I've done the research, even posted the results either here but likely on sohh. What's happening here is what you call a jedi mind trick. If you look up the origin of the term redskin you'll find that a native American tribe that lived near Chicago would always wear red paint. Usually tribes did that when at war but this one particular tribe would wear it at all times and they called themselves "Redskins" not sure if im paraphrasing the S at the end but yes. And I can showcase that but before I do I gotta address why some native Americans are cool and others are not with the name. It's about education, then you gotta see the jedi mind trick that gets applied. This quote in a nutshell will reveal what's going on...
This is a top voice representing native Americans saying he doesn't know where the word originates but white folk say it's bad so fukk my history I guess he was too busy to do the research. I can direct anyone to sources but I'm sure wikipedia should have some of that info with links. Let me see....
Redskin - Wikipedia
But it doesn't stop with that. When designing the logo they had native Americans create it so they wouldn't do the thing that bothered native Americans the most. They way they are depicted, the caricatures. I fully understand why any race of ppl would be like "nah, we good" especially with that Cleveland Indians logo I grew up with. But that truth doesn't mean Redskins gotta go too. Only if you are surrendering your true history to your oppressor origin of the logo...
So in conclusion, ignorance on the matter and allowing white people to lead your fight for equality will lead to jedi mind tricks.
Next time we'll delve into the word ****** and how white folks didn't really invent that either. They just pronounced it differently then added "ignorant" to the meaning so they can jedi mind trick and now it's the ugliest word in the language of the people who historically hated black everything. Let's do a quick review of the origin...
Most Americans today will say the ignorant line but that is part of the mind trick
But who cares about facts and truths right?
Are you really using Wikipedia as a reference?
You can’t even turn in a paper on college campuses using Wikipedia as a reference without the professor giving you an F