the reason i believe cracker is a racial slur is because is becuase it is a racial slur
Yes I get it. You're a complete idiot who's unable to explain your beliefs. I laugh at your stupidity, must be tough.
if you are saying that cracker is not as bad as ******, i can agree with that, but that wouldnt make cracker not a racial slur
what you are arguing for is just a matter of degree, which is fine, but the idea that black people are winning if you say cracker is not a racial slur is just dumb
I'm speaking in plain English, you're just too dumb to comprehend. No, I'm not saying that cracker is a racial slur that's not as bad as ******. I'm saying that cracker is not a racial slur. I said nothing about black people winning by saying cracker. Again Slingblade, I'm saying that cracker is not a racial slur. Get that through your thick head.
im against the use of both cracker and nikka and ******, and i think the same people trying to push cracker are the same people tying to push nikka and ****** as a normal word, i think they are leading black people the wrong way and are not uplifting black culture
Who care what you are against? This isn't about what you are against, this is a debate over whether cracker is a racial slur. Your opinions on what's best for the black community mean absolutely nothing because you're a complete dummy. You can't even explain yourself or articulate why you feel the way that you feel.

and also the use of nikka and cracker is making hip hop look buffonish, im not for banning the word, but im against trying to make these words normal, thats where im coming from, it has nothing to do with trying to protect white people
Your entire existence in this discussion has been to defend/protect white people from being called crackers. You've spent the entire time arguing on their behalf, pushing their agenda of deflection. You're just too dumb to realize it.
yeah thats basically it, and i still want to know where is it that grew up in that cracker was not used a racial slur
That's it, and that's why you aren't getting any respect. If your only argument for saying hat cracker is a racial slur is "because I said so" or "because it just is" then you don't have an argument. You're a clown who's overprotective of his perceived massa'. I'm actually a pretty reasonable guy and would be willing to respectfully agree to disagree ifyou could make an intelligent argument, but you aren't capable of that. Plus you have a bytchy tone, which is why I'm taking pleasure in giving this verbal/mental asswhipping.
and i repeat, if you say you use cracker because you feel like it and leave it at that, i would respect that
but you dont have the balls to leave it at that, you continue writing essays and giving history lectures trying to explain yourself, which i find extremely corny
Your stupidity is corny. Again, I'm not explaining why I choose to say cracker. I'm explaining why cracker isn't a racist slur. I guess a lack of intelligence and short attention span go hand in hand. You continue to get lost and show the inability to focus on the topic at hand. This is a debate about whether cracker is a racist slur.
LOL, ok russell
You got it Tom.
and what i am saying is that your explanation is corny, its basically saying is that its not racist becuase it doesnt have the same history as ******, which is true, but that not would make it not a racial slur, thats just a matter of a degree, it just makes cracker a lesser racial slur than ******
No, it's not that it doesn't have the same history of racism as ******, it's that it doesn't have a history of racism associated with the term period. Every other racist slur has some kind of history of oppression and discrimination associated with it, and that's what makes it a racist slur. There is no history of racism associated with cracker. Not only can you not make an intelligent counter argument, you have to spin my argument just make these stupid little BS responses. You're in bad shape son.
and your other argument that you personally just use it as slang opens the door to white people saying nikka, cuz using your logic its ok for white people to say nikka as long as its said in a non racist way
Nobody has to open the door for white people to say ******, they've never stopped saying it you idiot. 2nd and for the 100th time, I'm not making the argument that I'm saying cracker in the non racist way. I'm saying that cracker isn't a racist term period. Your dumbass is incapable of following my logic.