Only hoe cac in this thread is Reggie Bush's wife making kool-aid and watermelon jokes, which you shrugged off...
it's obvious you're not gonna address the hypocrisy of your actions, so I'll just keep it moving.
dude, just get out the convo
seriously. unless we as whites are addressing other whites racism in these types of topics then we really shouldn’t be commenting or being critical of the conversation dynamic between black people.
you, your self have commented on me insterting my opinions when they don’t belong in conversations like that, so let’s stop with our cognitive dissonance and listen to what he and other posters are telling you/us
it’s not really our place to comment on or tell black men and women how they should be discussing topics like this, especially in terms of each other.
both of us as posters have been checked many times for this, yet still continue to do it. it needs to stop now.
we can have conversations with black people that are respective without being intruding and over stepping our boundaries. this is a black space and it’s time you and i respect that.