Zombies come back stronger unless you burn or decapitate them?
MAde the mistake of playing this shyt on the hardest difficulty even though I have beaten it multiple times...not even at the snake and I am already out of bullets.
They should've done this with RE2 this go round anyway. They already remade the original for GC, but re2 is the favorite of the series for a lot of people including myself.Never played the first one so
It's new to me
If this sells well....yall think they'll do the same for RE2?
They def upped the difficulty on this from the PS1 version (never played Gamecube version). I set it on normal and it took 15 bullets to take down the first zombie
Used my PS1 strategy: I stepped back, ran into the hallway and unloaded on the zombie......breh started eating me anyway.....knocked him down, pumped bullets into him and he still got up
Im streamin