Reasons Why Outkast Will Never Be Seen As GOAT Contenders By Most Real Heads

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
The only person you are fooling is yourself, its comical. You stop reading because you are a simpleton and have no true ability to debate even though you ask people to do so LOL. THEY ALL EXPRESSED THE INFLUENCE OF OUTKAST, YOU SAID OUTKAST HAD NO INFLUENCE lol. The fukk you talking about dummy?

Oh so DJing is being a vulture? lol. Maybe I should make a fake alias called 'Homeboy Runny Run' to promote the Cold Crush Brothers on Unsung to be more Hip Hop! You can do better than that lil Wacky D. I know you stayed up till 3:30 AM trying to argue then were up first thing in the morning to do it but you can honestly do better. Maybe you should take a nap and try again?

You were dissing them. Completely trying to discredit them. This is the SECOND thread you've made doing it. They weren't hot, they have no influence, the only reason people talk about them is because of 'The Machine' and the like. That is beyond dissing them. It is much more than just saying 'They suck' You've literally made TWO threads about it and spent at least 15-20 hours arguing people about it over the course.

There is literally 100 people in here telling you are wrong but all of us have the culture gap, not you. The all knowing, all supremely Hip Hop Wacky D. Wacky D is more hip hop than Q-Tip and Nas. Nothing left to see here.

for every person that disagrees, theres someone that agrees, whether you care to acknowledge them or not.
the thing is, 90% of the people disagreeing are the types that i dont want to be in agreement with. so im good.
and as for your little links, AGAIN, youve shown me nothing that goes against anything i said in this thread.

i didnt say that outkast had no influence. i said their influence is minimal. minimal in comparison to groups that are of the status that yall are trying to place them at in retrospect.
the funny thing is, theres other people in here that have dwelled on their lack of influence way more than i have. yet, you havnt said chit to them. instead, you proceed to act as if its just me & only me saying this.:whistle: that chit is gay. thats why im not taking you serious at all and i just string you along for laughs.

as for the rest of this post, i dont know what the f*ck youre talking about.
its like i said in my previous post. its that cultural communication gap at work again. it played out exactly how i said.
where i say something, and you take it completely out of context and type up an essay about some ole other chit.
this is how i can tell that youre not used to being around real niccas. not even real heads. im talking real niccas. cuz theres no way you carry yourself like this around real ones without getting ya chit split, unless youre the complet opposite offline & come around quiet & humble.


Southern California/Vegas
May 1, 2012
The Coli's 420th member
for every person that disagrees, theres someone that agrees, whether you care to acknowledge them or not.
the thing is, 90% of the people disagreeing are the types that i dont want to be in agreement with. so im good.
and as for your little links, AGAIN, youve shown me nothing that goes against anything i said in this thread.

i didnt say that outkast had no influence. i said their influence is minimal. minimal in comparison to groups that are of the status that yall are trying to place them at in retrospect.
the funny thing is, theres other people in here that have dwelled on their lack of influence way more than i have. yet, you havnt said chit to them. instead, you proceed to act as if its just me & only me saying this.:whistle: that chit is gay. thats why im not taking you serious at all and i just string you along for laughs.

as for the rest of this post, i dont know what the f*ck youre talking about.
its like i said in my previous post. its that cultural communication gap at work again. it played out exactly how i said.
where i say something, and you take it completely out of context and type up an essay about some ole other chit.
this is how i can tell that youre not used to being around real niccas. not even real heads. im talking real niccas. cuz theres no way you carry yourself like this around real ones without getting ya chit split, unless youre the complet opposite offline & come around quiet & humble.

I read 3 lines then gave up, sitting here typing paragraphs about nothing :dead:

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
@OnlyInCalifornia isnt even one of those cool white buls that you can build with. youre just one of those dudes that people are nice to cuz you show up and DJ or do whaever. probably be at the sweetest spots too, but whatever.:laugh:

youre the type of white rap fan that gets mad at lord jamar videos - ive seen you get mad in some of those threads, btw. youre also the same guy that couldnt believe that kids are raised up on this chit from a young age. youre a visitor and thats cool but know your role.

youre not cut like that. sure, you can enjoy this chit and participate but youre one of those dudes that get too big for their britches and thats why you always get chitted on.

as far as this thread goes, the main idea of it all is that we didnt f*ck with outkast LIKE THAT.
i know theres no in-between for alot of you internet types, so i guess i gotta spell it all the way out. im not saying niccas didnt f*ck with outkast at all. im not saying theyre wack. im not even saying that they arent legends. im saying that we generally didnt f*ck with them LIKE THAT. they werent contenders for the throne during their time, let alone all-time.

theres certain credentials that you gotta have to be awarded such distinctions. thats what you internet dudes dont understand. yall think yall can just log on & champion your favorite rappers to ridiculous levels out the blue. nah man. you gotta have the resume to back all that chit up.

now i understand where im at. this is the internet. outkast always had a strong following of black fans that stayed in the house or grew up in the burbs, and white fans on the outside looking-in. i truly get it. but just know, as long as its still people like myself & others that still care about this chit, yall arent gonna be coming into our place of residence and putting your feet on the furniture. youre a guest.


Southern California/Vegas
May 1, 2012
The Coli's 420th member
@OnlyInCalifornia isnt even one of those cool white buls that you can build with. youre just one of those dudes that people are nice to cuz you show up and DJ or do whaever. probably be at the sweetest spots too, but whatever.:laugh:

youre the type of white rap fan that gets mad at lord jamar videos - ive seen you get mad in some of those threads, btw. youre also the same guy that couldnt believe that kids are raised up on this chit from a young age. youre a visitor and thats cool but know your role.

youre not cut like that. sure, you can enjoy this chit and participate but youre one of those dudes that get too big for their britches and thats why you always get chitted on.

as far as this thread goes, the main idea of it all is that we didnt f*ck with outkast LIKE THAT.
i know theres no in-between for alot of you internet types, so i guess i gotta spell it all the way out. im not saying niccas didnt f*ck with outkast at all. im not saying theyre wack. im not even saying that they arent legends. im saying that we generally didnt f*ck with them LIKE THAT. they werent contenders for the throne during their time, let alone all-time.

theres certain credentials that you gotta have to be awarded such distinctions. thats what you internet dudes dont understand. yall think yall can just log on & champion your favorite rappers to ridiculous levels out the blue. nah man. you gotta have the resume to back all that chit up.

now i understand where im at. this is the internet. outkast always had a strong following of black fans that stayed in the house or grew up in the burbs, and white fans on the outside looking-in. i truly get it. but just know, as long as its still people like myself & others that still care about this chit, yall arent gonna be coming into our place of residence and putting your feet on the furniture. youre a guest.

:dead: @ typing a novel about me and making shyt up. I never said kids couldn't be raised in Hip Hop. I said *YOU* specifically were not listening to the Cold Crush Bros when you weren't able to walk. You were talking about being an authority on music that you didn't take part in because you were not born yet. You aren't even 30 years old talking like you lived in the late 70s and 80s Hip Hop from PA.

Shouts to everyone giving me daps and reps.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
I read 3 lines then gave up, sitting here typing paragraphs about nothing :dead:

of course you "gave up" once i started talking real chit.
i see you and your white devil tactics.

line 3 is also right before i force you to acknowledge the fact that im not even the main one in here getting on outkast about certain stuff such as their minimal influence.

of course you didnt read that. because then you cant brush me off as crazy.


Southern California/Vegas
May 1, 2012
The Coli's 420th member
of course you "gave up" once i started talking real chit.
i see you and your white devil tactics.

line 3 is also right before i force you to acknowledge the fact that im not even the main one in here getting on outkast about certain stuff such as their minimal influence.

of course you didnt read that. because then you cant brush me off as crazy.

Nah, it comes back to you don't argue with fools because from a distance you can't tell who is who.

I appreciate the novels about me and all the little assumptions you made up in your head.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
Nah, it comes back to you don't argue with fools because from a distance you can't tell who is who.

I appreciate the novels about me and all the little assumptions you made up in your head.

funny how your posts done shrunk like a muhf*cka all a sudden.

as soon as that real talk comes into play huh? chit aint no coincidence.

:dead: @ typing a novel about me and making shyt up. I never said kids couldn't be raised in Hip Hop. I said *YOU* specifically were not listening to the Cold Crush Bros when you weren't able to walk to a point you could understand.

Shouts to everyone giving me daps and reps.

dog i remember you followed me around for like a year back on :hamster: because you couldnt grasp the idea that i had an album collection in elementary school.

you are so far-removed from the culture, its laughable.

and now youre resorting to bullchit that i never even talked about with you. when did i claim to listen to cold crush when i couldnt walk? i wasnt even alive when they were peaking.

see this is the dumb chit that im talking about. youre not even a cool white bul. you just joe as hell. mad annoying.

shouting out daps & reps? look at who daps you as opposed to who daps me? you get daps from the trolls, dikkheads & culture-vultures. your most credible dapper is @JustCKing.


Southern California/Vegas
May 1, 2012
The Coli's 420th member
dog i remember you followed me around for like a year back on :hamster: because you couldnt grasp the idea that i had an album collection in elementary school.

you are so far-removed from the culture, its laughable.

and now youre resorting to bullchit that i never even talked about with you. when did i claim to listen to cold crush when i couldnt walk? i wasnt even alive when they were peaking.

see this is the dumb chit that im talking about. youre not even a cool white bul. you just joe as hell. mad annoying.

No one followed you around. Ever. That you made up in your head. See when you make public threads on a public message board and people reply to them, they are not actually 'following you' they are responding to threads in a public forum.

Yes Wacky D I am so far removed from the culture. You know that from your apartment in Philly, 3000 miles away, based on the fact that I don't agree with your idea that Outkast isn't a top 5 all time group and never was. It's posts that like this that really have you show your hand and your level of intelligence.

I really don't care if you think I am cool or not. I think you are a complete moron and a weirdo really. As for the Cold Crush comment, you stay talking about artists as if you were grown in the 80s. You aren't even 30 years old but you stay trying to talk about the impact that artists had before you could go to the bathroom yourself. That is why you made your Homeboy Runny Run alias until it got exposed.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
No one followed you around. Ever. That you made up in your head. See when you make public threads on a public message board and people reply to them, they are not actually 'following you' they are responding to threads in a public forum.

Yes Wacky D I am so far removed from the culture. You know that from your apartment in Philly, 3000 miles away, based on the fact that I don't agree with your idea that Outkast isn't a top 5 all time group and never was. It's posts that like this that really have you show your hand and your level of intelligence.

I really don't care if you think I am cool or not. I think you are a completely moron and a weirdo really.

man this aint even about outkast. this thread REALLY isnt about them either.
on some real chit, even when i was living in the south, i had to log on to the internet to talk about them. theyre so not a factor cannon.

again, communication barriers. im not saying that you LITERALLY followed me around like a troll, but whenever you disagreed with me in a thread, you would pull a lame move and bring that chit up, not knowing that it made you look stupid as f*ck. you didnt fallback on that chit until other people started sonning you. that and the thread where you got destroyed for saying "hip-hop is american culture".
May 2, 2012
meanwhile, following other men around from thread-to-thread FOR YEARS is something that fakkits do to feel better.:dame:

this thread is probably the reason why you stalk me.

now go run along and slice your wrists. freak.
Do we have a history? :heh:
I don't even remember details of a prior exchange with you, this but appearantly there was one that hit you hard. You have a billion posts, so yeah chances are I've come across your nonsense across the board several times and addressed it

You insult like a white girl too
No one followed you around. Ever. That you made up in your head. See when you make public threads on a public message board and people reply to them, they are not actually 'following you' they are responding to threads in a public forum.

Apparently all people that have ever commented on the nonsense he posts is following him.


Southern California/Vegas
May 1, 2012
The Coli's 420th member
man this aint even about outkast. this thread REALLY isnt about them either.
on some real chit, even when i was living in the south, i had to log on to the internet to talk about them. theyre so not a factor cannon.

again, communication barriers. im not saying that you LITERALLY followed me around like a troll, but whenever you disagreed with me in a thread, you would pull a lame move and bring that chit up, not knowing that it made you look stupid as f*ck. you didnt fallback on that chit until other people started sonning you. that and the thread where you got destroyed for saying "hip-hop is american culture".

You have such a great memory breh why are you struggling to find this thread you keep referencing? You can't say you don't remember, you have detailed memories of me from years ago. You can't say you don't have time because you've literally just typed about a thousand works at me from about 3 am till now.

Breh, why don't you tell everyone how old you are? So people can really understand that in 1993-1994 you really were not old enough to understand the impact of what you are speaking on.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
like i said, @OnlyInCalifornia is not a cool ass white bul. he comes thru with those white devil tactics.

this dude came in here talking nothing but off-topic chit for days.
then i come back with some real chit thats also ON-TOPIC, and suddenly im the one making posts about nothing.

f*ck off kool-aid face.