The only person you are fooling is yourself, its comical. You stop reading because you are a simpleton and have no true ability to debate even though you ask people to do so LOL. THEY ALL EXPRESSED THE INFLUENCE OF OUTKAST, YOU SAID OUTKAST HAD NO INFLUENCE lol. The fukk you talking about dummy?
Oh so DJing is being a vulture? lol. Maybe I should make a fake alias called 'Homeboy Runny Run' to promote the Cold Crush Brothers on Unsung to be more Hip Hop! You can do better than that lil Wacky D. I know you stayed up till 3:30 AM trying to argue then were up first thing in the morning to do it but you can honestly do better. Maybe you should take a nap and try again?
You were dissing them. Completely trying to discredit them. This is the SECOND thread you've made doing it. They weren't hot, they have no influence, the only reason people talk about them is because of 'The Machine' and the like. That is beyond dissing them. It is much more than just saying 'They suck' You've literally made TWO threads about it and spent at least 15-20 hours arguing people about it over the course.
There is literally 100 people in here telling you are wrong but all of us have the culture gap, not you. The all knowing, all supremely Hip Hop Wacky D. Wacky D is more hip hop than Q-Tip and Nas. Nothing left to see here.
for every person that disagrees, theres someone that agrees, whether you care to acknowledge them or not.
the thing is, 90% of the people disagreeing are the types that i dont want to be in agreement with. so im good.
and as for your little links, AGAIN, youve shown me nothing that goes against anything i said in this thread.
i didnt say that outkast had no influence. i said their influence is minimal. minimal in comparison to groups that are of the status that yall are trying to place them at in retrospect.
the funny thing is, theres other people in here that have dwelled on their lack of influence way more than i have. yet, you havnt said chit to them. instead, you proceed to act as if its just me & only me saying this.

as for the rest of this post, i dont know what the f*ck youre talking about.
its like i said in my previous post. its that cultural communication gap at work again. it played out exactly how i said.
where i say something, and you take it completely out of context and type up an essay about some ole other chit.
this is how i can tell that youre not used to being around real niccas. not even real heads. im talking real niccas. cuz theres no way you carry yourself like this around real ones without getting ya chit split, unless youre the complet opposite offline & come around quiet & humble.