Reverse Racism: (non gundumb edition)


All Star
May 28, 2012
Who uses cracker to demean whites? How does the term demean whites? Racist slurs are used to belittle an entire race as being somehow inferior, give me an example of how cracker has been used that way.

(to the other poster)It's obvious that you don't know the history of the word, but your ignorance is no excuse because you have the resources to do the knowledge. You're sitting up here trying to argue me down over a something that you're ignorant of.

Posters on SOHH/COLI ... which is what I thought the thread was originally about; racial slurs and their use on these forums. But let's not be naive here. Plenty of people use that term to demean whites, including whites themselves.

How? Again, I don't know the history of the word, and I don't see how it matters, but it's comparing them to a pasty, flat baked good. :huh:. Not saying it's a particularly clever slur, but neither is tar baby and the like..

There are examples all though-out this forum.


May 1, 2012
Posters on SOHH/COLI ... which is what I thought the thread was originally about; racial slurs and their use on these forums. But let's not be naive here. Plenty of people use that term to demean whites, including whites themselves.

How? Again, I don't know the history of the word, and I don't see how it matters, but it's comparing them to a pasty, flat baked good. :huh:. Not saying it's a particularly clever slur, but neither is tar baby and the like..

There are examples all though-out this forum.
So what is the dis? When a poster here calls another poster a cracker, they're just calling that poster white. Unless being called white is somehow a dis, I don't get your point. Racial slurs have meaning based on the origin of the term. You don't even know what cracker means. It has nothing to do with comparing white people to crackers in the edible context. You're another person who's ignorant, yet refuses to educate yourself. "I don't know the history of the word", well shut up and learn the history of the word and then come back to the discussion.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
The distinction is that kike is a term that references the oppression and discrimination of a certain group of people. The term cracker does not.

thats trivial information and the definition of a racial slur is not "a term that references the oppression and discrimination of a certain group of people."

the definition of a racial slur is word that is used as to disparage a certain racial group

so cracker is still a racial slur


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
So what is the dis? When a poster here calls another poster a cracker, they're just calling that poster white. Unless being called white is somehow a dis, I don't get your point. Racial slurs have meaning based on the origin of the term. You don't even know what cracker means. It has nothing to do with comparing white people to crackers in the edible context. You're another person who's ignorant, yet refuses to educate yourself. "I don't know the history of the word", well shut up and learn the history of the word and then come back to the discussion.

breh, seriously, where did you grow up?


May 1, 2012
thats trivial information and the definition of a racial slur is not "a term that references the oppression and discrimination of a certain group of people."

the definition of a racial slur is word that is used as to disparage a certain racial group

so cracker is still a racial slur
That brings me back to the original questions. What does cracker mean? How does the word void of context disparage the white race? Since it didn't originate as a racial slur then when did it become one? Yea yea, you don't know you just know that everybody knows that it's a racial slur.


All Star
May 28, 2012
So what is the dis? When a poster here calls another poster a cracker, they're just calling that poster white. Unless being called white is somehow a dis, I don't get your point. Racial slurs have meaning based on the origin of the term. You don't even know what cracker means. It has nothing to do with comparing white people to crackers in the edible context. You're another person who's ignorant, yet refuses to educate yourself. "I don't know the history of the word", well shut up and learn the history of the word and then come back to the discussion.

Okay, if you think being called a cracker has the same connotation as being called white, fine. There's no talking to you anymore. You have closed your eyes and ears to the rest of the world. As I said before, the way the word might have originated, and the way Malcolm X used it is completely different. The way people might have used it in 1750, and the way people use it now is completely different. Definitions, and usages change and that's what's important.

You might interpret someone using cracker as meaning white. Someone else might think it means idiot, dumbazz or something like that (as a poster that agrees with you posted). You seem to be trying deny the fact that sometimes it is used in an attempt to demean whites. How am I the ignorant one when I posted a link to the contextual history of the word, and examples of it used historically to demean whites. Okay buddy :heh:


All Star
May 28, 2012
thats trivial information and the definition of a racial slur is not "a term that references the oppression and discrimination of a certain group of people."

the definition of a racial slur is word that is used as to disparage a certain racial group

so cracker is still a racial slur

Yeah, that's a ridiculous definition of a racial slur. That means it doesn't matter what slur you use to reference white people, since they've never been oppressed in the U.S., they are somehow void of ever being the target of a racist term. :hmm: Fukk outta here.


All Star
May 28, 2012
That brings me back to the original questions. What does cracker mean? How does the word void of context disparage the white race? Since it didn't originate as a racial slur then when did it become one? Yea yea, you don't know you just know that everybody knows that it's a racial slur.

It means different things to different people. It depends on who's using it. For you, I guess you use cracker and white interchangeably. TheReal brought up a good point earlier. Do you use cracker to refer to your white co-workers in the work place? I highly doubt it. Why? Is it because you know some people recognize the negative connotation behind it, and might take offense, and you might find yourself meeting with HR? Like, seriously breh, where is this bubble that you live in where white and cracker is used interchangeably, or mean exactly the same thing?


May 2, 2012
Since it didn't originate as a racial slur...

yeah u gotta look at the 5th definition of cracker to see it as a slur, while the n-word is its own word. and this has been said but tied to that word is generations of slavery, genocide, discrimination, and hate. attached to the word cracker is generations of snacking.

and i dont care about intent because both groups bring different power to implement hate. calling whites cracker perpetuates verbal disrespect, i dont have to say the other word is a different beast.

lotta blatant trolling in this thread, by and for the Diseased Man.


May 1, 2012
Okay, if you think being called a cracker has the same connotation as being called white, fine. There's no talking to you anymore. You have closed your eyes and ears to the rest of the world. As I said before, the way the word might have originated, and the way Malcolm X used it is completely different. The way people might have used it in 1750, and the way people use it now is completely different. Definitions, and usages change and that's what's important. People still use the term in different ways today. I've never denied that cracker can be used in a derogatory way depending on the context. Obviously Malcolm was using it in a derogatory way in reference to racist whites in power. Here's a quote from Bill Clinton though

" You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the 'cracker vote' there."

So was it a racial slur when he used it? No, it wasn't. Like I've been saying, the word itself is not a racist slur and it never has been. It can be used as a slur depending on the context, just like the term caucasoid can be used as a slur if used in a certain context.

You might interpret someone using cracker as meaning white. Someone else might think it means idiot, dumbazz or something like that (as a poster that agrees with you posted). You seem to be trying deny the fact that sometimes it is used in an attempt to demean whites. How am I the ignorant one when I posted a link to the contextual history of the word, and examples of it used historically to demean whites. Okay buddy :heh:When ad where did you post the contextual history of the word? I called you ignorant because you admitted that you don't know the history of the word. Again I'm not denying that it can be used to demean whites depending on the context. I'm simply saying that the context in which it is used matters. Caucasoid can be used to demean whites depending on the context, does that make the word itself a racial slur?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Yeah, that's a ridiculous definition of a racial slur. That means it doesn't matter what slur you use to reference white people, since they've never been oppressed in the U.S., they are somehow void of ever being the target of a racist term. :hmm: Fukk outta here.

That's the dictionary definition of a racial slur, so I think your beef is with the dictionary

I'm honestly not sure what the rest of your post means


May 1, 2012
It means different things to different people. It depends on who's using it. For you, I guess you use cracker and white interchangeably. TheReal brought up a good point earlier. Do you use cracker to refer to your white co-workers in the work place? I highly doubt it. Why? Is it because you know some people recognize the negative connotation behind it, and might take offense, and you might find yourself meeting with HR? Like, seriously breh, where is this bubble that you live in where white and cracker is used interchangeably, or mean exactly the same thing?
I don't live in any bubble. I'm not an employee though, so I don't have to worry about any I that. I have had white associates and I've never had a 1 of them complain about being called a cracker. The Internet is the only place that I've ever heard whites whine about being called crackers.

You and I pretty much agree, you just too sensitive on white people's behalf. There is no legit reason for whites to be insulted the term in and of itself. It's all about the context.
That's the dictionary definition of a racial slur, so I think your beef is with the dictionary

I'm honestly not sure what the rest of your post means
Who wrote the dictionary? Do you not think that those people have agendas? I assume you dont read much, but have you at least seen the movie Malcolm X?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
It means different things to different people. It depends on who's using it. For you, I guess you use cracker and white interchangeably. TheReal brought up a good point earlier. Do you use cracker to refer to your white co-workers in the work place? I highly doubt it. Why? Is it because you know some people recognize the negative connotation behind it, and might take offense, and you might find yourself meeting with HR? Like, seriously breh, where is this bubble that you live in where white and cracker is used interchangeably, or mean exactly the same thing?
This is an informal online message board. There are plenty of things we ALL say here that wouldn't be appropriate in a professional setting. But in a relaxed setting with white friends I have used the word cracker and they where not offended, in fact one of my best friends and business partner is white and he and I stay calling people crackers. The word cracker alone is not racist. The intensions behind the word can be.

A good comparison is the word "boy" we could use the word all day and it not be racist. But in a certain context the word can be very racist and the user could be racist for saying it in that context.


All Star
May 28, 2012
People still use the term in different ways today. I've never denied that cracker can be used in a derogatory way depending on the context. Obviously Malcolm was using it in a derogatory way in reference to racist whites in power. Here's a quote from Bill Clinton though

" You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the 'cracker vote' there."

So was it a racial slur when he used it? No, it wasn't. Like I've been saying, the word itself is not a racist slur and it never has been. It can be used as a slur depending on the context, just like the term caucasoid can be used as a slur if used in a certain context.

You might interpret someone using cracker as meaning white. Someone else might think it means idiot, dumbazz or something like that (as a poster that agrees with you posted). You seem to be trying deny the fact that sometimes it is used in an attempt to demean whites. How am I the ignorant one when I posted a link to the contextual history of the word, and examples of it used historically to demean whites. Okay buddy When ad where did you post the contextual history of the word? I called you ignorant because you admitted that you don't know the history of the word. Again I'm not denying that it can be used to demean whites depending on the context. I'm simply saying that the context in which it is used matters. Caucasoid can be used to demean whites depending on the context, does that make the word itself a racial slur?

I hate when you do this. It makes it hard to quote your text, and I gotta do extra just to reply to nonsense.

But yes, Bill Clinton used the word without the intent to demean. Does that mean it's not a slur? Of course not. Just like when blacks use the n-word without the intent to invoke years of oppression. The context behind the words use matters, and it can be used as a slur, as you've just admitted.