It’s the Republican way. Smoke and mirrors from top to bottom. They are not concerned with fixing any institutional injustices, much less completely eliminating them. They get off on receiving federal money and sitting on it until everyone forgets; Abbott did the same damn thing here and redirected federal covid and disaster relief funds for his border vanity project and funneled some into white communities.
The article clearly outlines the frustration of the other side. The money was earmarked with an express purpose - that’s how we know where the money is going! Furthermore, if there remains enough for everyone, why play games in the first place?
Sadly, it works. Rather than look into things, it is simply glossed over because it appealed to a certain mindset and satiated that reptilian need to dominate the other. ADOS basically just means black republican…because if I went through any of the bullshyt my ancestors did, the last thing I would consider myself would be American.