to care about history, they want you to remain ignorant. They count on idiots like you believing something without questioning it just because they said so. The only reason that you believe that cracker is a racial slur is because the white man told that it was, and you don't have the guts or intellect to question him.

the reason i believe cracker is a racial slur is because is becuase it is a racial slur

if you are saying that cracker is not as bad as ******, i can agree with that, but that wouldnt make cracker not a racial slur

what you are arguing for is just a matter of degree, which is fine, but the idea that black people are winning if you say cracker is not a racial slur is just dumb

im against the use of both cracker and nikka and ******, and i think the same people trying to push cracker are the same people tying to push nikka and ****** as a normal word, i think they are leading black people the wrong way and are not uplifting black culture

and also the use of nikka and cracker is making hip hop look buffonish, im not for banning the word, but im against trying to make these words normal, thats where im coming from, it has nothing to do with trying to protect white people

Yet you can't explain why it's racist. The best explanation that you have produced for the term being racist is "I don't know the history of the word, I just know that everybody thinks that it's racist." The funny thing is that you don't even realize how stupid you look, ignorance truly is bliss.

yeah thats basically it, and i still want to know where is it that grew up in that cracker was not used a racial slur

I haven't made one excuse for calling white people crackers. I use it as slang because I feel like it. My posts aren't excusing the fact that I say cracker, they're supporting the fact that the term is not racist. You're extremely slow.

and i repeat, if you say you use cracker because you feel like it and leave it at that, i would respect that

but you dont have the balls to leave it at that, you continue writing essays and giving history lectures trying to explain yourself, which i find extremely corny

Save your sub-80 IQ psychoanalysis. This isn't hyperbole, you're one of the dumbest people I've engaged in awhile.

LOL, ok russell

This is an example of your stupidity, just to show that I'm not just insulting you. My posts aren't an explanation for why I sometimes refer to whites as crackers, they're an explanation for why the term itself isn't racist. You don't even comprehend the topic of debate, that's how stupid you are.

and what i am saying is that your explanation is corny, its basically saying is that its not racist becuase it doesnt have the same history as ******, which is true, but that not would make it not a racial slur, thats just a matter of a degree, it just makes cracker a lesser racial slur than ******

and your other argument that you personally just use it as slang opens the door to white people saying nikka, cuz using your logic its ok for white people to say nikka as long as its said in a non racist way


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
first of of all how exactly have i insulted you, im just repeating what you said

i called you a non threatening buffoonish its-ok-for-white-people-to-say-nikka russell simmons type negro

so lets break it down

non threatening - you are obviously non threatening, thats why your white buddies think its ok for you to call them a cracker, they feel comfortable around you and throughout this thread you have made it clear that you do not mean any thing negative against white people and your use of cracker is not a threat

buffonish - you like buffooning around with your white friends about cracker and you apparently think the-coli is just a silly forum to joke around, so the only reason you are here is to carry on your buffoonish tendencies online

its-ok-for-white-people-to-say-nikka - you already admitted to this, you even wrote an essay a la russell on when its ok for white people to say nikka

russell simmons type why is this is an insult? like you said russell has done a lot for the black community

negro - i dont know if you find this insulting, i can refer to you as a nikka if you prefer

so over all calling you a "non threatening buffoonish its-ok-for-white-people-to-say-nikka russell simmons type negro" is pretty accurate going by your own posts

You claim to be "about that life" and "pro black" but it's people like you who are holding our race back. You claim to be so righteous and against racism. But in this thread you have embraced all of the racist hateful inuendo the slave masters implanted in our head hundreds a years ago and directed it toward me. Your words and attitude in this thread are more damaging to black people than Gweneth paltrow or anybody else saying the word nikka. This is what "they" want, they'd rather us fight and call each other jiggaboos and point fingers at people and continue with the hatred. Cause as long as we are hating each other we are not concentrating on the REAL problems we face. Instead of being mad at Gweneth Paltrow for saying nikka. We should look at the culture that has made the word nikka find a place in Gweneth paltrows mouth. You should be mad at the people who made a song called "nikkas and Paris" then shipped it all over the world.

Our ancestors that fought for our freedom didn't give a fukk about rich white folks saying the word nikka thousands of miles away in Paris. They cared that they where given equal rights and an equal chance at the American dream. You are disrespecting them by not finishing the fight they started. fukk what a white person does or doesn't say. Our ancestors fought for us to have a chance to have a voice in this society. And to use that voice to better our people. Not to hate everyone that disagrees with us. They fought for EQUALITY not for black people to be "threatening negros". White people would rather you be a threatening Negro cause then they can shoot you ala Travon Martin, and claim self defense. But if you carry yourself with dignity and use your voice with intelegance and integrity, then they HAVE to respect you and your voice.

(and before you even say it. I'm not saying trevon wasn't carrying himself right. But nikkas like YOU trying to be threatening are who make white people feel justified in thinking all of us are threatening)

You have been brainwashed into fighting the wrong fight. White peole are happy when they hear us fighting each other over the use of nikka or anything else. Cause then we are not fighting REAL racism and inequality.

Now I'm done with you. I know your going to continue to post your vile hateful ignorant rhetoric. But I hope you try to learn something.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
You claim to be "about that life" and "pro black" but it's people like you who are holding our race back. You claim to be so righteous and against racism. But in this thread you have embraced all of the racist hateful inuendo the slave masters implanted in our head hundreds a years ago and directed it toward me. Your words and attitude in this thread are more damaging to black people than Gweneth paltrow or anybody else saying the word nikka. This is what "they" want, they'd rather us fight and call each other jiggaboos and point fingers at people and continue with the hatred. Cause as long as we are hating each other we are not concentrating on the REAL problems we face. Instead of being mad at Gweneth Paltrow for saying nikka. We should look at the culture that has made the word nikka find a place in Gweneth paltrows mouth. You should be mad at the people who made a song called "nikkas and Paris" then shipped it all over the world.

Our ancestors that fought for our freedom didn't give a fukk about rich white folks saying the word nikka thousands of miles away in Paris. They cared that they where given equal rights and an equal chance at the American dream. You are disrespecting them by not finishing the fight they started. fukk what a white person does or doesn't say. Our ancestors fought for us to have a chance to have a voice in this society. And to use that voice to better our people. Not to hate everyone that disagrees with us. They fought for EQUALITY not for black people to be "threatening negros". White people would rather you be a threatening Negro cause then they can shoot you ala Travon Martin, and claim self defense. But if you carry yourself with dignity and use your voice with intelegance and integrity, then they HAVE to respect you and your voice.

(and before you even say it. I'm not saying trevon wasn't carrying himself right. But nikkas like YOU trying to be threatening are who make white people feel justified in thinking all of us are threatening)

You have been brainwashed into fighting the wrong fight. White peole are happy when they hear us fighting each other over the use of nikka or anything else. Cause then we are not fighting REAL racism and inequality.

Now I'm done with you. I know your going to continue to post your vile hateful ignorant rhetoric. But I hope you try to learn something.

im not about that life, meaning a black militant, i never claimed to be, my point is that if you are gonna say cracker it should be a racial slur at whites, and it should be used in a derogatory manner toward whites

this whole thing talking about "cracker is not racist" and "i mean no harm" type sh*t, i just find it extremely corny and buffoonish

and thats my whole point about the paltrow-russell-simmons-nikka thing, its pure buffonishnes, and i am mad at the people that made nikkas in paris including jay-z and kanye and their record label, they are all buffoons and are leading black culture into the gutter

and the widespread use of cracker is also leading black culture into the gutter

and i said from the beginning of the thread, i dont even have any real interest in fighting racism and i said point blank that people have the right to be racist, what i am fighting for is uplifting black culture, upliftng black culture is more important than fighting racism


May 1, 2012
the reason i believe cracker is a racial slur is because is becuase it is a racial slurYes I get it. You're a complete idiot who's unable to explain your beliefs. I laugh at your stupidity, must be tough.

if you are saying that cracker is not as bad as ******, i can agree with that, but that wouldnt make cracker not a racial slur

what you are arguing for is just a matter of degree, which is fine, but the idea that black people are winning if you say cracker is not a racial slur is just dumbI'm speaking in plain English, you're just too dumb to comprehend. No, I'm not saying that cracker is a racial slur that's not as bad as ******. I'm saying that cracker is not a racial slur. I said nothing about black people winning by saying cracker. Again Slingblade, I'm saying that cracker is not a racial slur. Get that through your thick head.

im against the use of both cracker and nikka and ******, and i think the same people trying to push cracker are the same people tying to push nikka and ****** as a normal word, i think they are leading black people the wrong way and are not uplifting black cultureWho care what you are against? This isn't about what you are against, this is a debate over whether cracker is a racial slur. Your opinions on what's best for the black community mean absolutely nothing because you're a complete dummy. You can't even explain yourself or articulate why you feel the way that you feel.

and also the use of nikka and cracker is making hip hop look buffonish, im not for banning the word, but im against trying to make these words normal, thats where im coming from, it has nothing to do with trying to protect white people
Your entire existence in this discussion has been to defend/protect white people from being called crackers. You've spent the entire time arguing on their behalf, pushing their agenda of deflection. You're just too dumb to realize it.

yeah thats basically it, and i still want to know where is it that grew up in that cracker was not used a racial slurThat's it, and that's why you aren't getting any respect. If your only argument for saying hat cracker is a racial slur is "because I said so" or "because it just is" then you don't have an argument. You're a clown who's overprotective of his perceived massa'. I'm actually a pretty reasonable guy and would be willing to respectfully agree to disagree ifyou could make an intelligent argument, but you aren't capable of that. Plus you have a bytchy tone, which is why I'm taking pleasure in giving this verbal/mental asswhipping.

and i repeat, if you say you use cracker because you feel like it and leave it at that, i would respect that

but you dont have the balls to leave it at that, you continue writing essays and giving history lectures trying to explain yourself, which i find extremely cornyYour stupidity is corny. Again, I'm not explaining why I choose to say cracker. I'm explaining why cracker isn't a racist slur. I guess a lack of intelligence and short attention span go hand in hand. You continue to get lost and show the inability to focus on the topic at hand. This is a debate about whether cracker is a racist slur.

LOL, ok russellYou got it Tom.

and what i am saying is that your explanation is corny, its basically saying is that its not racist becuase it doesnt have the same history as ******, which is true, but that not would make it not a racial slur, thats just a matter of a degree, it just makes cracker a lesser racial slur than ******No, it's not that it doesn't have the same history of racism as ******, it's that it doesn't have a history of racism associated with the term period. Every other racist slur has some kind of history of oppression and discrimination associated with it, and that's what makes it a racist slur. There is no history of racism associated with cracker. Not only can you not make an intelligent counter argument, you have to spin my argument just make these stupid little BS responses. You're in bad shape son.

and your other argument that you personally just use it as slang opens the door to white people saying nikka, cuz using your logic its ok for white people to say nikka as long as its said in a non racist wayNobody has to open the door for white people to say ******, they've never stopped saying it you idiot. 2nd and for the 100th time, I'm not making the argument that I'm saying cracker in the non racist way. I'm saying that cracker isn't a racist term period. Your dumbass is incapable of following my logic.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
but i will tell you this, if this is true or you fantasize about something like this its ok to call your buddy a cracker because you are a very non threatening buffoonish negro so they dont take you seriously, second what also likely happens or you fantasize about is that your white buddy also says nikka and yall laugh about it

which goes to my point that yall are just a bunch of russel-simmons-its-ok-for-paltrow-to-say-nikka type negros

you aint really about that life, if you where really about that life you would have a one sentence explanation as to why you call white people crackers

:whoo: another sig worthy ether by TWISM cot damn....

*finishes reading through thread*


May 1, 2012
:whoo: another sig worthy ether by TWISM cot damn....

*finishes reading through thread*
Yea right. Just because you and him are shook or intimidated by white people doesn't mean that the rest of us are. Just the thought of any of you being scared to call a white person a cracker to their face is funny.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
Yea right. Just because you and him are shook or intimidated by white people doesn't mean that the rest of us are. Just the thought of any of you being scared to call a white person a cracker to their face is funny.

why would it matter, since you claim it's not an insult, and just a synonym for "white people"


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Yea right. Just because you and him are shook or intimidated by white people doesn't mean that the rest of us are. Just the thought of any of you being scared to call a white person a cracker to their face is funny.

m3h, I'd break it down but you've already been outted as a troll.......

But feel free to read some fundamental philosophy, that'll challenge you to be more open minded in your thought process TML...

Philosophy Bro: Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave": A Summary

I'm pretty sure TWISM is just doing it for kicks now...It's funny how 90% of the thread agrees that cracker is a racial slur, yet there's a couple idiots who denounce the notion...

Statistically, there's always going to be opposers(haters) and exceptions to the rules. Sohh I feel like I'm on the right side :dwillhuh: :win:


May 1, 2012
m3h, I'd break it down but you've already been outted as a troll.......

But feel free to read some fundamental philosophy, that'll challenge you to be more open minded in your thought process TML...

Philosophy Bro: Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave": A Summary

I'm pretty TWISM is just doing it for kicks now...It's funny how 90% of the thread agrees that cracker is a racial slur, yet there's a couple idiots who denounce the notion...

Statistically, there's always going to be opposers(haters) and exceptions to the rules. Sohh I feel like I'm right :dwillhuh: :win:
You can't even break down your own feelings in an articulate manner, let alone break anything down for me. I don't see a poll here, where did you get the stat that 90% of people in this thread think that cracker is a racial slur? Out of your ass, which only makes sense because that's where your head is.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
You can't even break down your own feelings in an articulate manner, let alone break anything down for me. I don't see a poll here, where did you get the stat that 90% of people in this thread think that cracker is a racial slur? Out of your ass, which only makes sense because that's where your head is.

dawg you've already been outted as a troll several pages back. Heck I was the one of the first posters attacking your claims.....


You don't really want me to go back and count the amount of people who agree with OP vs Under-educated / close minded individuals....

But keep on trolling......


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I'm speaking in plain English, you're just too dumb to comprehend. No, I'm not saying that cracker is a racial slur that's not as bad as ******. I'm saying that cracker is not a racial slur. I said nothing about black people winning by saying cracker. Again Slingblade, I'm saying that cracker is not a racial slur. Get that through your thick head.

Who care what you are against? This isn't about what you are against, this is a debate over whether cracker is a racial slur. Your opinions on what's best for the black community mean absolutely nothing because you're a complete dummy. You can't even explain yourself or articulate why you feel the way that you feel.

yeah i get that, you also said that you have your own definition of racial slur that is different than the dictionary

so to straighten it out, its not a racial slur according to your definition of racial slur

so your definition of racial slur is that it has to be used to discriminate and oppress people not just insult people, which is fine, you have the right to create your own vocabulary

i think insulting and oppressing people is just a matter of a degree, when you get use to insulting people as a group, it takes a hop skip and a jump, some power and bad leaders to turn that insult into oppression, so thats why i say its just a matter of degree

its true that except in rare instance black people do not have the power to actually oppress whites, and so calling white people cracker is not the same thing as ******, but again that is a matter of a degree

but either way, instead of arguing about semantics, what i am saying is that cracker is an insult toward white people, it always has been, thats all i am saying

but lets have it your way, lets say a racial slur has to be insulting AND oppressive, are you saying that cracker is not an insult toward whites?

Your entire existence in this discussion has been to defend/protect white people from being called crackers. You've spent the entire time arguing on their behalf, pushing their agenda of deflection. You're just too dumb to realize it.

my whole existence in this discussion has been toward uplifting black culture

That's it, and that's why you aren't getting any respect. If your only argument for saying hat cracker is a racial slur is "because I said so" or "because it just is" then you don't have an argument. You're a clown who's overprotective of his perceived massa'. I'm actually a pretty reasonable guy and would be willing to respectfully agree to disagree ifyou could make an intelligent argument, but you aren't capable of that. Plus you have a bytchy tone, which is why I'm taking pleasure in giving this verbal/mental asswhipping.

you are not giving me a verbal ass whipping and why do you refuse to say where you grew up at? where is the city that cracker is not used a racial slur (or insult) towards whites?

Your stupidity is corny. Again, I'm not explaining why I choose to say cracker. I'm explaining why cracker isn't a racist slur. I guess a lack of intelligence and short attention span go hand in hand. You continue to get lost and show the inability to focus on the topic at hand. This is a debate about whether cracker is a racist slur.

No, it's not that it doesn't have the same history of racism as ******, it's that it doesn't have a history of racism associated with the term period. Every other racist slur has some kind of history of oppression and discrimination associated with it, and that's what makes it a racist slur. There is no history of racism associated with cracker. Not only can you not make an intelligent counter argument, you have to spin my argument just make these stupid little BS responses. You're in bad shape son.

the problem is that your argument that its not a racial slur is based on a non dictionary definition of a racial slur

but lets for argument's sake say its not racial slur, are you saying that cracker is not an insult toward whites?

Nobody has to open the door for white people to say ******, they've never stopped saying it you idiot. 2nd and for the 100th time, I'm not making the argument that I'm saying cracker in the non racist way. I'm saying that cracker isn't a racist term period. Your dumbass is incapable of following my logic.

so you are saying that cracker is not only NOT a racial slur, you are saying it has no no negative racial connotations at all? really? LOL